Saying I'd like to see someone pick up there teeth with broken fingers doesn't literally mean I'd like to see that happen, in the same way calling someone a twat doesn't mean I literally think they are the female reproductive organs, it means that they are being a muggy dick head, but not that they literally have dick on or as there head. Do you see?
I see two different things. However, I understand the basic point - that you wanted to put Flyboy in his place in some way, and felt that the best way to do this would be to indulge in a lurid fantasy about a caged and physically abused woman being displayed for your entertainment. I think the question here is one of appropriate tools, or if you'd rather inappropriate tools. The image of a caged, beaten and abused woman, and the idea that you would watch and get off on the physical evidence of that abuse is not an appropriate tool for attacking Flyboy. The splash damage, in terms of the impact it may have on other readers, is disproportionate and, rather pertinently, it does not seem to make people think "Ah! See how Flyboy has been bested!" It makes people think, on current evidence "Gosh, Mathlete really has some issues" and possibly "Perhaps he should be banned for the safety and comfort of those who might otherwise be exposed to them". However, the broader discussion there is in Policy. So, in my capacity as a moderator in Film, Television and Theater: Mathlete, women's bodies are not an appropriate theatre of war for you to battle Flyboy, in part because, as we have already seen, it will lead to threadrot. As such, I would suggest strongly that you refrain from now on from conduct in this thread that would suggest you are seeking to do this, which would probably include speculation about physical violence you would like to inflict or see inflicted on women in the Big Brother House. |