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Big Brother 8.


Page: 12345(6)78910

Happy Dave Has Left
11:20 / 12.06.07
Gosh. Didn't know that.

*goes to hunt down Policy thread*
Alex's Grandma
14:19 / 12.06.07
Is he happy though, where he is now?

Isn't LiveJournal ia bit like the Christian Heaven, with all it's conceptual flaws - all right, you don't have to get your hands dirty, but it must get a bit dull up there, all the same. Which is to say nothing of what it must be like to have to descend to the base earth, like one of the characters in 'Wings Of Desire', in order to comment on, say, Seany's repehensible antics - Digital Spy seems inappropriate, somehow.

(This is the last I'm saying on the subject - I'll be putting my decrepit shoulder to the wheel from here on in. Even though it might affect my 'No Claims ' bonus at BUPA, in ways that are frankly terrifying.)
15:20 / 12.06.07
Bumped into him a few times on DS... he seems to be enjoying himself.

Anyway. Seany.

First impressions can be misleading, can't they?

And they can also be so very, very right. Even understated, in fact.

The latter is the case with this Hucknallesque buffoon.
Jawsus-son Starship
15:26 / 12.06.07
hey, hey, less of the shawneeee hate, I've been waiting for the cross-breed of Timmy Mallet and Mick Hucknell to make his presence felt in my life for years. I didn't know my blood could physically boil, but the tempereture in my vains is well over 100 degrees.

Also, I can mock him with my appaling irish accent, and since no other irish people will talk to me anymore, he's all I have left.
Alex's Grandma
17:23 / 12.06.07
It's the Seany show! It's the Seany, Seany, Seany ... it's Seany's show!

At the depths of his stupidity, laid out here for Britain to hate itself about, Seany remains morbidly unoriginal. Shouldn't he at least think about washing his hair in the toilet? While one of the other housemates (ideally Nicky) has a foot on his neck? Just to make sure that Seany's gorgeous, flowing locks get a good rinse, of course. It would quite bad if anything went wrong, though. What would Seany's family think?!

They'd be devastated, I'm sure. Bloody devastated.
Alex's Grandma
22:56 / 12.06.07
Seany's looking quite upset, and quite close to getting his ... little Seany out, now, isn't he?

And why shouldn't he, after all? He is who he is.

Let's face it, didn't Seany agree to appear on this show so he could be Seany? In spite of the things that people have been saying about him? Perhaps what Seany is after, in the end, is validation - he wants to be respected, and maybe his ideas on this front, as on so many others, aren't too awful to contemplate.
Jawsus-son Starship
08:26 / 13.06.07
Ziggy Piggy, Ziggy Piggy. Homophobic? Possibly, or possibly a six year old. When was the last time an adult used the "you're all lezzas cos you don't fancy me" gambit? 1987? Hmmm, something not quite right about this boy...
Tryphena Absent
10:21 / 13.06.07
Oh jeezus
Tryphena Absent
11:01 / 13.06.07
Do you think it's easier to comment on male actions and personalities than female ones?
Jawsus-son Starship
12:16 / 13.06.07
At the moment, yes. Mainly because I don't really have a problem with any of the female housemates, except Shabs!, a woman so annoying that if she was introduced to Gitmo Bay, even Bush would be forced to admit that that would constitutes cruel and unusual punishment.

Charley, whilst being a bit of a hateful witch, is wonderfully entertaining. It's like my first Macivellian. The interactions between her and Channelle will be worth the admission price for the show alone. Of the others, well, most of them are non-entitys, who haven't had much to say or do.

With the boys of the house, they've been put centre stage by BB, so it's difficult to talk about anything else really.
Jawsus-son Starship
12:17 / 13.06.07
Saying that, I wouldn't mind seeing Nicky picking up her teeth with broken fingers. She's a bit of a cock really.
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:35 / 13.06.07
Would you knock her teeth out and break her fingers yourself, or would you like someone else to do it while you watch, Mathlete?
12:36 / 13.06.07
The 'food martyrdom' as Lesley coined it post-house is an over-indulgence of another kind. Shut up Nicky!
12:37 / 13.06.07
Er.. that wasn't volunteering for the job btw.
Jawsus-son Starship
13:39 / 13.06.07
I don't like getting my hands dirty, so the way I imagine it is that I'm like a Henry the VIII figure, sitting in my castle, a large feast going on perhaps, and I'm double fisting chicken legs, John Woo-style as it were, and I haven't seen Nicky have her fingers broken/teeth knocked out, but maybe she's caged and covered by a red velvet curtain, and just before I devour a suckling, spit roasted pig, the curtain is pulled off the cage and nicky starts trying to pick up her teeth. Something like that.
14:43 / 13.06.07
That's, erm... well.
14:53 / 13.06.07
I think maybe you should go for a lie down Mathelete possibly somewhere secure.
Happy Dave Has Left
15:08 / 13.06.07
*battens down hatch*
Tryphena Absent
16:39 / 13.06.07
Lovely Mathlete, what sweet words you utter, every lady in the land expires from pheromone overload everytime you walk past. They swoon, swoon with affection, their knickers get a bit sticky, it is as if the very height of sensual, erotic, sexuality has washed past them.

Except it's not.

If you're going to be a bit aggressive about someone that's okay because maybe they're annoying you and you're talking about a TV show. That's not the problem here, the thing is when you talk about men you make them children, a bit inferior to you, Ziggy's six, Seany's a children's entertainer but women are hateful, you want to physically hurt them. Why is that Mathlete? Why do you want to beat up women when all you do to men is make them smaller than you?
Alex's Grandma
18:17 / 13.06.07
Do you think it's easier to comment on male actions and personalities than female ones?

I think it might be easier to make a particular type of comment, anyway. Without wishing to condone Mathlete's somewhat lurid scenario, or any of the issues that may or may not be associated with it, I doubt anyone have raised an eyebrow if he'd made the above remarks about Seany. Which is as it should be, really.
Tryphena Absent
07:26 / 14.06.07
I'm sorry granny but Seany's not so bad. I think it's just his hair really.
Jawsus-son Starship
07:36 / 14.06.07
I'll deal with this in the banning thread, but I'd also like to apologise her for any offence I've caused, it was not my intention.
Tryphena Absent
10:03 / 14.06.07
Please deal with the issue at hand in this thread.
Jawsus-son Starship
10:25 / 14.06.07
Why do you want to beat up women when all you do to men is make them smaller than you?

I think it's a slightly shallow sample to use two examples to illustrate how I wish violence upon women and meerly belittle men. Do I always do this, or is this a one off. I think one off, as I've never described an act of violence against women, or to think of it men, whilst posting on Barbelith.

I'm sorry granny but Seany's not so bad. I think it's just his hair really.

I liked the way he dealt with Shab! last night, asking her why she thought she had been nominated for eviction twice. Unfortunetly Shab! has a complete lack of self awareness.
Tryphena Absent
10:34 / 14.06.07
I don't care if you've done it before Mathlete, I genuinely have absolutely no interest in your history on barbelith and frankly I think you're a bit foolish to bring it up here when it could easily be confined to Policy and you could answer the goddamn question instead. It's not shallow, you wrote it, you fucking explain it.
Jawsus-son Starship
10:48 / 14.06.07
Well, here is the rub. I wrote a flippant comment about how much Nicky annoyed me, and when FLyboy challanged me on whether I would be doing the voilence or watching the violence I decided to go OTT becuase it's Flyboy and he fucks me off. Saying I'd like to see someone pick up there teeth with broken fingers doesn't literally mean I'd like to see that happen, in the same way calling someone a twat doesn't mean I literally think they are the female reproductive organs, it means that they are being a muggy dick head, but not that they literally have dick on or as there head. Do you see?

So, do I wanna smash all women's heads in. No. Same with men. Am I annoyed by some people in the Big Brother house, be it men or women, yes. It just so happens that the main cause of my annoyance is a women, not a man. That's all.
Tryphena Absent
11:01 / 14.06.07
Thank you for answering the question.
11:31 / 14.06.07
Saying I'd like to see someone pick up there teeth with broken fingers doesn't literally mean I'd like to see that happen, in the same way calling someone a twat doesn't mean I literally think they are the female reproductive organs, it means that they are being a muggy dick head, but not that they literally have dick on or as there head. Do you see?

I see two different things. However, I understand the basic point - that you wanted to put Flyboy in his place in some way, and felt that the best way to do this would be to indulge in a lurid fantasy about a caged and physically abused woman being displayed for your entertainment. I think the question here is one of appropriate tools, or if you'd rather inappropriate tools. The image of a caged, beaten and abused woman, and the idea that you would watch and get off on the physical evidence of that abuse is not an appropriate tool for attacking Flyboy. The splash damage, in terms of the impact it may have on other readers, is disproportionate and, rather pertinently, it does not seem to make people think "Ah! See how Flyboy has been bested!" It makes people think, on current evidence "Gosh, Mathlete really has some issues" and possibly "Perhaps he should be banned for the safety and comfort of those who might otherwise be exposed to them". However, the broader discussion there is in Policy. So, in my capacity as a moderator in Film, Television and Theater: Mathlete, women's bodies are not an appropriate theatre of war for you to battle Flyboy, in part because, as we have already seen, it will lead to threadrot. As such, I would suggest strongly that you refrain from now on from conduct in this thread that would suggest you are seeking to do this, which would probably include speculation about physical violence you would like to inflict or see inflicted on women in the Big Brother House.
Jawsus-son Starship
11:57 / 14.06.07
Understood. Will do.
Haus of Mystery
13:36 / 14.06.07
I think I'd like Nicky to give me a stern telling off.
19:55 / 14.06.07
yeah, i so wish she was a cashier at my bank, it'd be totally jonathan richman.
Alex's Grandma
11:36 / 15.06.07
One thing about this year's show is that it's not an easy watch; I find myself constantly turning the sound up so as to try and make out what everyone's saying, and then having to turn it down again because the screaming's just too, too much.

Is anyone else encountering the same difficulty?
Jawsus-son Starship
14:39 / 15.06.07
I have the problem of constantly wanting to turn the sound down, so as not to cringe at the majority of the happenings. It really is slightly uncomfortable viewing, much like say, The Office.
16:58 / 15.06.07
The cringeworthiness is one of the reasons I don't watch these days. Too much like hard work for tired brane
Alex's Grandma
18:28 / 15.06.07
It's perhaps a bit telling that nobody, on here of all places, seems to give a rat's ass about who's heading home this evening. Given that Big Brother's been Channel 4's bread and butter in terms of ratings, advertising revenue and so on for quite some time now, and that the ratings aren't apparently all they were (the last I heard they were down by 15%) I wonder if whoever green-lighted this year's concept isn't in a fairly dark place at the moment.

Limbering up for this week's eviction episode, I haven't felt as if I'm wasting my time quite so much since the Cameron series.

It's good, of course, to leave childish things behind, but it's personal matter - one would have to assume that it's not in Endemol's interest to actively encourage that sort of epiphany in their audience.

But what else have they been up to this year? It's not going all that well so far, is it?

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