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Doctor Who Season 3 - SPOILERS


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Tom Coates
12:00 / 04.07.07
I think Martha not being around for a while is a good thing actually as long as her story is treated seriously as an ongoing thing. By which I mean, she's had a moon on for the Doctor since she came on board, she's seen a lot, she has responsibilities. She needs to assert her independence, sort out her life and then—if she returns—come back as more of an equal. After all, she walked the earth for a year. She's had a chunk of time to think about things. Part of me thinks they're actually setting up the doctor for a an actual relationship and that the best way to do that is to actually demonstrate that she's not beholden to him, and that he needs her.

Catherine Tate. Now that doesn't fill me with joy. That Christmas special was the worst episode of New Who I think I've seen, and she was the worst thing in it. If she can calm the fuck down then maybe there's some hope.
Miss K
12:06 / 04.07.07
I don't understand this animosity towards Catherine Tate. She's a very good comic actress (who's admittedly become renowned for one very very annoying catchphrase) and had a great oppositional chemistry with David Tennant IMO. And it's clear that she will have had to undergo some character development after the events of The Runaway Bride.

I genuinely really liked The Runaway Bride and Donna. It reminded me of screwball comedy from the 30s and 40s. And was further proof for me of the flexibility of the show's format.

If on the other hand she continues to be written as a shouty argumentative comedy character throughout season 4 without any colouring or development then I'll eat one of my many hats.
12:21 / 04.07.07
I genuinely really liked The Runaway Bride and Donna. It reminded me of screwball comedy from the 30s and 40s.

That's my feelings too. I think the problem people are having is that after episodes like Human Nature, Family of Blood and Blink showing what the program can do when it really goes for the serious and dramatic there's reservations that we might be back in farting alien territory.

I'm not so worried, myself. The fact that Martha is confirmed as coming back shows that this is better planned than a whimsical ratings-grabber. And remember, the slightly shaky start to New Who (and those farting aliens) did transform into very touching stories about war and loss and love.

I have faith it'll all come up good in the end.
12:46 / 04.07.07
It reminded me of screwball comedy from the 30s and 40s.

Exactly my thoughts. The whole piece worked well - aside from her hammy performance - as a big spectacle of a show.

It is worthwhile considering that it was written for the most-watched prime-time family slot of the year.
Evil Scientist
13:11 / 04.07.07
It'd be quite nice to have a female companion that doesn't have deep unrequited/sort of requited love for the Doc and is more of a friend/student in the Classic Who mold. Also, not want love triangle of jealousy when Martha gets back.

It doesn't always need to be about the dancing.
Sibelian 2.0
15:17 / 04.07.07
Is the relative silence on this thread regarding the series 3 finale indicative of an overall echoing of my feelings on its quality?

Or are we all gradually adding a series of "It's a mainstream show, now"-flavoured caveats to our assessment of it before we post?

Because, I'd like to say: "Oh, dear, OH, DEAR..." without being e-beheaded. I'd like to say it in more than as many words, actually, I'd quite like to say quite a lot about it, in fact. It isn't going to be terribly cuddly and I don't want any die-hards to feel that I have spoiled whatever enjoyment they feel they might be able to glean from the aforementioned work...pre-recalibration, as it were.

I sort of feel, you see, after having watched that programme that I am acually a rather silly person for ever having watched "Dr Who", even the original series, and am beginning to imagine that all the taunts I endured as a nerdy, obsessive youth were rather more well-deserved than I had hitherto been able to admit.
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:31 / 04.07.07
A good therapist should be able to sort that out in time.

More seriously, there's not been much reaction to the season finale on this thread because this is the spoiler thread - you want to start here. Feel free to add your thoughts, I'm sure we can take it.

By the way Sibelian, are you on the diggerdydum community on Livejournal? Your turn of phrase is familiar. There's a chunk of people there who reacted very negatively to the finale - then again there are some people who hated 'Gridlocked', so there's no accounting for taste...
Sibelian 2.0
19:46 / 04.07.07

Not me, I'm afraid. However, I take solace from your observation. Perhaps I shall visit said community nearer the beginning of Season 4.

Personally, I can't wait for Catherine Tate. Any more of that sickly guff would upset me. A Lot.

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