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Doctor Who Season 3 - SPOILERS


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15:28 / 29.03.07
Season 3 Trailer is here

WTF? Life on Mars/Torchwood/Doctor Who crossover? They have got to be messing with us, surely?
uncle retrospective
15:37 / 29.03.07
I fear anything to do with Torchwood.
Fear it I tells ya!
17:19 / 29.03.07
I would tell you about the John Simm stuff, but it would probably be considered a spoiler.

As for captain JAck, as with anything, it depends on the writing. Captain Jack can be written well. I just hope he is written well in this season of Doctor Who...
Lama glama
17:49 / 29.03.07
He's going to be written only be RTD this year, who wrote the best Jack dialogue in TW and season 1 of Who too. Tennant's going to be on the Graham Norton show tonight, as well as Dead Ringers, followed by the Doctor Who Weakest Link special on Friday night.

I fear Tennant-overload, though I suspect such a thing is impossible.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
17:56 / 29.03.07
I fear Tennant-overload, though I suspect such a thing is impossible.

It IS impossible.
18:06 / 29.03.07
A Tennant Overlord.

I think that's something that would be beneficial to us all.
18:08 / 29.03.07
Pedestal + Kilt will surely lead to You've Been Frame style hilarity. I am for the Overlordship.
18:09 / 29.03.07
Oh! Might I also add...

Though I shall be working when this is on, waitering during a shitty glam-rock tribute act.

I gave up on Torchwood about four episodes in. What do I need to know?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:18 / 29.03.07
A Tennant Overlord.

I think that's something that would be beneficial to us all.

You hear that? It's my head going explody with joy.
19:00 / 29.03.07
I gave up on Torchwood about four episodes in. What do I need to know?

That you probably made the right decision.
Lama glama
20:21 / 29.03.07
That you probably made the right decision.

Come on sleazenation, you can't say that you didn't enjoy a giant goat demon rampaging through Cardiff, can you?

Iamus, you really don't need to know anything. At the end of Torchwood, Jack heard the TARDIS materialising and that's how the series ended. We won't, as far as I know, be seeing Jack 'til the eleventh episode of the season.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
07:38 / 30.03.07
Does anyone recognise who was doing that 'he burns at the centre of the universe' bit at the end of the trailer? The voice sounded annoyingly familiar but I just couldn't place it.

And given where John Simms appear to be standing, are we going to be seeing a certain Prime Minister return too?
08:41 / 30.03.07
I'd like to see her return as a ex prime minister because that would be an interesting place for that character to go...
Lama glama
18:19 / 30.03.07
The "he burns at the centre of the universe" stuff, was spoken by the lead member of the Family of Blood (from the episode of the same title), according to the think-tank of Outpost Gallifrey.

As far as I can tell, it's this guy.
18:40 / 30.03.07
Speaking of Mr Simms that clip is the only thing I've seen of him and that smug simpering smile is enough to make me eat all doubts about a) the return of the master (i had no critical faculties regarding Who when I was 8 but the pantomime loser of Trial of a Time Lord* pawned by the valeyard really disapointed me) and b) the casting and make me think this is going to be a really interesting take on the character and their relationship.
first fanboy to moan about the lack of goatee gets a kicking.

only just occured to me that Master is an odd (ironic?) monicker to take as all of his previous storylines have been about the loss of control. setting in motion plans he can't see through, choosing puppets and allies that he can't...well, master.
maybe that's just a convention/cliche of the genre but we wouldn't be here if we didn't take stuff like that seriously on some level.

my three year old spent the day wailing that he wants it to be on now!
i can only sympathise...and calm him down by chanting 'Judoon platoon on the moon!'
enthusiasm to factor 9? his dials go to 11 man.

* Colin Baker, 'classic' who
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:42 / 31.03.07
17:59 / 31.03.07
It was fun, wasn't it?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
18:14 / 31.03.07
Given that I'm not always a fan of RTD episodes and/or the season openers, I have to say that was very fun. I hope the fact that Martha is smart as well as clever (like Rose) is something that survives and isn't a turn-off (what can I say, I thought Liz Shaw was a pretty good companion) for people. I also wonder if a theme for this series will be the Doctor being a harder character (I rewatched 'The Runaway Bride' this afternoon and there's that scene where Donna has to make the Doctor step back from obliterating the enemy) and Martha helping him reconnect to his soul and heal his broken heart.

So in summary, very very happy. A good start.
18:18 / 31.03.07
Plus, my eye was caught by the "Vote Saxon" posters in the background, so that's always a plus.

I'll be interested to see where this series goes, to be honest. The final exchange seemed to be along the lines of 'Well, come and have this one adventure, then I can have you back in time to pay the rent', as opposed to the previous 'Let me take you away from all this', unless I miss my guess; although with Rose it was along the lines of "You can come back at any time and only five minutes will have passed', so, I suppose, not a great deal of difference - but enough, maybe.
18:18 / 31.03.07
Oh, that was ace! I wasn't really... I wasn't really expecting that. I wasn't sold on the new girl or anything, but she seems great. I really like her so far.

I think this was a really strong episode, and definitely the best opening episode they've had. In fact I really have nothing to say except that I enjoyed it, and that's fine indeed, and that I hope the series continues in this vein.
18:21 / 31.03.07
Didn't Martha also mention something about Saxon, when she was talking about all the extra terrestrial life stuff?
18:40 / 31.03.07
twas on the radio while she was getting ready for the party. I think it was the medical student who tried to do the 'We welcome you in peace' bit. Paraphrasing but...'Mr Saxon is right, there is extra terrestrial life...wild and..' other adjectives.
Mr Saxon as Torquemada lite? (Nemesis the warlock) would chime well with Torchwood's agenda (in season 2, not the series-i've erased that from my personal continuity.)
Yes! that was grand, loved the dialogue between them, say what you like about RTD he can do those banter scenes like no other. Loved they referenced Freema as her cousin (twin peaks?), loved the 'oh you've got a shop'
and yes. there was a confidence to Tennant's Doctor and a madness. he has been on his own and he does need someone to ground him...the way he 'auditioned' her for the role was nicely done.
Also Martha's family, looks like there's potential there

Please not a whole week...
18:43 / 31.03.07
oh and Kali...there is a lot of smouldering going down in DT's expressions...I felt positively seduced
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:52 / 31.03.07
....I will NOT groan with jealousy...will NOT....
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
18:56 / 31.03.07
Yeah, that was a mighty fine opening episode. I particularly liked the plasmavore, it’s good to have a genuinely creepy villain, and I thought the Judoon where fairly well done as well. They’re basically freelance peacekeeping agents, yes? I’m getting a vibe from Martha that suggests that while she’s still very impressed she might well be at least a little bit less in awe of the Doctor than Rose, and I’d be interested in seeing that develop. Not convinced by her family – but that’s at least partially because there are so bloody many of them, and I’d rather not see a large 21st century earth based supporting cast eating into time that could be better spent running down corridors and the like. Interesting to see the series hitting us in the face with the Saxon stuff from the first episode onwards – I wonder if this series is going to be bit more plot heavy than the last two – especially since the seeds of this Saxon thing seem to have been subtly planted since at least last series and quite possibly since the Christmas Invasion.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:20 / 31.03.07
Yes, it was 'Love and Monsters' and 'The Runaway Bride' wasn't it? Saxon would seem to be a politician and John Simms was standing in front of the Houses of Parliament, I wonder if there's any connection?

I take it that the Judoon were, due to their physical simularity, what was making reports go "Squeeee! Sontarans!" last year?
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
19:31 / 31.03.07
I'm assuming so. And while I'm a little sad that this probably means no Sontarans for the time being, I'm still quite happy since I liked the Judoon a lot more than I've liked any of the species previously introduced in New Who. They seem like a species which could credibly return to be a thorn in the Doctor's side every few years without getting annoying.
Lama glama
20:37 / 31.03.07
It was a wonderful episode, I thought. Not as romp-ish as I was suspecting but, still terrific fun. I think that Martha will grow on me very quickly, but her family less so. There are far too many of them, which means that we probably won't make as much of an emotional connection with them as we did with Jackie, Pete and Mickey. By the end of the second season, my favourite character was Jackie, so I'd like to be equally surprised and engaged with this family. I suspect though, that the family will be whittled away.

There were lots of wonderful moments with Doctor David-shaking away the radiation, remarks about the little shop. The script wasn't as joke heavy as a lot of RTD's scripts, but I suspect that's somewhat due to the need for striking a balance between this week's and next week's episode (which is Gareth Roberts penned and likely to be full of laughs).

Murray Gold's music was great. Martha's theme isn't as memorable as Rose's, but it is a beautiful piece of music. The direction was a bit pedestrian in places, but did shine out in parts. That shot of the moon reflected in a puddle was fantastic, I thought.

It was mentioned up-thread that this was the strongest season opener thusfar..I'd have to agree.

The first part of the Infinite Quest is going to be on Totally DW on Monday, don't forget!
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
20:52 / 31.03.07
Oh and also, a part of me found a character called Stoker getting killed by exsanguination quite an amusing moment.
22:23 / 31.03.07
I found the radiation-in-the-shoe bit irritating, I'm afraid - I know that it is a little bit ridiculous to talk about what is credible in an episode where a hospital was transported to the Moon and an MRI machine could wipe out half the life on earth, but it felt a bit silly and mime-comedyish in a way that suspended belief for me rather. Also, I am starting to get a feeling that the most terrifying thing in the doctorverse are posh ladies of advancing years with somewhat sexual appetites - Cassandra, the Wire, Mrs Plasmavore - and that the climactic villain of this series will thus logically be the Daleks' horny mum.

Otherwise, though, I liked this a lot. Nice aliens, if a bit Hitchhikers, a quality turn by the plasmavore, Martha Jones being, as said above, both smart and clever (and I thiink the family thing might be interesting - whereas Rose had a very strong relationship with Jackie, based on them being each other's only family, Martha seems caught in between lots of bits of family that she no doubt loves but which are also exhausting), Tennant being with a few exceptions fun without the irritating excesses he is sometimes scripted into. The almost ritual nature of the "new-companion-is-stunned-by-Tardis" scene was nice, as were the references to love and loss - The Doctor not having a brother any more, the gripped hand and "run", his nervous, broken account of Rose at the end. Likewise the us/not us - the DNA assimiliation, the "non-humanising" kiss, the slabs who look human but aren't and the Judoon who at first seem hostile to humans, then represent the law supposedly protecting the humans, then show bureacrats' indifference to the humans' imminent deaths from asphyxia or irradiation. Saxon seems to plug into that us/not us idea as well, but we'll see.

Promising start, then, definitely, I thought.
22:43 / 31.03.07
I found the radiation-in-the-shoe bit irritating, I'm afraid

I did too Haus, it was the only bit that really jarred for me. But then I spent all day helping The Lovely Boy answer questions to win a lifesize Dalek in a competition from the Dr Who magazine, (I have no idea what we will do with it if he wins) and watching him check his watch every five minutes for the hour up to seven, so I was so excited any old rubbish would have done, just so long as it was the new episode and we didn't have to wait for it anymore!

I'm really glad I liked Martha. I wasn't convinced I would but I very much liked the suggestion of her that we were given; her lines about having to 'earn the title of Doctor' and the 'pompous' comment in relation to the Doctor being a timelord gave us some idea that she wasn't wearing Rose's so-pink-they're-burgundy very tinted glasses when it comes to the Doctor and anything he does.

I also loved the tie bit. Loved.
23:14 / 31.03.07
I found the radiation-in-the-shoe bit irritating, I'm afraid

I didn't mind it too much myself, though it was somewhat sillier than the rest of the episode.

Mind you, had it happened in Torchwood, tons of people (not just on Barbelith, but on any other boards I've read that have discussed TW too) would have used it as an illustration of why the show was actually shit.

I really liked that. I had to watch it very quietly (my friend, whose house I had gone round to to watch it at, had been a little optimistic in promising the baby would be asleep before it started, so we had the sound way down and me sat right near the telly) so I probably missed a lot of the atmosphere, but plot, script and acting-wise it certainly delivered.
01:36 / 01.04.07

All is as it should be.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
05:04 / 01.04.07
Anyone else notice that the X mark the confirmed humans in the hospital received was also the graphic on the Saxon poster?

I suppose it could have been meant to mark a box on a ballot, but I think the connection was intentional. Earth For Humans and all that.
miss wonderstarr
08:40 / 01.04.07
Saxon is surely going to be this season's Torchwood and Bad Wolf arc, with backround references throughout and a climax in the final episode? Unless anyone knows different.

One relative novelty I enjoyed was the idea that humans ~ some of them anyway ~ are at this point getting used to the idea of extraterrestrial interaction. There are clearly at least two schools of thought ~ those like Martha, intelligently open to the idea having experienced it first or second-hand (and there would be thousands of Londoners in that positions), and those like Annaliese, believing any far-fetched official cover-up. Interesting that Saxon seems to be in the first camp, but I assume Saxon is a right-wing politician who's going to be against aliens and cultural Others? Not sure where I'm getting that from, apart from the name.

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