I did not want to join this threat since I was fully caught up (I am up to ep 144 at the moment) but since apparently everybody is deeply depressed with filler, there aren't many spoilers for me to worry about.
So as a pastime I can offer some of my musings on the show. I could start by stating all the things I love about it, but that has already been done by many, so instead some of my thoughts on Soul Society.
There has been quite a bit of discussion about some of the Shinigami being not the nicest people in the world (such as Yamamoto or Byakuya) or downright evil (Mayuri).
I have always tried to capture this in Roleplaying terminology, and Soul Society as a community should be considered Lawful Neutral (where the first term refers to the attitude towards society, i.e. to what degree do people follow their own moral compass over the group's, and the second term indicates where that moral compass is actually pointing) .
This morality is very much in line with their role of keeping a balance in the world.
Some of the key people in Soul Society exemplify this in their own personal morals, especially the Captain Commander but also Byakuya and maybe Konamura. A lawful neutral society can easily encompass other character types such as Lawful Good (i.e. Ukitake, or Renji & Rukia) and Lawful Evil, as long as they are Lawful.
I am a bit unsure where to fit in Kenpachi. During the Bound arc he went AWOL to fight Maki, which would fit a more Chaotic Neutral type (which seems a general trait of 11th squad), but then him showing up to stop 11th squad to join Ichigo is very Lawful behaviour.
Actually that was an interesting scene, as Renji & Rukia especially were willing to go against all their beliefs and disobey Soul Society (moving to the Chaotic Good of Ichigo and friends).
This brings me to the subject mentioned earlier that Soul Society could use a good shake-up. Yes, I would agree with that, on the other hand what morality should take its place? I mean, their chief task is to Balance the Souls, not to be nice to them. And, following from that, could that function? A Good Soul Society?
To be honest, I don't know. But fun to think about. |