I wonder if the structure of slavery is inherent in the way ATR's have constructed hierarchy in relation to priesthood and the act of possession. Could it for example be a factor in a master/ servant perception in the characterisation of being a horse.
I think that's an incredibly problematic question, loaded with some rather ugly assumptions. African traditional religions are hardly my area of expertise, but I'm going to jump in anyway with what I know.
For this idea--that trance-possession is an artifact of and an expression of a master/slave dynamic--to hold up, we'd have to see A) no trance possession in those African traditions that were less affected by slavery--trance possession would be something that appeared only amongst those abducted and sold; B) no trance possession in other traditions where the cultural experience of being enslaved does not exist to an appreciable degree. For my money we'd also expect to see C) a conceptualisation of the being doing the possessing as alien and superior in some way to the votary.
A) and B) fall down at once. Tons of anthropological evidence to the contrary. Trance-possession was going on in various African nations' religious practices long before the slavers came, it still goes on. Also, we see it across many, many cultures in different parts of the world.
C) also collapses pretty quickly. Despite the inanity generated by certain fevered Caucasian imaginations, the spirits venerated in African traditional religions are not strange alien overlords come to ride you around like a pony at Their mysterious whim. As I understand it They're concieved of as ancestral, familial; the elder kin of Their votaries. They are no more alien than Auntie Doris. There is certainly a service element to the relationship, but it's still a loving given-and-take, not some random foreign guy steaming in and forcing you to do something you don't want.
I think what I'm seeing here is a faliure to get what possession is. The Gods and spirits don't just come down into Their votaries because they fancy a bit of mortal fun and games and this is the only way They can get it. They come down to commune with us. They come to teach us, answer our questions, bless us. Someone horsing does perform a service, sure, but that person is serving hir community as much as ze is serving the possessing entity--like a midwife or a plumber. You provide the Being with Hir preferred food, drink, gear and substances because Ze is your beloved, honoured guest, not because Ze is your Evil Alien Master.
Sure, there are no doubt cruel, evil spirits who use possession merely to exploit or to do harm (anything that can be named has a Wight, that is to say anything that can be concieved of is present in Spirit, and that includes the ugly aspects of human nature). But aside from groups of 15-year-olds in too much black mascara, who the Hel is going to set up a religion around that? |