Right-on with the S-A-L-V-I-A scale...
I've also found there are cumulatice effects in a prolonged session.
With-in groups we've found major markers for "group mind" type of experiences. Shared hallusinations... Hard to explain, but the experience of "levels" or "veils" cutting through the group at specific angles, each person experiencing those "angles" in relation to where they are placed with-in the group.
Simple group-mind trip set-up:
With-in a circle where a group could pass a bong around, a pace where each person was experiencing one of the following stages optimized the collective trip(in my experiences). It's an organic sort of process in my example I'm including 7 people sitting in a circle with a huge source of leaves in the center accessable to all.
The circle could work with fewer people, with more people additional bongs would be helpfull. Think of the "Row-Row-Row Your Boat" sort of cascade in timing:
- person_1--takes a hit & passes the bong.
- person_2--repacks/hits & passes, person_1--"goes with-in*"
- person_3--packs/hits/passes, person_2--"goes-with-in", person_1--experiences salvia
- person_4-packs/hits/passes, person_3-"goes-with-in", person_2-experiences salvia,person_1-returns
- person_5-packs/hits/passes, person_4-"goes-with-in", person_3-experiences salvia, person_2-returns, person_1-verbalizes any insights probably to persons_6+.
- person_6-packs/hits/passes, person_5-"goes-with-in", person_4-experiences salvia, person_3-returns, person_2-verbalizes any insights to persons_1 & or 7+.
- person_7-packs/hits/passes, person_6-"goes-with-in", person_5-experiences salvia, person_4-returns, person_3-verbalizes any insights to persons_1 & 2.
- person_1-packs/hits/passes, person_7-"goes-with-in", person_6-experiences salvia, person_5-returns, person_4-verbalizes any insights to persons_2 & 3.
After the circle has been completed the verbalized insights tend to echo into the experiences of those on the otherside of the circle. The cumulative effects have on several occasions lead to a sort of Fibonacci Sequence both in terms of the "geometries" of the trips as well as the level of depth/height/intensity of the experiences...
has anyone else experiences or experiemented with the potential of group/collective experiences? |