OK, going to try and answer the various points all in one thread...
In regards to the comments about the symptoms = extroversion.
While I am aware of the introvert/extrovert notions, I had never known that migraines, arrhythmia, loss of consciousness, or actual physical weakness could result. My only thought/counter to that would be that there have been other ways I've recovered that did not involve going out into the crowd. In energy manipulation guides, there are techniques described for "long distance" feeding or absorption of energy, wherein you visualize a person and visualize (yes, it's repetitive, but I don't like the connotations of "imagine") drawing energy from them.
Could I be recovering from just thinking about the person? *shrug* Maybe.
The other technique is called ambient feeding, which is drawing in the energy that's kind of in the air that has been given off by those who have passed before. If a vampire in need truly was just suffering symptoms because zie was an extrovert who had been locked away from people, would zie be able to alleviate those symptoms by walking into a deserted park, store, or any other location and drawing in energy? In most cases, the vamp is not thinking about being with people or a specific person, so that seems to not support the earlier theory I posited re: distance feeding. Is it delusional? Maybe, though I've heard tell of some people with heightened psychic sensitivity noticing a difference in a room that a vampire has just walked through and fed on (when they did not know the vamp had been there before). I walked into a rather loud/busy/crowded restaurant with a friend once when zie was hungover and cranky. Zie is very sensitive to subtle forces, and when we left the restaurant, zie later commented how interesting it was that zie felt like there was a cushion or void around her so that the busy atmosphere did not press upon zir. I was in the seat next to zir and ambient feeding. Or it could have been something zie was doing unconsciously *shrug* We haven't been able to schedule other experiments.
And, also, it can be possible for a vamp to continue to experience those symptoms even surrounded by people, even if zie is enjoying it and in a good mood, so I am disinclined to believe that the symptoms of deficiency are the symptoms of lack of companionship, personally.
I'm willing to accept that I could be wrong...I don't have all the truths, and I'm not near egotistical enough to think I'm infallible 
Re: the questions about energy.
The energy referred to in vampirism is what is referred to in China as Qi/Chi, and in India as prana. Some people think of it as psychic energy. Honestly, I don't really know a whole heck of a lot about the particulars and specifics...I'm still making my own studies and inquiries on that subject. I am of the opinion that there really are only 2 substances in the universe: matter and energy. If it ain't one, it's t'other. That doesn't mean that all energies are the same...I think it's the "molecular structure" (in quotes because I have no better term), or the base structure/resonance that's the same, but different forms have different frequencies or resonances or some other quality. Reiki, prana, electricity...all energy, just "vibrating on a different level" if that makes sense. Some people refer to this as psychic energy, the kind of energy that is used in magic or that makes up the aura or subtle body. It's...life energy, to put it simply. It kind of penetrates all forms of life, including animals and the earth. Some vamps claim they can feed off elemental sources, like tress. I'm...well, not skeptical that it can happen, but I don't see that as the same kind of vampire. Energy exchange happens between everyone. A conversation is an energetic exchange, so feeding on the energy of the sun...to me, vampire connotes relying on human prana. I have worked with a donor, and zie has commented on definitely feeling something. Could it be suggestion or psychosomatic? I suppose so, except for the fact that zie was able to localize where it occurred when I did not say as much. I've also tried draining from someone without telling them ahead of time and zie noticed, so I feel fairly strongly that something is happening.
So, Ev, while I appreciate the suggestion of using "extrovert" instead, I personally don't believe it's the same thing. Many vamps I know, myself included, actually do not tend to like crowds or people and will be hiding in the corner at parties. I envision extroverts as the life of the party, so the 2 just don't match in my mind 
(Thanks for the links to old threads...I don't make a habit of necroposting, so since the vampirism thread is a good 2 years old, I won't bother resurrecting it, but it is interesting reading)
Hope that helped somewhat... |