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The Apprentice series 2


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14:37 / 23.02.06
Boboss - quite right, I understand totally how people would be upset by my use of that word. That's why I apologised unreservedly.

How do I understand this word? I, and my social group - that is, if I used the word in this group, they'd all undersatnd what I meant by it - use the word to mean someone - anyone - who either has a lot of indiscriminant sex (like somebody who pulls and fucks someone every week when they go out) or uses their sex-appeal to get what they want. This is how I understand the word to be, and I'm only giving this definition because I've been asked for it. I don't give two shits about its historical usage, as I'm sure 99% of people that use the word don't.

Honestly, I'm finding it really hard to discuss this here for fear of offending people even more. How can I describe these people who I know exist, just like you do. Have you been in a working-class town centre on a Saturday nigh? Ever stood outside a shitty club and seen... argh, not gonna say it, it's a generalisation. This is so hard to get a grip on. I know what I mean, but my evidence is anecdotal. It's stuff that I've seen, people I've talked to (and avoided). If that offends, I can't help it. My only reference is my life experience, sorry.

Again, I apologise for my use of the word "slag". Perhaps somebody could take pity on me and explain how they describe undesirable, over-sexed people?
14:56 / 23.02.06
Perhaps somebody could take pity on me and explain how they describe undesirable, over-sexed people?

Well, if I were talking about someone specific, I suppose I'd start with "I find X undesirable because..." and go on to outline why. I don't think I'd describe someone as "over-sexed" unless I were clear on a) the optimum amount of sex, and b) the amount of sex involving X (which presumably exceeds the optimum).

If I were not talking about specific individuals, I think I'd be extremely wary of making broad, stereotypical generalisations.
15:04 / 23.02.06
Oh yeah, and if I were labelling them undesirable because they enjoyed a certain amount of sex (once a week, perhaps), I'd have a think about why I found that undesirable, and what it said about me and my attitudes to sex and women.
15:05 / 23.02.06
John, I just want to put it to you that it doesn't necessarily matter what people think they are doing when they use a word. Sure, slag can be used to describe a person who behaves in a given way, but what else does the use of the word do (other than convey a concept)? Does it help to reinforce a stereotypical and undesirable view of women?

I really think you should think more about how language operates on a cultural level and stop bringing it back to me and my mates.
15:09 / 23.02.06
But anyway, yes. If I were Servalan, I'd be inclined to base one subsequent task around pursuing the pink pound - to assess Team Invicta's attitudes to 'selling sex' when they're objects rather than subjects. I'm guessing Syed wouldn't be the only gymbunny pouting away in a skimpy muscletop...
15:14 / 23.02.06
The only pouty one? Did you see Samuel's lips? The guy couldn't bloody stop
15:35 / 23.02.06
Did you see Samuel's lips, the guy couldn't bloody stop?

So it wasn't just my housemate and I that spotted that then? He was a pouty-extraordinaire! A pouty savant.

And utterly ineffectual during the task. Sure, Ben was far too nice and didn't stand up for himself and Saed set new standards in not listening to other people (as someone said earlier, The A-Team suggestion was hilarious and would have been the high point had he not immediately afterward suggested "Winners" as an alternative) but Samuel did nothing other than suck in his cheeks for the entire programme.
Salan should have sent Sam packing.
15:41 / 23.02.06
Didn't Sam help diffuse the Syed/Ben potential set to at the beginning of the show? I seem to remember him doing a rather good job of it.
18:09 / 23.02.06
Ganesh and Boboss - thanks for your level headed and respectful replies to what was admittedly a stupid thing to post. I do accept, totally, that my use of that word on this forum was wrong. If you want to discuss this further (or if anyone esle wants to add a few kicks), can we start a new thread, or PM me, as we're de-railing this one with my misogyny.
Tryphena Absent
18:32 / 23.02.06
I think the criticism of women using their sexuality to their advantage at work usually doesn't run along the lines you mention, Nina.

Well I was referring to the way they conducted themselves on the programme rather than to behaviour in the workplace generally.
18:45 / 23.02.06
Fair nuff.

John, I'm a lover not a fighter.

I'd rather not continue via pm. I'd just say keep an open mind to peoples' criticisms even if you do think they're being dicks.
Tryphena Absent
18:50 / 23.02.06
I forgot people here are more sensitive than in real life.

Oh John, oh dear.

When I was 18 I turned around to a chef in my workplace who was intimidating one of the other waitresses and told him that he was harrasing her and that he needed to stop. Sure he sneered the word harrasment at me everytime I walked past but he also toned it down.

Here's the thing: if you used the word slag in my presence to describe the behaviour of anyone I would tell you to shut up, just like Boboss has done in this thread because that word doesn't mean anything. It doesn't describe "those type of" women in a town centre who are on a night out, it doesn't describe what they're doing. They're just having a night out, behaving as aggressively as they want to, doing what they want to and there's nothing wrong with that.

, and my social group - that is, if I used the word in this group, they'd all undersatnd what I meant by it - use the word to mean someone - anyone - who either has a lot of indiscriminant sex (like somebody who pulls and fucks someone every week when they go out) or uses their sex-appeal to get what they want.

Now you see, it takes two to tango and if someone wants to go out, screw someone different every week and enjoys it then there's nothing wrong with that. More power to him or her for enjoying themselves and their sex appeal because there's a world of difference in women using their bodies to sell a product and going out socially.

I've chosen to post this here because I think it's an important thing to say. I think you should sit back and think about why you dislike it, why you feel puritanical about women inhabiting and using their bodies in their own way for their own aims and why you have a problem with Saturday nights in most towns in this country. Frankly the men in a town centre on Saturday do exactly the same thing as the women, they just dress differently, does that make them slags or something else?
19:20 / 23.02.06
Didn't Sam help diffuse the Syed/Ben potential set to at the beginning of the show?

Ah, possibly he did. To be honest, it usually takes me a few episodes of these kinds of series to get my head around exactly whos who so it's very likely I was wrong.
If he did help with that situation then I retract my assertion above.

But Salan should still have fired him for being a big pouty pops anyway. So there.
19:26 / 23.02.06
Nina - When I was 18 I turned around to a chef in my workplace...

You may not believe me, but I had a similar experience when I worked in a supermarket. The boss was a real letch and would talk about the (young) girls that worked there in some pretty disgusting ways. I pulled him up on it, and he laughed in my face and threatened me with my job. With my colleagues, we ended up getting him fired through a tribunal. But I don't think you're going to believe me, because all you know of me if the words I type when I'm tired and bored at work, so who cares?

if you used the word slag in my presence to describe the behaviour of anyone I would tell you to shut up

Fair enough, that's your right. And if I was in your presence, we could discuss this at length a lot easier than we can here, and it would have been sorted by now. I have apologised sincerely about using that word in this space, but I'm not going to lie and say I've never used the word IRL, or that none of the people I associate with do.

I realise that I shouldn't be using the 'people I know' defence here, but in the last few hours I've passed this thread around to my friends, my mother and my partner. All of them understood what I meant and agreed with me (although my mum gave me one of those looks your mum can give you when she read the 'slag' bit, but she did agree with my general point). This is not my point though, please don't take it as me looking for approval, I was trying to see if people I knew and respected would find this as offensive as Barbelith has (although I'm sure I'll be reamed for it upthread).

My point is that Barbelth is one of those places where you shouldn't use throwaway abuse in generalisation. It is, as others have mentioned elsewhere, a safe-space where people shouldn't have to come across 'hate-speech' (as that's what it was interpreted as) of any kind. I was using lazy, working-class (which I am, and proud) shorthand in this, which is a more intellectual space. Rather than deleting my comment, I chose to first try to defend it, and then apologise profusely when I remembered that in this space, I was in the wrong.

They're just having a night out, behaving as aggressively as they want to, doing what they want to and there's nothing wrong with that . . . I think you should sit back and think about why you dislike it, why you feel puritanical about women inhabiting and using their bodies in their own way for their own aims and why you have a problem with Saturday nights in most towns in this country.

This, I feel, is a discussion for a whole other thread. If you started one, I would be glad to continue this discussion. It is a very interesting subject, as yes, I do find the whole pub, club and fuck mentality of most people my age (the men more than the women, conversely) distasteful. I would be happy to explore my feelings further in another thread.

I've tried to be as honest, thoughtful and non-sarky as possible in this reply, please accept it in the spirit it was intended, which is that of bridge-building and positive intent.
19:30 / 23.02.06
I printed this thread out and passed it around to a selected population of people who like me. They found my contributions particularly outstanding.
19:41 / 01.03.06
AAAAAGhhhhhhh! Have none of these people worked retail? AAAArrgggh. They don't seem to understand the difference between cost and retail? No wonder industry is collapsing. The plugging people are just awful and abrasive.
20:00 / 01.03.06
"I haven't finished speaking."


I was hoping Syed would suggest an A-Team themed calendar. Still, CryingShoutyWoman did a good approximation of Glenn Close toward the end of Fatal Attraction. Does anyone else think she might be hyperthyroid?
Mourne Kransky
20:03 / 01.03.06
Aw, fluffy kittens. Dull.

Aw, cute babies. Slightly more fun.

Aw, Jo's sobbing in the kitchen and muttering madly to herself. Mind you, they were all weeping and wailing tonight. Tuan tearing up and missing the point by a mile after the team rebelled in order to get the task finished in time. Team leader Sam suddenly bursting into tears with the stress of it all. Jo's the boss of sobbing though. She has it nailed. And then she does the Mashed Potato as she leaves the boardroom. Hoho.

Mani, so up himself. Satisfying to see him humbled by the Virgin guy: "I wouldn't give more than £2.50 / £2.99 for this" He stood up to Syed though, who can be surprisngly dictatorial for a man still in his boxer shiorts.

And Nargis, who seemed OK to begin with, turning into a grumpy cow when she needed to be beguiling in the presentation to win sales deals. Several times she swallowed air like a goldfish but when someone asked her a question, she barked "I'm still talking!"
20:18 / 01.03.06
That was tremendous. If the rest of this series is half as good as that we're in for such a treat.

"I haven't finished speaking."


That sums it up perfectly.

And then she followed it up with the Virgin guys by refusing to offer a price and insisting they make her an offer instead when plainly they were already supremely unimpressed with her.

Sam's 'almost' crying was wonderful as well. It reminded me of Lindsay trying to cry in that first ever episode of Arrested Development.

Jo, surely can't survive much longer despite Salan's hint that he's going to give her at least a few weeks to prove herself.
Mourne Kransky
20:59 / 01.03.06
I remember how, last year, we all expected Saira to be rumbled early on and fired at the first opportunity but Saralan didn't. He kept her till the very end, within a whisker of winning. For whatever reason, Sugarlips was cutting Jo a remarkable amount of slack in the boardroom, so I guess he thinks she has some spark about her. He's shrewd though. He'll let her hang herself and milk some more good tv out of her antics.
21:33 / 01.03.06
"It's not finished"

"It's finished"
22:23 / 01.03.06
I think Salan was letting Jo off the hook for the sake of good telly, as Xoc says, but she did seem to be right though. Despite her big emotional hissy fits tonight, and last week when she got upset about using the feminine charm, she seemed to have a bit more creative spark and maybe dignity, than the rest of them. Her frustration seems to come from a 'no..i'm not going to use my tits to sell i'm not not going to use kittens to sell childrens hospitals' Which i've taken to. Shes is now my favourite. Not my favourite to win of course, just my favourite. But we didn't see enough of Saleem this week.
Hattie's Kitchen
07:03 / 02.03.06
Fuck me sideways, those presentations were shocking. I actually found Mani's to be more cringeworthy than Nargit's - I think it was the fact that he's had experience of sales and pitching to people whereas Nargit had none. His was dripping with fake emotion and sincerity and came over as extremely amateurish, and I would have laughed in his face had I been there. "It's a truth that is self-evident -" Fuck. OFF.

Syed is growing on me. He's a cock, but from what I've seen he does actually have a modicum of business acumen. And I'm enjoying the squaring-off between him and Mani.

Paul seems to have a lot of potential. Not as experienced as the others but plenty of common sense and can read situations very well.

Chrissie Watts is being kept in for good TV, nothing more - no way would Siralan take her on.

I like Karen as well, she's very good at playing the mother hen figure but I don't think it'll be too long before her claws come out.

Is it Ruth who was making a forceful defence of herself in the boardroom after the girls lost? She seems to have a lot of spark and I think she's in with a chance but we haven't seen enough of her in action yet.

Lovelovelove this show.
08:08 / 02.03.06
ah, the muppetry. er, fellas, why are you all crying? is it cause you learned a few tricks from the babies you were photoing?

never mind. just go into the presentation without having a price in mind. clever boys.
Hattie's Kitchen
08:23 / 02.03.06
But did you know that there are 6 million cat-owners in Britain? And that most of them live in London?
Mourne Kransky
08:36 / 02.03.06
How can you say that? Mani is a (self-proclaimed) expert. "I do this for a living..." Hubris is such fun.

On the BBC3 Adrian Chiles interview show with Nargis, the "expert" panellists made a lot of Ansell's leadership qualities, evident even facing down Mani and Syed whilst wearing only a towel. I could see what they were getting at. He did seem to be informally directing stuff on a couple of occasions.
08:55 / 02.03.06
I'm pretty sure there's more to the boys' story than just getting lucky. They created a bottom-end product to appeal to the unhinged but loveable grannies of this world because someone in the team knew the market, and that they had no hope on their budget of creating anything Harrods or Virgin (top and middle market) would realistically want or be able to sell. I think the reason they let Mani do his shitty pitch to the first two was that they knew they'd do well on the third, patter or no. Good editing for dramatic effect, I reckon. Looks like the excessive planning did pay off.
I also think that someone is probably Ansell, being a sales manager and all.
21:15 / 02.03.06
I think the reason they let Mani do his shitty pitch to the first two was that they knew they'd do well on the third, patter or no.

Really? Personally I can't see the some of the egos in that group letting that shit slide. I thinking particularly of the salesmen here.
21:19 / 02.03.06
Clearly their apparent shitness is a cunning g*m*pl*n.
23:16 / 03.03.06
No, it wasn't a g*m*pl*n. It's a few guys who know what they're doing having to cope with a fuckwit and an ineffectual leader.
Watch carefully and you'll see that Ansell, Syed and Paul despair throughout at the failure of the others to understand what's going on. Those three stick together and negotiate with ONE supplier (off camera) an RRP of £10-ish with a discount of 40 per cent to get £6,000 cost. That's actually pretty good, but I'd assume they're going sale-or-return (60 per cent firm-sale is more common for charity calendars). Those calendars are NOT going to sell well and they know it. Sam is challenged at every step even though the trio respect his wishes and don't overstep the mark (look at the hugging in the boardroom when they win, who is involved?).
I'll retract the idea they were willing to let Mani fuck it up because they were confident, but they did know they couldn't sell to the middle or upper market (who would be looking for at least 55 per cent SOR, in the case of Virgin, and a higher label price for Harrods... not that they'd stock it anyway).
In the last meeting we don't see Mani's presentation, only a cooing praise of the calendar and the buyer ignores him, looking past him at Ansell and Sam.
Ansell and Paul seem so far to be the only people who know what business is about. Their egos seem able to take the odd knock to let the chaff (Mani) know where he stands.

[Disclaimer: I used to have to turn down that sort of cack (read:happily buy) on an annual basis, but you should have seen the shite (read: Slow Dazzle) I'd get offered.]
01:18 / 04.03.06
Watch carefully and you'll see that Ansell, Syed and Paul despair throughout at the failure of the others to understand what's going on.

I'm willing to accept that these three are more cognisant of certain aspects of business than the others, but I'm not sure their marketing nous necessarily maps completely onto "what's going on". Syed, in particular, while clearly quite the bargainer, seems lacking in some elements of basic whatsgoingonness - for example, apparently being unaware of the wankiness of calling one's team "The A Team" or "The Winners". Syed's not a frequent flyer on Selfawarian Airlines.

Presumably each task is designed to showcase certain strengths and weaknesses, so shitness might well be a highly moveable scatfeast.
11:42 / 04.03.06
It almost beggars belief that the programme makers have the nerve to describe the wannabes as the business world's hottest young talent and suchlike. The hottest young talent are not likely to want to appear on shows like the Apprentice, they're going to be out there making their millions.
Jack Denfeld
12:02 / 04.03.06
The hottest young talent are not likely to want to appear on shows like the Apprentice, they're going to be out there making their millions.
Yeah, that's what I don't like about the American Apprentice series with Donald Trump. Why would young and upcoming business geniuses wanna be some glorified real estate salesman's lackey?
12:22 / 04.03.06
It's not so much that they wouldn't want to (although I strongly suspect they wouldn't), it's more that the programme makers wouldn't want them as they probably wouldn't make good telly. The makers of the show are much more interested in entertaining characters than they are in getting genuine business talent.
22:27 / 06.03.06
Much better than that Big Brother crap...

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