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The Apprentice series 2


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23:05 / 26.04.06
The guy who won last year seemed a sound person in the follow up show.

As with Big Brother, pretty much everyone seems sound(er) when interviewed afterwards. More relaxed situation, I guess, and less skewed editing.
23:06 / 26.04.06
Ah yes that was it. It's amazing what these programs do to your memory. I was watching the Your Fired program tonight and saw a clip of the drippy nosed bloke from early on and thought, 'Oh, i remember him, I wonder what he's doing these days'
08:43 / 27.04.06
Yeah, in that task when Ansell was PM (selling cars), the Head Car Selling Guy had said to Siralan that Ansell would have been the first person he'd send away.

I'm looking forward to the interviews, and I hope the interviewers, who know siralan "very well" (according to him), don't think that siralan can't live with a woman as his apprentice. I really hope Ruth goes through to the final.
Hattie's Kitchen
09:32 / 29.04.06
Syed and Ruth's showdown has been immortalised here.

Boleg Bros
19:16 / 03.05.06
Scary interviewer: "This is one of the worst CVs I've seen in 35 years".

Paul (perkily): "Okay!"
19:23 / 03.05.06
*belief in Paul crumbles*
19:29 / 03.05.06
Can't believe he's only 26, though..
19:30 / 03.05.06
Oh dear. He seems the weakest so far - more so even than Michelle.
Mourne Kransky
19:31 / 03.05.06
Michelle kicking ass this week. Even I'm impressed by her and the interviewers seem to be.
19:33 / 03.05.06
Michelle and the Badger for the final two!! GIRL POWER!
19:34 / 03.05.06
Nah, Ansell and Badger, I'm thinking.
19:37 / 03.05.06
Oooooh... "People who make me angry: 'People who sell The Big Issue..' "

Very Bad.
Mourne Kransky
19:37 / 03.05.06
Interviewers not taken with the Badge though.
19:40 / 03.05.06
Interesting: the two males are "nice guys" but a bit crap, while the females are ambitious to the point of 'damaging the job'.
Mourne Kransky
19:40 / 03.05.06
Paul: arse arse arse. Slap him roundly!
19:41 / 03.05.06
I think I agree with you, 'Nesh. I'm going to be shocked - shocked I tell you - if Paul and Michelle make it to next week. But then... Ansell? I mean, I can see the Badger, but..
19:42 / 03.05.06
Actually, they're all being roundly horsewhipped...
19:44 / 03.05.06
"Are you a little devil, Michelle?" Is SAS FLIRTING?
19:53 / 03.05.06
Color me shocked! But pleasantly surprised. Unlike Ruth..
19:55 / 03.05.06

(I take my hat off to you, Hattie.)
19:56 / 03.05.06
19:59 / 03.05.06
Well, it became clear pretty quickly that Paul was going to go. I'm quite pleased with the finalists. And I bet there actually is a little devil in Michelle.
20:05 / 03.05.06

I honestly think Servalan hadn't made his mind up until the very last second, hence the twistyconvolutey speech to Ruth. Keeping Michelle definitely threw all the contestants, visibly so. It's clearly her CV and the way she interviews that've swung it for her; she didn't impress in the tasks themselves.

I'm intrigued at the suggestion of 'personal' elements in both Ruth and Michelle's career histories. In the case of Ruth, tabloid gossip holds that she's recently come out as lesbian and abruptly left her husband; I wonder whether this had any bearing on her other wide-ranging life change, giving up her job. In Michelle's case, they seemed to be suggesting there'd been early bereavement or somesuch, which had propelled her into ambitious career-climbing.
20:06 / 03.05.06
I'm a little disturbed by Ruth's outfit in the preview of next week. Is she dressed as a clown?
Mourne Kransky
20:14 / 03.05.06
I'm loving Ansell's golden shirt and matching supergolden tie. Beartastic!
Tryphena Absent
20:15 / 03.05.06
The bit about her brothers suggested that they lost their parents young.

I think Ruth's face swung Servalan, she just looked like she really wanted the job.
Tryphena Absent
20:17 / 03.05.06
(I'm also loving that shirt and tie. Wowzer, what a look! Ansell has Styleeeeee.)
20:22 / 03.05.06
Not an easy colour to wear - but Ansell can do it.
20:40 / 03.05.06
In the case of Ruth, tabloid gossip holds that she's recently come out as lesbian and abruptly left her husband;

Hmmm, you know the only thing that surprizes me about this gossip is that Ruth was married. She never struck me as the marrying kind...
20:42 / 03.05.06
You reckon the stuff about her being married is tabloid invention?
Alex's Grandma
20:49 / 03.05.06

I was rather hoping that Badger would go over the side this week - While there's possibly something quite grand guignol about her patented brand of 'Joan Crawford goes business park' style of utter mania, in terms of it's appeal, and everyone on Barbelith loves an underdog, could anyone seriously imagine being on the business end of a strategy meeting with that sweating, red-faced, pit-eyed horror?

Who openly admits to 'prefering hiring to firing'?

Alan Sugar (he's been officially stripped of his title... well by me, I suppose, it'll stand or fall,) and her clearly deserve each other, but I'm worried about what sort of message a Badger win will send to the business community in general - she is a bad scene, humanity-wise, IMVHO.

Plus I think that if that pretty one with the blonde hair and I met, she would really like my grandson, and possibly employ him in some sort of menial capacity, if she emerged victorious.
21:01 / 03.05.06
Who openly admits to 'prefering hiring to firing'?

Or even the other way around.

I'm not really buying your argument for Ruth's "mania" or her being a bad deal in terms of "humanity". I think she faces an uphill struggle next week, because Michelle has captured the flinty heart of Servalan with her presumably Dickensian tale of brother-rearing following double bereavement. Ruth's achieved more in terms of the tasks themselves but, as the psychologist said, has failed to establish a connection. I'd sympathise with her if her sudden career shift were to do with a sudden epiphany in terms of sexual realisation, etc., because then she'd have the choice of either not referring to it at all in interviews and having people be suspicious that she's hiding something, or say, "I realised I was gay, and needed a complete change" and risk being viewed negatively as a result (breaking up a family/relationship not being quite as warm and snuggly a 'personal' motivation as holding a family together).
Alex's Grandma
22:21 / 03.05.06
Or even the other way round

Erm yeah. S'what I meant to say, etc, I am a fool.

But I'm not sure what Badger's sexuality (and it's the first I've heard of this anyway - has it even been hinted at during the course of the show, which was presumably filmed a few months before the UK tabloids had any idea of who she was/is/will be) has to do with what she'd be like to deal with an office situation, from an employee's point of view, which, I maintain, would fall under the general heading of *very difficult.*

Working for Syed would at least be funny ...
22:35 / 03.05.06
But I'm not sure what Badger's sexuality (and it's the first I've heard of this anyway - has it even been hinted at during the course of the show, which was presumably filmed a few months before the UK tabloids had any idea of who she was/is/will be) has to do with what she'd be like to deal with an office situation, from an employee's point of view, which, I maintain, would fall under the general heading of *very difficult.*

I'm not sure either. I was thinking more along the lines of an emergent (previously suppressed) sexuality causing upheaval in one's life generally (leaving current partner, possibly making a geographical move) and this upheaval - and associated stresses - causing problems at work. It's a load of linked assumptions based on tabloid stories, I grant you, but I've certainly known women like Ruth who've decided, after years of marriage, that they're lesbian. I wouldn't be remotely surprised if it were true.

And yeah, as with other wannabe-apprentices, sexuality hasn't really been hinted at.

I just don't see Ruth as being hellish to work for, particularly. I'd certainly rather work for her than Syed, for fuck's sake. His funniness would get eyestabby really fast.
Hattie's Kitchen
07:51 / 04.05.06
Wow, I stood by my prediction but I did fear for Ruth at one point. Paul showed himself up to be full of hot air and I wasn't at all surprised he went first. Ansell just wasn't as demonstrably hungry for the job as the 2 girls.

It's gonna be a good final. It looks like Ruth picks Jo to be on her team for the final task, presumably to show Siralan that she can work with people despite personal differences - much like Saira picking Paul last year, while Michelle opts for Syed.

Didn't know Ruth played for the home team - I agree with Ganesh's assessment that her reasons for going on the show, cutting all ties with her old job fit in with major personal life upheavals - if you're gonna make a fresh start, do it in style!

Rooting for the Badger to win as ever, but I did warm to Michelle a bit last night.

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