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The Apprentice series 2


Page: 123(4)56789

19:51 / 22.03.06
Mani and Jo big shocker - Mani sucks and Ruth and Jo hate each other.

Oh please let SAS knock Mani FLAT!
19:57 / 22.03.06
Mourne Kransky
19:59 / 22.03.06
From anchor to wanker, quoth Saralan. Hoho.
20:01 / 22.03.06
I do wonder if he spends a little time "warming up" and testing his one-liners off on his advisors. "Am I speakin' English?"
20:29 / 22.03.06
YAYYYYY!! Thank fuck the Tippex-toothed DJ is out - and both Badger and Tulip remain!
miss wonderstarr
20:58 / 22.03.06
If I had to look at his am-dram grin and insomniac wideeyes as he snowed me under with his bullshit "I am a world-class presenter... *beam, hand on heart* it's what I do" one more time, I would have thrown my supper at the screen.
Mysterious Transfer Student
06:19 / 23.03.06
True, Mani deserved to go. He too had used the disastrous tactic of bringing Jo into the boardroom with him in the hope that her absurdly confrontational, attention-getting persona would take some off the heat off him. Did he not notice that she's already proved she has the survival skills of a sewer rat?

On an off-topic note, does anyone have any favourites (i.e. people you might actually consider spending time with) yet? For some reason I find myself warming to Paul, Ruth and Ansell for the ridiculous reason that they're relatively overweight... it seems to be a humanizing element that separates them from the gym-bound, Patrick Bateman arrogant Type A personalities that normally infest this show and high-flying business environments generally. (Not that I have any real experience of such environments.)
miss wonderstarr
06:43 / 23.03.06
I'm afraid I like Michelle just because she has a freshly dewy prettiness about her. :crush:

Paul and Ruth are both the best PMs I've seen -- both effective, professional, competent (that it was a real surprise to see someone give a smooth, witty presentation says a lot about the performances so far) and reasonable, rather than screwy (again, it was a pleasant surprise to see the two PMs compromising on use of the plane, instead of gurning and and threatening).

One thing I dislike about Ansell, Syed and Mani (as well as Jo in a different way) is that they've all started swearing at their team and colleagues, as if it was a stand-off outside a pub. That seems horribly unprofessional to me.
Hattie's Kitchen
06:56 / 23.03.06
Yay for Ruth! Loved the face-off between her and smarmy Mani. Ruth has surplanted Paul as my favourite, who's rapidly becoming a tosser of the first degree.

I agree that Ruth was one of the best PMs. She consulted with everyone, listened to differing opinions but stamped her authority over the team, resulting in them being the best-organised and most efficient bunch, even though they were working to the wrong brief, thanks to Ansell and Mani.

I think Siralan has a soft spot for her, as she's from the same blue-collar background as him, she despises Mani-style management consultant bullshit speak as does Siralan, and is not afraid to get stuck in. So, she's now my favourite to win.

Loved Max the wanking extra, too.
miss wonderstarr
07:13 / 23.03.06
Yeah, why the fuck did they call him Max when his name was something entirely different (OK, I can't remember it except that it maybe had a J, Z and B, but I wasn't directing the guy). My mouth fell open for five minutes at this -- it seemed reminiscent of the worst kind of colonialism to strip someone's name because (presumably) it was difficult to pronounce.
miss wonderstarr
07:51 / 23.03.06
Jazbir? Anyway.
20:08 / 23.03.06
I was quite surprised that they called him Max. And also that he didn't correct them at any point.

Anyway, for now Ruth is my favourite. As far as I can remember she usually acts sensible and doesn't start shouting in(s)anely at people, or spout marketing speak. I think, and hope, she'll go far. I also quite like Sharon, but only because I'm a sucker for scottish accents.
23:11 / 23.03.06
What was up with the narration in tonights episode? "Margaret and Nick wait on the opposite side of the table" "Siralan looks up and down at the teams" "Jo hugs Mani" "Two men open a double glass door for Mani to walk through" "Mani opens the taxi door and climbs in"

Did they think I wasn't watching and was just listening? Bizarre.

Oh, and hooray that Mani is gone.
Rev. Orr
02:33 / 24.03.06
Oddly, despite Mani being the worst kind of leering, smug, buffed-'til-his-shit-shines tosser, I found myself suddenly knee-jerked into desperately wanting him to survive. Why? The moment Ruth took a perfectly straightforward, accurately used word from amongst Manis business-jargon persiflage - sifted through the bilge of waffle and 'management' double-think to pick a rare moment of clarity - and interrupted to demand he translate "autocratic" into "clear English".

To be fair, the gleaming one tried to to remain odiously smug with his smack down, but when you've been spanked for your woeful lack of vocabulary, the answer is never to whip out the words "Aha! Patronising!" like you've just laid down a straight flush, king high. Nice one. Let's attack him for the one thing he's got right since the start of the episode instead of pointing out that you only lost the task because you listened to him in the first place.
12:34 / 24.03.06
Orr, Ruth taking him up on "autocratic" pissed me off too.
13:32 / 24.03.06
I'm enjoying series one's repetition on Irish tv at the moment. Waiting with bated breath for the shopping channel episode which imho was one of the series highpoints.

Last night's was the first episode of series 2 I've watched thus far and like in series one I've arrived half way. The board room meeting was all very rats in a barrel, very enjoyable. The challenging of "autocratic" was brilliantly stupid and said with such spite. Sir Alan's little jokes? Debbie does Dallas? Anchor to Wanker? Not so funny.
18:30 / 29.03.06
Syed pulling the "I'm from Bangladesh too" card again. Hmmm. Respect The Badger, though.
Mourne Kransky
18:49 / 29.03.06
Would it have made any difference if you hadn't been there, Samuel?
18:57 / 29.03.06
"Jo... you're sectioned."
Mourne Kransky
18:59 / 29.03.06
Give me one more last chance, Sir Alan... I'll suck your toes.

No, God is telling me to fire you, Jo. You're fired - for ostentatious weeping and wailing.
19:01 / 29.03.06
Finally. What a relief, although I can't understand how she managed to stay in the series for so long. And I wish I could watch all extras on the BBC website, but it won't let me do it because I'm not in the UK.
Tryphena Absent
19:04 / 29.03.06
Sir Alan could smell the discord.

He's a bloodhound.
miss wonderstarr
19:45 / 29.03.06
Syed pulling the "I'm from Bangladesh too" card again.

Wasn't exactly a top trump though was it?

"I'm Kenyan Asian."

"And your wife, sir, is she from the same country?"

13:21 / 30.03.06
I really can't work out who I believe should win this series. There is no stand-out candidate and, unless this is the structure of the programme, I don't see anybody that SirAlan rates either.

Ruth, maybe? She did well selling last night and handles herself quite well but her willingness to get into grudges rankles with me. That fat man? (Paul?) but things seem to going to his head a little and he may get too big for his boots.

They all seem a bit wet to me. More like broadsheet Big Brother contestants than potential business high-flyers.
19:14 / 05.04.06
Syed: "Sharon has the knowledge and expertise, but I can't stand her smugness".

Kettle dies of blackness.
19:38 / 05.04.06
I think I'm in love with Paul 'Just Gay Enough' Tulip.
Mourne Kransky
19:43 / 05.04.06
Damn, I was hoping Sharon would shoot Syed at the Country House Hotel.
Mourne Kransky
20:00 / 05.04.06
Michelle survives by the skin of her teeth and, just as he starts to relax, Samuel is bitten on the bum by Big Grumpy Al.
Not in the Face
08:20 / 06.04.06
I think it was the smirk that did it - Samuel really thought she was on her way out. Maybe SirAlan wanted to show that his choices can't be predicted, to keep them all on their toes.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:51 / 06.04.06
His choices can be predicted in the sense that if he's really laying into someone, but hasn't done a summary-attack of the others yet, you know that there's going to be a "but" or "however". Samuel wasn't able to predict that, but then again he is a cretinous simpleton. A deeply satisfying dismissal.
Hattie's Kitchen
08:59 / 06.04.06
Samuel to me was like the invisible man. The only thing I noticed about him was his massively over-sized flasher-style raincoat he was wearing as he departed in the taxi.
Mourne Kransky
12:55 / 06.04.06
Was I being unduly sensitive or was Syed being a creepy, pervo fucker by invading the women's changing room? I'd have punched his lights out.

Liking Paul more and more with every passing week but I think Ruth's going to win this.
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:05 / 06.04.06
Yes, "the Faceman" (as I'm sure he calls himself on AdultFriendFinder) was being exceptionally creepy this week - "These look great on long, slender legs... and you've obviously got long, slender legs" - and it was gratifying (even if the result of editing) to see how many customers seemed to prefer the burlier charms of Mr Tulip.
13:15 / 06.04.06
paul's obviously just a wanker salesman, but he doesn't take any measures to pretend he's anything else, and so somehow makes himself comparatively very likeable. amstell's okay, but has a bit of a 'sorry i haven't a clue' look about him sometimes, and drops irritating corpspeak into his sentences a bit often.

ruth's the nicest i think, the one clearly best able to get on and do things, and talk to people without seeming a prick. but i don't think she's got the same legs as paul, because there's mad alan's misogyny to take into account: i think ruth will be one of the last of the pre-last lot to go, on the basis of some utterly spurious shit. cf miriam (?)'s departure last year.
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:41 / 06.04.06
Yeah, SAS didn't make much of an effort to hide the fact that "I don't like all this comradeship", addressed to Ruth and Michelle, had very strong "Don't bring that sisterhood bullshit into my churlish goblin world" overtones...

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