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Questions and Answers - Part 3


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20:45 / 22.05.07
I got given some wheatgerm oil as a preset a while ago and i'm not really sure what to do with it.

The website for the people who made it call it a carrier oil; do i add essential oils and use it for massage?
21:09 / 22.05.07
Yup. It's great for scars too, it's pretty much vitamin E oil.
12:31 / 23.05.07
I rily, rilly want to put this lolrus pic on the board- I has a bucket but I just can't make it work! How do I get the URL for the lolrus?!
12:40 / 23.05.07
Click the link under the photo.
12:48 / 23.05.07

thanks grant!
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
13:34 / 23.05.07
Does "distinguish" need a contrast to work?

For instance, can I say "My friend David's easy-going attitude and sense of humour distinguish him,"

or do I have to say "...distinguish him from other men his age" or similar phrasing?

Reversing: does "an easy-going attitude and sense of humour distinguish my friend David" scan, or do I need to say "...distinguish my friend David among his peers" etc.?

Fowler's is no help, nor the dictionary.
13:37 / 23.05.07
You kinda need a 'from' after it, but I'd recommend using a different word really.
Distinctive? Identify? Easily distinguishable from lolcats?
Jack Fear
13:41 / 23.05.07
I think it can be left implicit, and often is , as when we speak of a person or thing's characteristics. His distinguishing marks include a chipped left front tooth and a scar across his chin. If you see him, call 911.

Still, I'm thinking that—although I loathe the construction generally—you may want to use passive voice in this case: David can be distinguished by his zany humor and easy-going manner.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
13:45 / 23.05.07
That works. Thanks!
09:27 / 25.05.07
Does anyone know where to find single-bulb led solar lights? Like those used for landscape lighting, but not stuck into some plastic or metal housing- just the guts?
12:59 / 25.05.07
Try electronics catalogs, like so. (yes, that's a 3-bulb solution).

There's a circuit diagram and parts suppliers for a bigger project here.
Tabitha Tickletooth
18:19 / 26.05.07
Help me, I beg you. I'm in Portugal, about to cross into Spain in the south. My iBook has packed it in - I think it is some kind of problem with the airport card. If I'm out of range of a wireless network, I seem to be able to boot up, otherwise, I just get an error message telling me to restart my computer. When I can boot up, away from a network, it tells me that I don't have an airport card, which I know that I do (having up until a week ago been on regular wi-fi access).

Basically I need a Mac store urgently, but I can't seem to get any of the sites to tell me if there is a Mac store anywhere near me. The next big place is Seville (a couple of day's cycle away) but I'm basically heading across the south and then up to Barcelona along the east coast. Does anyone know where the nearest Apple store is to me? Or who I could take my iBook to for repairs??
18:59 / 26.05.07
The Mac store locator itself seems to think there are no official stores outside of AmeriCanada except for Japan and the UK. I'll have a look around and see if I can find anywhere else.
Tabitha Tickletooth
19:10 / 26.05.07
Thanks Peppermint - I was having the same problem. As your web-fu is clearly much stronger than mine, any help would be much much appreciated. How do all the Spaniards with Macs get by? I'm sure there are some Barcelona Lithers out there - don't suppose you passed an Apple store on your sunny Spanish morning jaunt then? I feel bereft - I'm using internet explorer, for god's sake...
19:12 / 26.05.07
I'm sorry, I'm getting dip off my search results and the Apple support pages aren't much help, either. The only think I have right now is this, which is seemingly Barcelona-centric - but some of the people may be able to advise you over the telephone?
Tabitha Tickletooth
19:31 / 26.05.07
Thanks Peppermint. Also, some PM help has hopefully presented a solution.

As always, Barbelith, you are filled with the cream of humanity and I worship at your altar of combined helpfulness and skill.

A follow up post to hopefully be helpful to anyone facing a similar dilemma in the future will follow asap.
Essential Dazzler
20:40 / 28.05.07
Does anyone know of a free desktop wallpaper rotator/randomizer program that works on Windows 2000 and is, crucially, free.

I've tried a few so far, and none have them have worked.
Essential Dazzler
20:54 / 28.05.07
Ignore that, found one now

A new lolcat desktop every minute!

08:33 / 29.05.07
alright, long-shot here but I know there are a few Hackney/Stokey/general-east-London types about...

I need to find a band rehearsal space somwhere east for this saturday afternoon (2nd June). We are clean and nice and im desperate!
Saturn's nod
15:44 / 29.05.07
I want to read some research about how humans process visual images in the context of software design. Stuff about how graphical displays enable us to read and process data more effectively because we're using our innate image-processing brains. Any hints please, oh Barbelith?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:19 / 30.05.07
I bought some masking fluid the other day, and when I tried to use it just now I discovered that it had solidified in the bottle. Does anyone know if latex masking fluid can be melted down again or do I have to go and ask for my monies back at the shop?
Jackie Susann
00:05 / 31.05.07
I just got this old leather jacket with a huge chunk of caked on chewing gum. I tried the fix I've always heard - put it in the freezer then pick the gum off. But that didn't work, maybe because the gum has been there for ages (at least six months). Does anyone know any other way to clean leather?
Disco is My Class War
10:13 / 31.05.07
Some ABC messageboard says to try a citrus cleaner, something solvent with orange oil in it. And then apply lanolin straight away, because supposedly the solvent will fuck up the leather.
21:51 / 02.06.07
I'm a UK citizen and resident. How would I go about getting a full physical done to test my level of health and/or check for dodgy health stuff I might not know about? Can I just ask my GP?

I know my local hospital can do blood work-ups to check for STDs etc, and I'm planning on getting a diabetes check free from my local Lloyd's pharmacy some time this week but how does one get a full physical done?
Whisky Priestess
15:37 / 04.06.07
Become senior in a company with a very generous health package?

I used to work in a surgery on Harley Street that did nothing but what I believe you are talking about and I'm pretty sure that's the only way to get a full MOT. I'm not sure your local GP would have the time or the equipment and ... well, at your age, if you appear perfectly healthy and have nothing wrong with you, you risk being written off as a timewaster or hypochrondriac.

Don't mean to be mean as I don't know your medical history, but even when I've had painful/worrying things and gone to the doctor I've
a) had to wait weeks
b) been examined for 5 minutes, told not to worry and dismissed.

And I can't really blame them - if you go into a hospital it's 85% old people dying. I understand your concern for your health but if you are/have been healthy for most of your adult life it's so very, very unlikely that there's anything wrong with you I really think if you want the peace of mind total check up you may have to go private.
Whisky Priestess
15:38 / 04.06.07
Depends what level of check you're looking for, obvs. - but it sound like you want more than a 10-minute general check up.
20:52 / 04.06.07
I´m watching The West Wing these days, and whenever the president enters the situation room, the soldiers shout what sounds like ten hut. It´s probably spelled differently, since I can´t find anything on wikipedia. Does anyone know what the meaning/origin of this phrase is and how it´s spelled?
This Sunday
20:56 / 04.06.07
'Ten hut' or 'a ten ut' or however you want to transliterate, is a quick/efficient way of saying 'attention.' At least, it's supposed to be. I think, more likely, it's just efficient for those to whom it is an understood.
21:00 / 04.06.07
I think it is "atten-hut," maybe some bastardization of "attention". Like when they say "Right shoulder arms" it sounds like "Rih-shola-OMS!"
21:43 / 04.06.07
Thanks for the answers! The atten-hut got me to this link, which explains most of those military phrases (apparently not the hoo-ha from Jarhead and Black Hawk Down, though): Drill commands
This Sunday
22:21 / 04.06.07
Hoo-ha's just 'yahoo' to military regulations, surely? And the keystone to any drinking game involving Scent of a Woman.

Seriously, if there's a real reason/origin, somebody grace us with it. Otherwise, I'm stuck with reversy-yahoo.
22:32 / 04.06.07
That hoo-ha especially had got me wondering if there might be any point to it, since the soldiers shout it with such emphasis, as if it´s supposed to mean something, but it sounds so silly. Probably just a mix of injoke and bonding.
01:44 / 05.06.07
"Hoo-raw" is a Marines thing. Although this page pronounces it "Oo-rah!" and contrasts it with the "Hooah!" of the infantry (Army).

There are several purported origins, including these two:
On theory is that the word originated with the Second Dragoons in Florida as "hough" in 1841. In an attempt to end the war with the Seminoles, a meeting was arranged with the Indian Chief Coacoochee. After the meeting, there was a banquet.

Garrison officers made a variety of toasts, including "Here's to luck" and "The old grudge" before drinking. Coacoochee asked Gopher John, an interpreter, the meaning of the officers' toasts. Gopher John responded, "It means, ÔHow d'ye do.'"

The chief then lifted his cup above his head and exclaimed in a deep, guttural voice, "hough."

Another theory is that during the Vietnam War many American soldiers used Vietnamese and Vietnamese-French expressions interchangeably with English.

One widely used term was the Vietnamese word for "yes," which is pronounced "u-ah." When assigned a task or asked a question, soldiers would often answer with "u-ah." This term -- used for many years after the war by many soldiers, is easily changed to "hooah."
All Acting Regiment
08:50 / 05.06.07
Euros into Pounds Sterling - how many Euros is worth one Pound and vice versa?
Mon Oncle Ignatius
08:59 / 05.06.07
It depends on the exchange rate. Try this handy currency converter.

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