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Questions and Answers - Part 3


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A beautiful tunnel of ghosts
16:46 / 15.06.07
Allecto Regina: Who's the chap, Andrew something, Christian socialist, writes a blog, into Doctor Who?

Andrew Rilstone?
Lama glama
19:18 / 16.06.07
So, I recorded this week's Doctor Who to DVD like I've done every week this year (unabashed shameless fanboy that I am), just so I could watch it back later tonight. I checked to see if it recorded okay, and everything but the episode itself was recorded. The ads before it were perfect, the confidential on BBC3 worked fine. What's the deal?! This is the first time in the series that it didn't record the show properly. Is it possible that the BBC scramble the signal to prevent illegal you-tubesque dissemination?

Any light-shedding would be appreciated.
Sibelian 2.0
19:28 / 16.06.07
Am I correct in assuming that the phrase "scary beans" comes from the X-files title sequence, featuring 2 scary beans sprouting sinister roots while superimposed over a fetus or something? Or have I made that up?
Mysterious Transfer Student
21:12 / 16.06.07
I found a badge in the street in Cardiff. It's metal, about an inch on a side and looks like this.

Before I wear it as I'd like, however, I'd like to try and find out what the design means to avoid the slim chance of causing offence to some religious, political or for all I know, rune-literate LARP community that might clock it on the lapel of my jacket.

Any ideas, clues or guesses will be most welcome.
21:48 / 16.06.07
my guess on the beans question is that it's probably using 'beans' in a similar sense as "tough beans"; that is, a euphemism for shit.
21:51 / 16.06.07
It looks like a masonic symbol to me. But I don't know so many masons and they're not exactly down with the advertising so I couldn't confirm that.
04:35 / 17.06.07
Give me stalker songs, people! About psycho killers who weally wuv you!

Hmmm... How about Queensryche's Gonna Get Close To You. Actually, I think a number of the songs from Rage for Order would work.

Or, Oingo Boingo's lovely creepy Pictures of You.
All Acting Regiment
11:51 / 18.06.07
Of the Master:

(The 13 limit could be based on moral or aesthetic grounds - if we consider the Doctor's comments about Jack and what happens in The Five Doctors it's pretty obvious Time Lords don't view eternal life favorably. Perhaps this is a reaction to their ancient war with the vampires. This also throws the Master's behavior in recent stories into even more transgressive territory.)

What war was this?
Lama glama
11:58 / 18.06.07
In the 2006 annual RTD made mention of a war between Gallifrey and the Great Vampires that took place before the Time War. I can't think of any Great Vampires in the classic series other than those ones from E Space, so I'm assuming it's just some colour added to the show's recent mythology on his part.
Lama glama
12:00 / 18.06.07
Actually, I'm wrong.

This from Wikipedia:

During his rule, Rassilon leads the Time Lords in a war against the Great Vampires, a war so horrific that the Time Lords forswear violence from that point on. The weapons used by the Time Lords against the vampires in that war include Bowships that fired giant bolts through the Great Vampires' hearts. The Doctor encounters a surviving vampire in E-Space in the serial State of Decay.
All Acting Regiment
12:06 / 18.06.07
Hmm...can we get the E-space trilogy on DVD?
Disco is My Class War
12:06 / 18.06.07
Oh, grant, I really like "Follow My Signs"! And if I could buy iy instead of downloading it for free, I totally would. It's definitely going on the mix. Which has become an actual project I am making for my friend's birthday later this week! Yay.
Disco is My Class War
12:07 / 18.06.07
Also, I just saw Zodiac last week, and it's creepily fitting that you should be ghost-writing him singing slightly cute indie songs.
My Mom Thinks I'm Cool
12:10 / 18.06.07
During his rule, Rassilon leads the Time Lords in a war against the Great Vampires

I clearly need to start watching Doctor Who, don't I.

where do I start? I gather this show's been made/remade about sixteen times...
All Acting Regiment
12:16 / 18.06.07
Watch the current series when it's on, and fish out the thread we have about the old series.
Lama glama
12:17 / 18.06.07
Hmm...can we get the E-space trilogy on DVD?

Not yet, unfortunately. It is available on a fairly popular video sharing website though, but it's an unappealing way of watching television. They're releasing two more boxset's this year on DVD. The Key to Time is getting it's UK release at last and there's a trilogy of Tegan stories being released too, for some unfathomable reason. My prediction for the January box-set release is the E-Space trilogy.
All Acting Regiment
12:37 / 18.06.07
Here's to hoping. I fucking love Doctor Who, by the way.
All Acting Regiment
14:34 / 18.06.07
Oh, were the vampires in SoD the same as in The Curse of Fenric?
All Acting Regiment
14:39 / 18.06.07
And will we ever see a return of THIS terrifying villain:

14:57 / 18.06.07
Disco: \m/

I actually recorded that in 2001. I still haven't seen Zodiac, but I want to.

Transfer: I don't think that's a Masonic symbol. It looks a little like an SR-71 Blackbird, a little like a tau cross combined with the three nails of the crucifixion. Although it's so modern/design-lookin', I wouldn't be surprised if it was a LARP thing.

I'm curious what you discover about it. Any marks on the back?
22:36 / 19.06.07
Is there a word that means the same as 'requiem' but is not specific to Catho-Christian traditions? Or do i have to use 'deathprayer song'?
22:44 / 19.06.07
I think "elegy" is kind of right? Maybe "elegie", it looks like that may be better.
00:28 / 20.06.07
00:36 / 20.06.07
Oh, hell yes. That's it.
Jack Fear
01:24 / 20.06.07
Lament or threnody would probably work, too.
17:50 / 20.06.07
For maybe the last two weeks there has been a sticky sweet smell in the air. I thought it might be linden trees. Any ideas what it might be?
18:47 / 20.06.07
It's spring. Honeysuckle? Jasmine? Any given temperate-zone plant??
19:12 / 20.06.07
When I noticed the smell earlier I couldn´t see any flowers or blooming plants. I´m pretty sure it´s some kind of tree. But I don´t know a lot about trees, I can identify birch trees but not much else. Looking on the net, jasmine was also mentioned (but doesn´t that have white flowers?), and also rhododendrons (of which there can be trees as well as shrubbery).
Essential Dazzler
16:45 / 21.06.07
Random paranoia: Can I get a virus from a PDF attached to an email?
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
17:01 / 21.06.07
I could be wrong, but I wouldn't think so. Though, it's good practice not to open any attachment without knowing for sure that you know the person that sent it to you AND they intended to send it (rather than a worm going through their address book).
Essential Dazzler
20:35 / 21.06.07
Thanks, I still don't know if you can get viruses from PDFs, but I didn't this time!
Mysterious Transfer Student
13:29 / 24.06.07
Badge mystery solved!

It's a band.

Thanks to a member of south Wales' truly vast population of metal-loving teenagers, whom I passed on St Mary Street last evening, for wearing the relevant hoodie and unintentionally sorting this one out.
Disco is My Class War
15:43 / 24.06.07
I made the stalker songs mix! See the screenshot below. I used some of everyone's suggestions, and also cribbed extensively from an ILX thread on the same subject. There are a couple of songs that don't really fit. I included the the Blood Simple theme because that movie is all about surveillance, and excessive 'love', and the music is fabulously creepy. The last track is not actually from Fatal Attraction (Winamp thinks it is) -- it's a clip from Rear Window, the bit where the housekeeper talks about how 'we've become a nation of peeping toms'.

17:10 / 26.06.07
Um...I'm having topic placement issues. Helps?

I'd like to discuss this article on Optimus Prime/Transformers in the context of the scary comics thread but obviously it isn't a comic. I'm hesitant to drag it over to the Transformer's movie thread because I'd like to look at it less about the movie/transformers and more about what this particular article is saying. As you can imagine I have a lot of problems with the article's points and I don't want to derail the movie thread.

Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
17:16 / 26.06.07
Generally, the Transformers have always been more of a TV/movies thing and a toys thing, so it fits in with the Film forum - maybe start a seperate, companion thread to the movie one? It would be interesting to discuss. Mind you, I don't actually see any reason -not- to post it in the movie thread for the sake of cohesion, but I urge you to go forth and post.

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