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Questions and Answers - Part 3


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09:31 / 13.02.07
Well, it´s speculation on my part, as the end of the movie was so ambiguous, but I´ll edit it for spoiler warnings.
21:04 / 13.02.07
So, Jerulsalem Artichokes. I tried to make a Dauphinoiseoise with them tonight: no gruyere (I'm not pokey about this; cheese has a place in things), cream, and the dish just rubbed with garlic. So it goes really runny, but tastes good. Actually it tasted very yummy, because the artichokes retained a little crunch and didn't disolve into nothingness, which I thought they might. Clearly, the roots let loads of water out of them which made the cream all runny and watery.

I could, I suppose, add an egg yolk to the cream to give is a bit of muscle, or steam and dry the artichoke (but they might go black).

My constitution [tum] might not stand up to too many experiments, and I want to cook this at the weekend while the artichokes are available and cheapish at my local source.

Has anyone mastered this?
Alex's Grandma
21:37 / 13.02.07

I'd advise doing the Dauphinios(?) as a side dish with potatoes (though it's not really clear what you're up to here, TFTT,) and serving up the artichokes, fried in butter with chili peppers, garlic, herbs and cherry tomatoes for a few minutes, plus some steamed veg, on the same plate.

I've got no idea how this would actually turn out, but it sounds quite good.
Kit-Cat Club
21:54 / 13.02.07
I have a similar issues with gratins in that the liquid parts often separate a bit (I suspect this is because I am using too much liquid for the size of the dish - or too much FAT). I haven't mastered it yet but will let you know when I have. Since in your case it probably wasn't too much fat, perhaps try parboiling the artichokes before you put them in the dish? And mix them with the cream rather than pouring it over the top, which makes it look less beautifully arranged, but does seem to help the amalgamation process. Though this might make them more collapso.
01:48 / 14.02.07
I've never made a dauphinoise, but if it's a melted cheese+cream thing, I bet adding a pinch of flour early on will help keep it together. Maybe even start with (ooo!) a roux??

Just a guess.
01:51 / 14.02.07
Yahoo Answers says white wine and low heat is the answer.

I dunno. I like the flour idea.
07:21 / 14.02.07
Thank you Granny, Kit-Cat, grant. Things to think on, and I shall try again. And will let you all know.
13:32 / 15.02.07
Turntables: Can anyone recommend one? For 150 quid or less?

I'm not after doing any fancy DJ stuff, and I don't need a USB connection. All I want is something I can play records on, and that will get the best possible sound out of them for 150 quid (or less, obv.)
Phex: Dorset Doom
15:08 / 15.02.07
For bargain turntables check your local Cash Generator or similar store- plenty of kids buy turntables and other DJ equipment thinking the whole thing will be easy. Often rich kids buy expensive equipment on daddy's credit card which ends up in second-hand stores or eBay (another good resource), meaning a savvy DJ-youngling can pick up good quality equipment at near half price. Denon and Technics are good brands in the sub-150 price-range.

My Question: What would be German translation of the phrase 'Love will tear us apart' be?
Phex: Dorset Doom
16:23 / 15.02.07
Also: Where can I find digital recordings of jazz, particularly free-jazz, solos in the public domain for use in an electronic music project?
Lama glama
17:16 / 15.02.07
My Question: What would be German translation of the phrase 'Love will tear us apart' be?

It should be "Liebe wird uns auseinander reissen."

Somebody better at the language correct me if I'm wrong.
Lama glama
17:20 / 15.02.07
Of course, it could also be:

"Liebe wird uns in stücke reissen."

That's in a more literal, torn apart to shreds by rabid dogs kind of way.

Mon Oncle Ignatius
17:24 / 15.02.07
Phex: try the audio archive - they have loads and loads of free music, especially older copyright-free material which is in the public domain, plus newer recordings which people just want to have out and available.

Saveloy - try your nearest Richer Sounds (ooh, they've got a sale on!) for anything cheap and good in audio (and DVD etc, for that matter) separates - if you go in at a less busy time, they'll set up the turntables for you to try out as well. I got a good, solid Eclipse turntable from them years ago for about £80 or so. Nothing fancy: it plays vinyl, and does it well.
17:25 / 15.02.07
Someone light the Mistofelees-signal!
Lama glama
17:27 / 15.02.07
Mon Oncle Ignatius
17:28 / 15.02.07
Oh, forgot to mention, make sure you get a turntable with an onboard phono stage, so you can just plug it into your amp - there's one on there for £50 for a real bargain.
18:54 / 15.02.07
Phex and Django> Thank you! Sounds like good advice.

Should I be seeking a belt drive rather than a direct drive, or vice versa? Or doen't it matter? I've always assumed that direct drive will keep pitch for longer, because belts go slack after a while.
18:55 / 15.02.07
Barbelith brain!

You know that bit of music that signifies "Chinese!" or "Asian!" in the most stereotypical way possible?


The one at the start of "I'm Turning Japanese" by the Vapors?

And bajillions of other songs?

Mon Oncle Ignatius
19:05 / 15.02.07
Saveloy - the aforementioned Eclipse has got a belt drive, and hasn't failed so far (though now I've mentioned it, it will of course conk out at the next opportunity) in the last seven years or more that I've had it. It does have a variable pitch control, which I would recommend getting in any case, regardless of whether you have any DJing plans for your deck as you can fine-tune any wonky discs, and make up for any belt variations which might occur over time.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
19:09 / 15.02.07
Agreed -- belts do wear out a bit, true, but if you're just listening to records recreationally, like a normal turntable owner in the good ol' days, it's nothing to worry about. Pitch control helps.

The more important thing is to learn how to appropriately weight your turntable arm with the headshell on to avoid too much pressure (damages the groove and wears the needle) and too little pressure (easy and frequent skipping).
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
19:13 / 15.02.07
Grant, fear my L33T Wikipedia skills.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
19:18 / 15.02.07
Actually this "Asian Riff" site is even better. Origins unknown, dates back to 1847 in some "proto-forms" according to this page.
09:43 / 16.02.07
Someone light the Mistofelees-signal!

Yes, hello! I wasn´t home last night.

Llama, your translation looks fine. I would add an article, though, it sounds better that way:

Die Liebe wird uns auseinander reißen.
Uns wird die Liebe auseinander reißen.
14:01 / 16.02.07

22:12 / 16.02.07
Ummm, this is a question thats actually about a project in creation... or a project I thought was there... does anyone know about the idea based on the wandering notebook where everyone sends a page or three to one address with a scanner? And it gets poked up somewhere communal for all to see and marvel over.

I can't find where this was, should I start a new thread volunteering to be the reciever of pages of pretties? Or was it deemed to be a BAD PLAN?

Eagerly awaiting illumination...
16:04 / 17.02.07
It's called the Blue Book. Apparently it's in trouble.

My hypothetical question is this:

If I wanted to be a rent-boy of the "street corner" type, how exactly would one do that? Where would you go? How do you signify your hooker status?
19:51 / 17.02.07
Princess, no it isn't. The Blue book is an actual book that moves around and has currently been hijacked by N.E.Coyote. Haloquin, the one you are referring to I think is Bedhead's "Wandrin' Notebook 3" which has been and sadly gone, much like Bedhead these days.


Anyway. The thread about it can be found here.

Shall we do another?
21:21 / 17.02.07
Thank you Olulabelle... I'd seen the Blue Notebook Thread and remembered the static-thingie idea being mentioned but had missed the wagon on that one.

I have begun a thread in creation called "static notebook" care to join me over there?

Princess; No idea, I reckon working out where the red light district is and hanging around there might work... but that will also get you picked up by the police, possibly beaten up, as has happened to girls in the red light district in my home town. Having said that, I've no experience in this area whatsoever, so you're welcome to ignore my misgivings on this one. I got the impression that it tends to have some organisation behind it... which may mean trying it could get you the wrong end of their stick.
21:22 / 17.02.07
Umm, double entendre not intended...
Blake Head
23:19 / 17.02.07
Ok, so this is a question probably best suited to a thread devoted to questions you ask when you're too tired/sick/drunk/high to think better of asking them, but fuck it, I've spent a miserable evening freezing and stranded in sodding Larbert (courtesy of Scotrail), and I'm not quite thinking straight. Plus I'm on another Jack Reacher kick and feel the need for quasi-scientific spurious knowledge.

So my question is this: from either a male or female genitalia point of view, if the condtions were sufficiently cold, and one absolutely couldn't hold it in any longer, would it be better to briefly expose oneself to the elements (risking frostbite), or pee while clothed, with the benefits of initial warmth vs. damp clothes? What would Reacher do?

Apologies for tipping Barbelith one more inch towards the depths of impropriety.


Princess: I have an image of you in my mind looking easy and sleazy in hotpants...

... Sorry, nothing to do with the street corner thing, I just like that image. Carry on.
23:32 / 17.02.07
Blake..i would say, if you can, piss outside of your clothing. Always better if you are able. I don't know how cold it is where you are but i imagine, unless you are tracking penguins or something, a piss out of a jumpsuit shouldn't be too hard. Try and resist, as comforting and tempting as it may be.

A question...

What the fuck happened to Smart Drinks?
Blake Head
23:47 / 17.02.07
It's all good. Very much a question for hypothetical survival in arctic conditions circumstances. No penguins in the central belt. Good to know just in case though. I want hard scientific data on the consequences for one's health!
Baz Auckland
23:50 / 17.02.07
Lazy research I know, but I was curious too: From Wikipedia Some of the acids, then considered "foods" and nutritional supplements by government agencies like the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), changed in status and have since been removed from store shelves. Others are still available "over the counter" when prescribed by a doctor.
23:54 / 17.02.07
Blake. Don't wee in your pants. it will temporarily be okay but afterwards it will feel vile, cold or no cold. I think this. I do not know for sure.
18:18 / 18.02.07
Two unrelated questions.
1. What is up with certain accents in the UK that add this slight "er" sound isntead of the "a" vowel sound pronounced usually like "uh"? Like listening to BBC, someone will say, "In Cuber today, Fidel Castro's doctors decided to send him to Argentiner for observation." Not really that pronounced, but kind of that pirate arr thing, or the caricature of Kennedys by Mayor Quimby. Is that a particular local dialect?
2. Is it possible to make a donation to Barbelith with one larger hit rather than many smaller once-a-month?

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