When citing multiple references at the end of a sentence, do you insert a space after the comma between two footnote reference numbers?
Is this correct?2,3
Or is this?2, 3
Guessing this is a word-count issue? I'd say write it as you would normally, i.e. without spaces. I was going to say "with spaces" but 2,3,5,17 looks much better written down than 2, 3, 5, 17. To me, anyhow.
Sorry this is more common sense (my version) than a proper academic answer - Cat Chant might be able to sort you out, however.
A colleague's grandmother was pickpocketed while in Germany. I've got a short crime report, scanned-in, which she would like to be able to understand, but it's all in German (obviously). Would anyone be able to translate it for me/him/her?
(Mist, I'm looking at you) |