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Questions and Answers - Part 3


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12:47 / 26.02.07
Jack Denfeld - don't mix your black socks. Black fabric will leech colour (grey or blue or even brown, depending on the dye of your black gear) into your whites leaving them murky. Vibrant colours do it more noticeably, but you'll eventually end up looking a bit grubby.
Jack Denfeld
12:55 / 26.02.07
Damn it! I have to do two loads then. Thanks for the info though.
Jack Denfeld
17:48 / 26.02.07
Was paranoidwriter banned from Barbelith? I get this impression from some posts in the policy, but I can't seem to find any details. Usually there's a big post on the possible banning of a member, but I don't remember seeing anything like that. I came back to the board fulltime just a couple of weeks ago so maybe I missed the whole thing, but just searching for "paranoidwriter" in the search functions isn't showing me anything.

So can someone explain what happened? And maybe point me to relevant posts?
18:03 / 26.02.07
Um, I'm being told that people with HIV are not allowed to travel into the USA. I'm sure that it must be more complicated than that (at least I hope so) so can anyone give me the wtf?
The Ghost of Tom Winter
18:57 / 26.02.07
Um, I'm being told that people with HIV are not allowed to travel into the USA. I'm sure that it must be more complicated than that (at least I hope so) so can anyone give me the wtf?

Here are some links talking about that stuff:

Travelling with your HIV drugs

Knowledge, Attitudes and Health Outcomes in HIV-Infected Travellers to the USA

United States HIV Immigration and Travel Policy

Personally, I think it's pretty stupid.
19:06 / 26.02.07
That's more than stupid. That's horrific. How is that even legal?
electric monk
19:18 / 26.02.07
Jack, you'll want to look for the Conflict and Complaint thread in Policy. Have some Tums handy!
19:49 / 26.02.07
Summary: pw went mental around the time of Robert Anton Wilson getting sick, developed a bit of a fixation on Stephen Fry, and went mental. There was a big Policy discussion and, ultimately pw was shunted out of the airlock.
It was agreed in the main that his increasngly erratic and combative behaviour (in The Policy and elsewhere) wasn't what the board needed. Sabbaticals were suggested for pw but, in the end, he kind of gave up, said fuck it, and that was that.
The Ghost of Tom Winter
23:42 / 26.02.07
How is that even legal?

I don't really know. The US has been doing a lot of questionable things in regards to humanitarianism. I feel each day I find some new fact that makes the country I live in more like an authoritarian free-for-all.
ibis the being
02:07 / 27.02.07
Someone please save my sanity and help me remember the name of the website that tries to present unbiased reports on political news... popular around the 04 election but I can't remember it now.

Alernatively, please help me find some factual information to come back at this moronic post -

He would be the guy who preaches about "Global Warming", the "King" of the "Global Warming Police" and conserving energy.... the same guy, who lives in a 18 room mansion with 8 bathrooms that uses as much power "Per Month" as we do on the average per household " In A Year", did I mention he lives there with his wife.....only?
What a loser..............

I really don't know why I'm bothering but the scare quotes around Global Warming are doing my head in badly.
ibis the being
02:18 / 27.02.07
Okay... Daily Kos not my favorite site in the world, but in case anyone is curious, the "Gore mansion" rumor is coming straight off the Drudge Report and the Right Wing spin machine is pouring gasoline all over it... bitter about Gore's warm reception at the Academy Awards, clearly. More here: Drudge Attacks Gore.
20:44 / 27.02.07
Unbiased news: One of these places, perhaps?

The Gore rubbish is being beat back into the ground most places -- I saw one version on
ibis the being
22:23 / 27.02.07
Ah, thank you grant! was the one I was thinking of but I think I will bookmark a few of those. Not that it will do any good with the fools I am trying to argue with... Peter Schweizer wrote an opinion piece about the "20 room, 8 bathroom house" in USA Today so it must be true. And did you know the real reason for global warming is that the earth is moving closer to the sun? Someone shoot me.
16:17 / 28.02.07
Help me Barbelith. I am filling in an application form to work part time in an arts centre and they have this question:

**** is committed to equal opportunities in all aspects of its work. All staff members must have a positive attitude towards equal opportunities and have or be prepared to gain knowledge in these matters. To what extent do you feel able to comply with this requirement?

I keep writing and re-writing an answer but I keep writing it wrong and I end up sounding like I haven't got a clue. Please help me. What would you write?
17:08 / 28.02.07
It's a bit problematic.

The less tricky way out would be to explain using examples of how you may have encountered positive and negative facets of equal opportunities in any workplace you've previously been in - but without specific detail, which makes it more difficult.

Obviously, there's also any courses or diversity training that may have been undertaken into the past - these are worth their weight in gold if available, but they're not necessary, as 'Diversity' in it's current form in the workplace (or at least in my workplace) is still evolving and emergent and there's constant training and retraining in Diversity (which I'm taking to mean roughtly the same thing as Equal Opportunities, plus or minus a few rough edges) in the workplace, so it would appear to be a hot topic right now.

Failing all this, there's the simple 'I am committed to my belief in equal opportunities in the workplace because(...)', and a miniature essay, but it can't be too stream-of-consciousness, or it comes out as... Searching for the word here... Well, a stock answer, anyway.

In short, hopefully;

I) Any previous experience - positive for preference or, equally, how you've managed with negative situations pertaining to Equal opportunities in the past

II) Any training or specific courses covering this in the past that you may have undertaken

III) A short essay on a passionately-held belief that equal opportunities is one of the most important things to apply in the workplace, and why it should be unfailingly applied.

(I have a fervent belief in number 3, but I'd end up writing something like 5,000 words on the subject, which might take up too much space.)

I hope this is, in some way, helpful - I have to deal with this a lot where I'm working, and it deeply frustrates me when I hear workmates talking about it as if it was a bad thing.

It also looks like they may be looking for job-specific application of E/O requirements, so research and specific application of the principles to (III) may be your friend.

Does this make sense?
17:11 / 28.02.07
Just show them your posts on Barbelith.
17:17 / 28.02.07
Well, there's that, too.
17:31 / 28.02.07
That is help thank you. But nggggggh. It's hurting my head. Why is it so hard?
17:34 / 28.02.07
Because it's one of these fairly woolly questions that just stops short of being mandatory on modern application forms, and because it feels very easy to slip into some sort of practised rhetoric that will look and feel shiny but not impress - if I'm any judge.

My last job interview (a while ago now) was composed of questions almost entirely like this. After forty-five minutes I could have cheerfully leapt acroos the table and either out the window or to remonstrate with one of the three interviewers in a personal capacity.

But I didn't. I'm not sure if that's fortunate or not, yet, but still.
17:38 / 28.02.07
Lula, read it again- To what extent do you feel able to comply with this requirement?

The answer is 'Entirely. I am an enthusiastic supporter of equal opportunities and familiar with recent discrimination legislation, and I am always willing to learn more.'
They just want to know you're not racist, they don't want an essay question. Stress less mistress, drink a glass of wine.
17:41 / 28.02.07
Quantum has brane.
17:41 / 28.02.07
17:56 / 28.02.07
I have written this:

I believe in a society that practices equal opportunity and I hope that my behaviour and my attitude reflect that. I am committed to promoting equal opportunity; I moderate on a message board that debates philosophy, politics, art, human rights and equal rights. Discrimination is un-necessary and unhelpful, embracing and celebrating difference is the way that our society will grow. With regard to gaining knowledge I would welcome any training offered. I believe that there is always something to learn.

But I think Quantum's is much better!
Closed for Business Time
18:57 / 28.02.07
But yours will do. I managed to get a job and being a lot more vague than that. And that leads me to ask: Has anyone got a job/internship/good thing because of them being involved in Barbelith? I'm eagerly anticipating the day when I can put on my CV sumtin like "I'm a Barbelith mod and have 23658 posts to my fictionsuit there." and it'll so land me a job. Mebbe I should just pretend to be Da Haus...
19:00 / 28.02.07
No no. Don't pretend.

Also, as raised, and partially answered already; What is the feline form of Doggles?

Catsies almost works, but somehow, loses the double-consonant sound that makes Doggles to pleasant...
19:06 / 28.02.07
19:14 / 28.02.07
Cattles? Oh no. Bollocks.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
19:21 / 28.02.07
19:23 / 28.02.07
19:24 / 28.02.07
Closed for Business Time
19:29 / 28.02.07
miss wonderstarr
19:58 / 28.02.07
Francophones and francophiles.

No! not a word for little cats. I'm asking a new question.

I've been watching Lost and Heroes on download recently with fan-made French subtitles. One of the more interesting side-effects is that you see who (according to the translators) uses vous and tu to whom.

I assume the sub writers have a sound social grounding in French etiquette, but some of the patterns are interesting to me as someone who studied French over a sustained, but fairly distant period.

For instance, when Matt Parkman (35) meets Claire Bennet (16) he immediately tutoies her. Ted, the nuclear man, addresses her father, Bennet as "vous" even though he's threatening to kill his wife.

At what age would Matt address a young woman more formally, and would it be usual to use the formal address to someone you're menacing in their home?
20:04 / 28.02.07
We sat catses around these parts.
20:04 / 28.02.07
Maybe the fact that Matt and Claire already know of each other via Peter Petrelli, (or at least Matt knows of Claire) is the reason they use the informal version?
20:05 / 28.02.07

We say Catses!

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