I've bought a couple of bits and bobs from Otaku.co.uk before now and been fairly pleased with the service. Never tried to get anything from them that they didn't already have in stock, though, so I don't know how they fare there. they've not got any Eureka Seven merchandise available right now and they're a bit erratic about what they do and don't sell.
YesAsia are a more professional outfit, but they have a habit of including thigns in their catalogue that they can't actually get hold of - I've been let down with them once when I ordered a pretty obscure Japanese PS2 game from them and Seth just recently had the same problem with a DVD order. You can normally tell, though - if their 'usually ships within' estimate is over seven days, you can guarantee that they don't have the item in stock and may well eventually email you to say that they've had to cancel your order. They've got one Eureka Seven model/toy on the site, but the thirty day shipping estimate makes it look unlikely.
Oh, and while I've always had a bit of trouble with their site in Firefox - it freezes for a couple of seconds after you've loaded the main page, but then kicks back into life - the latest version of the browser crashes every time I try and visit it.
Otaku are UK-based. YesAsia aren't but ship frieght so you avoid customs charges.
Outside of the UK, there's also NCSX.com. I've ordered a load of things through them in the last few years and they've always come through with the goods. They're in the US, but you can request that they put a lower price down on the package so that it gets through UK customs unmolested.
Play-Asia are well-known and popular, but, again, not UK-based.
And none of those are specifically anime or anime merchandise suppliers, but they all cover them to some extent.
But you know how you were saying that you couldn't find anything on eBay?
Two time. |