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LATE SHIFT - The Bruce Campbell Way


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Tryphena Absent
00:23 / 07.08.05
not so sure on the stupid front

Well it's pretty rare but I have come across a few. It's just accepted as the norm that most animals are on a par with people, the comments only come when someone is regarded as exceptionally idiotic.
unheimlich manoeuvre
00:32 / 07.08.05
Didn't the US military do looks of research on dolphin communication?
Now some of those big ocean fish they have other little fish that do their dental work for them.
Human dentistry is much more parasitic.
00:33 / 07.08.05
Barbelith has destroyed my life. I'm watching Big Brother and I blame you all.

I feel soiled.
00:36 / 07.08.05
Y'know, when I first said to a friend of mine that cows (like dogs... not sure about cats) couldn't watch TV- it's something to do with converting a 2-dimensional picture into a representation of reality- he replied:

"Of course not. They're not allowed in the sitting room."
unheimlich manoeuvre
00:37 / 07.08.05
Hiya Finsbury and Nina.

My Big Brother brought round Mishima, nice smoke and a chat too. Philip Glass on the soundtrack. Very intense.
00:42 / 07.08.05
Oh, Mishima's a wicked movie. Perfectly structured, beautifully shot, sounds lovely and is about one of my favourite writers! (My moral confusion as regards the ending of his life- and Runaway Horses, for that matter- just makes it all the more fascinating a film).
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
00:43 / 07.08.05
I have also watched big brother, but do not blame Barbelith. The US military will spend the equivalent of the past 50 years of aid given to Africa on 8 months occupation of Iraq. This is the best most bizarre BB yet.
paranoidwriter waves hello
00:51 / 07.08.05
Well, I'm back, and bloody hell, that was a heart-wrenching mission!

As I can't leave Izzy (friend No.1's dog) on her own for more than 5 minutes (she cries and upsets my neighbours), I had to take her with me to feed Bruce (Friend No.2's cat). However, one of Izzy's usual human companions drives a van and on the way to feed Bruce a woman parked up ahead of us in (yup, you guessed it) a van. Sadly, as I'm knackered already, I didn't think of the consequences as we neared the sound of the van's engine until it was too late: Izzy went nuts (no doubt thinking her ordeal with p.w was over). Worse still, as it was 01.30am and I don't look sane on the best of days, I had to forcibly drag her away by her lead to avoid scaring the van driver and/or causing a fuss.

Now, that was bad, but five minutes later I found myself in a situation which kind-of reminded me of that old hypothetical, "which would you save first, a drowning kitten or a drowning puppy?" Basically, Izzy and Bruce haven't hit it off in the past, so when I got to my friend's house I had to lock Izzy in the porch and hurry to feed Bruce before Izzy's whining scared the fur of the the little feline. Thing is, Bruce is a very vocal and needy fuss-ball who is also obviously REALLY missing her usual human companion. And so it was that I found myself standing in Friend No.2's living room frozen by guilt and panic with a fog pining in one ear and a cat meowing in the other!

Honestly, though I naturally seem to get on with most animals I've met (so far), I'm REALLY not cut out for this Dr Dolittle business! I'm off to bed (I think)...

(BTW, sorry for bursting back in and waffling [etc], but that really WAS horrible and Izzy's still in a mood with me, despite me already explaining the situation to her three times. I swear, these critters are playing with me like a cheap, squeaky, rubber toy....)

G'night you lovely 'lithers, wherever you are!
00:55 / 07.08.05
...and it could get more bizarre in the space of 45 minutes. (Obviously, in hindsight, that's only for battlefield-strength telly, not the mass broadcasting potential we'd previously suspected).

Okay... officially starting to worry about whether I'll ever sleep now. Drinking loads of coffee when I came back tired from the pub at about 9 so's I could stay awake to have a go at Sudoku and see what the fuss was all about seems not to have been cancelled out by drinking loads of Red Stripe and then skinning up.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
00:57 / 07.08.05
Wah huh ?
00:57 / 07.08.05
Hi, pw, and bye, pw.

I'd've sided with the dog, but it IS a very fraught issue.
00:58 / 07.08.05
I'm WELL fucking confused now.
unheimlich manoeuvre
01:01 / 07.08.05
...and it could get more bizarre in the space of 45 minutes.


Mo Mowlam critically ill and Robin Cook dead? Coincidence obviously.
unheimlich manoeuvre
01:03 / 07.08.05
Flying visit, paranoidwriter. Goodnight.
01:04 / 07.08.05
Yeah. 'Tis a bit odd, isn't it?

Still freaks me out that the cops can perform a summary execution and the fucking TABLOIDS are arguing that it doesn't even warrant a (standard procedure) inquiry!!!

I try not to think about both things at the same time.

Were I a goat, I'd probably be doing that chewing thing at the moment.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
01:06 / 07.08.05
No Elvis, Beatles or the rolling stones. Still on the chill. As I live in Hounslow, I have a good source of polish beer.
01:10 / 07.08.05
I'm seized with the urge to watch Mishima, so impressionable am I. But I don't think I have a copy in the house (actually, I may have a VHS off the telly from some years ago, but there's no bastard way I'm tearing the place apart to find it...)

Not sure why I felt I had to type that, rahter than just think it, but I'm starting to think that caffeine has a way stronger effect on my than I thought it did...
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
01:17 / 07.08.05
I saw a book in the library: total war 2006. I thought it was a bit shit , but looking at the state of the world today I’m not so sure.
unheimlich manoeuvre
01:28 / 07.08.05
Nothing wrong with saying what you think.

What is Polish beer like in Hounslow?
Finsbury I agree with you about the state we're in.
unheimlich manoeuvre
01:30 / 07.08.05
How's the writing going?
Tryphena Absent
01:31 / 07.08.05
Yay Polish beer, all Polish things are good especially words!

I'm going to clean up my living room and go down the wooden hill to bedfordshire. Night all!
01:37 / 07.08.05
Night, Nina.

It is indeed all bollocksed. The world would be better if it were ruled by dogs. Or cats, though it'd be more complicated. Less shouting, probably, though.

Dogs, I reckon. They're the most honest animal in the world.
Fist Fun
01:39 / 07.08.05
I had the worst hangover eveer all day Wednesday on Polish beer. R.o.c.k.s.t.a.r.
unheimlich manoeuvre
01:41 / 07.08.05
Goodnight Nina

In Only Forward by Michael Marshall Smith there was a whole *neighbourhood* perfectly controlled and only populated by cats. Stuck with me, great light read that was.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
01:42 / 07.08.05
I love Hounslow, and its Polish beer. It must be the most multicultural place on earth and is better because of this. I tasted my first drink of Ukrainian beer right here!
Fist Fun
01:46 / 07.08.05
i have done lateshift once b4. r u geeks?
unheimlich manoeuvre
01:53 / 07.08.05
Worse a stoned geek.

How's life treating you Buk?
01:54 / 07.08.05
Hair of the dog, Buk. Hair of the dog.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
01:59 / 07.08.05
Scanner darkly geek. Emissary of Chaos. Boo Yah!
02:00 / 07.08.05
gabba gabba hey hey?
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
02:16 / 07.08.05
Where is my shimmy shimmy?
02:17 / 07.08.05
Oh. Okay.


(shimmies again. Better this time)
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
02:19 / 07.08.05
gabba gabba hey hey?

One of the stations on my satellite radio was playing a tribute to Joey Ramone today. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
02:21 / 07.08.05
Warm and fuzzy is goooood.

I'm gonna go to bed now. Goodnight everyone.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
02:21 / 07.08.05
I show up and everyone leaves. I am teh thread killah!

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