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02:24 / 03.06.05
I think they just look to me, at a very basic level, how a nice (not stunning) flower should look. Also, my local park is full of them and I've been confronted with them on many a solitary walk. It gives them a little bit of personal significance, I suppose.

Anyway, time for bed. Pleasure shifting with you alas. Talk to you later.
Tryphena Absent
02:29 / 03.06.05
If the soil's wrong though... I really love azalea, mini rhododendrons!
02:33 / 03.06.05
Agreed: azaleas are much easier to grow, often. The true rhodo is a little finicky about acid levels in soil and whatnot.

Welcome aboard, Nina.
02:35 / 03.06.05
I'm kidding myself. It's already light out, and I don't feel tired.

I know nothing of soil acidity but I'm willing to listen and learn. I've been reading the gardening thread.
02:44 / 03.06.05
All I know, really, is that I kill true rhodos. I've been meaning to read the gardening thread, but I've been so swamped of late...But I just finished a major project so I'm feeling a little more able to shift here.

However, I have to get up very early tomorrow and the phone call I've been trying to make is not going through; I refuse to leave another voice message! So, I think I'll call it a night as well...

good night! I hope you get some sleep, Nina!
Tryphena Absent
02:52 / 03.06.05
There are two kinds of flowering plants that you have to be green-fingered to grow that my ma could never get the hang of and they're roses and rhodos.

I'm a beginner but I might give some roses ago just to see if I can understand their flowery minds.
Tryphena Absent
02:52 / 03.06.05
Hey, it's only five in the morning.
02:56 / 03.06.05
I know far less about gardening than I would like. Rhododendrons seems to sprout all over the place here, in areas that don't get much human attention at all.

Bit dissappointed this year, we have a laburnum in the garden which just doesn't want to flower this year. One sprig is all it's giving. It seems to do this though. Flowering proper every second year. But when it does it does.
02:58 / 03.06.05

04:05 / 03.06.05
All I know about flowers at the moment is that they make me want to go to Williams and Sonoma, buy a grapefruit spoon, and cut my eyes out to make the itching stop. But then I'd probably have phantom itching.
23:31 / 03.06.05
Who lateshifts you, and who do you lateshift?!

Less searchable M0rd4nt
23:48 / 03.06.05
'Ere, I've been in that big yellow laburnum tunnel! What gardens is that, Bodnant? Or am I mixing up my Gardens?
00:14 / 04.06.05
Correct, I beleave (oh ho!)

"Bodnant: Famed collection of magnolias, rhododendrons and camellias; much phottographed laburnum tunnel (late May & June for flowering)."

So get those legs moving, botanists.
Liger Null
01:01 / 07.06.05
Who's a shifting?
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
03:53 / 07.06.05
I'm here, but not for long. Just haven't a mild OCD attack and can't get to sleep yet.
22:11 / 07.06.05
Good evening, motherfuckers! (Sorry, haven't Late Shifted in a while, and I forget the etiquette).

"The Thing From Another World" is on on BBC2, and I've recently got back from the pub, so I don't think I'm sleeping for a while. (Well, that and the facts that I didn't get up until 1 this afternoon, and then fell asleep for a couple of hours in the late afternoon...)

Who's there, how the fuck are you, and why?
Brigade du jour
22:46 / 07.06.05
Dude! I'm watching it too! Does the 'evil scientist' guy get killed soon or what? I jes wanna kill that ugly green fuck (off of 'Gunsmoke')!!!
22:50 / 07.06.05
I can't remember, to be honest... the strange thing about this movie is that the '80s version (the Carpenter one with Kurt Russell) is FAR closer to the original story ("Who Goes There", by John W Campbell, circa I think 1950) than this one...
Brigade du jour
22:53 / 07.06.05
You'd better sit down for this - I've never seen the Carpenter version. Well I've seen bits of it, but never actually sat down and watched it all the way through.

Incidentally, I was wondering earlier how to abbreviate that last sentence, seeing as I'm always saying it about enormously popular films! Um ... WISBOT BNASDAWIATWT? Nah, sounds like Ewok talk.
22:54 / 07.06.05
Yub fucken yub.
Brigade du jour
22:58 / 07.06.05
Ahh that's bollocks! That was no alien, that was a tall bloke in a hairnet!

Still, great movie. Yawn, I'm going to bed now. Got to be up early for a nice breakfast and then Sin City at the Newham Showcase. Yo. See you Thursday Stoats, when we shall ROCK!!!
22:59 / 07.06.05
I'm all happy. I've just ordered a copy of Michel Houellebecq's "H P Lovecraft: Against The World, Against Life" which is FINALLY available in English. And according to Amazon, it should turn up on Friday. Same day San Andreas comes out on the XBox. I think my post-Garbage hangover may be dealable with...
Bed Head
22:59 / 07.06.05
By curious coincidence, I was going through a stack of old Doctor Who Monthlys at the weekend, lounging in the grass and reading the comic strips, as one does... and there was a story in one of those that ripped off the Carpenter Thing something rotten. From back in the days when rip-offs were proper, shameless, blatant fucking rip-offs, this was. Except this had ZYGONS instead of just some random ‘thing’, which makes it better times approx one million.

You guys. You’re missing a classic shipping forecast.
22:59 / 07.06.05
Bon soir, Monsieur Brigade.

Anyone else about?
Liger Null
23:00 / 07.06.05
Hey there.
23:00 / 07.06.05
Oh God. Tell me it's not Charlotte Green. I couldn't bear to miss HER.
Liger Null
23:02 / 07.06.05
Charlotte Green?
23:04 / 07.06.05
THE sexiest voice ever. The only thing that stops me stalking that woman is the fact that I'd have to know what she looks like. Which would spoil it totally.
23:05 / 07.06.05
Bed Head
23:06 / 07.06.05
I believe it was indeed Charlotte Green. Although to catch my shipping news I had to switch over from Anita Anand, who I’ve come to believe has the far superior radio voice. She should read everything. Things'd be mighty different if I was king.

Helllooooo liger.
Liger Null
23:07 / 07.06.05
Or maybe not. DO you know what she looks like?
23:10 / 07.06.05
Evenin' Liger. NO WAY does Anita Anand have a hotter voice than my Charlotte. NO WAY!!!
Liger Null
23:11 / 07.06.05
I've never thought to rate my newscasters on the sexiness of thier voices. Perhaps I should...
23:13 / 07.06.05
It's the only way. To rate them on content is just arbitrary and unfair.
Bed Head
23:14 / 07.06.05
Dude, Anita so does have the better voice. Try it and see. You’ll never go back to your old brand.

It’s her laugh. She’s got an amaaaazing laugh that makes a late-night phone-in programme about ‘news items’ filled with calls from the elderly and/or desperately lonely into a special moment for everyone. It’s Jamie’s magic torch in laugh form. Green can’t complete with that.

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