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Jack The Bodiless
02:01 / 11.06.05
Stoatie spin like a crazy stoat!
Bed Head
01:42 / 12.06.05
..anyone? I just watched the latest Dr Who, and I’m far, far too excited to go to bed just yet.
01:50 / 12.06.05
Conked out for five hours after work now I'm not in the least tired so watching BBLive. I would say the horror but the Craig, Kemal, Max banter is often HIlarious.
I keep missing Dr Who myself.
Hey Bed where/how did you download Season 2 Twin Peaks?
Bed Head
01:57 / 12.06.05
Um, I asked my brainac brother and he got it for me. It’s what I do with anything remotely technical. So, I’ll ask him where he found it. I’m probably going to take him some soup or something tomorrow, because he’s a bit summer-fluey, so I’ll try and remember to ask him then.

Oh, it’s so good too. Anyone who says season 2 loses its way is dead wrong - I’d completely forgotten about Billy Zane for some reason, what a delight it was when he walked in the Great Northern, all broody and brandoesque.
Bed Head
01:59 / 12.06.05

Brooding , not broody.
02:06 / 12.06.05
That would be boss Bed Head,(pm me) I'm I was on tenterhooks at the end of season 1 still am but I saw that at least 3 years ago.
Bed Head
02:21 / 12.06.05
The Twin Peaks DVD situation is completely rubbish. Leaving everyone hanging after the first 7-odd episodes is wrong.

I hadn’t seen *any* of them since they were first broadcast, so I wasn’t picking up from anywhere; and I remember particular shots and images more than I remembered any plot details, so watching it this time wasn’t quite deja vu, more like visiting somewhere I’ve been before.

Oh, and really, do try to catch the repeat of Dr Who this week, it’s gloriously good. Hence my too-excited-to-go-to-bed-ness.
02:36 / 12.06.05
Last episode wasn't it? I think I may just buy the boxset as I would practically be picking up from nowhere by watching the last episode now.
Yeah the TwinPeaks thing is awful almost disrespectful for the fans really especially when there is such an obvious demand for it.
It will eventually come out, it will have to! I hope Special Agent Dale Cooper intractable and odd as ever.
Shit dawn chorus! That's it I really have to sleep.
Goodnight Bed.
Bed Head
02:39 / 12.06.05
Goodnight, goodnight </guthrie>

Wow, I do love the sound of the dawn chorus.
02:39 / 12.06.05
Though now ,because of your excitement, I really want to watch the repeat. Well anyway goodnight!
Bed Head
02:47 / 12.06.05
Ps. Dude, this week is the first part of the two-part superexciting series finale! Perfect jumping-on point, you couldn't have picked a better one. Watch the repeat, then squee all week long in anticipation of the final episode - which looks amaaaaazing btw - and then you can go back and watch the whole lot with yer ‘box set’ malarky. You know it makes sense.

Sleep well.
paranoidwriter waves hello
03:08 / 12.06.05
Evening, morning, whatever...

Just wondering if anyone had any advice on how to purge oneself of guilt? I mean the "Though I'm not strictly doing anything wrong and I could argue this is part of a plan of sorts, I still feel like a kid wagging school, and I'm scared some almighty shit is going to rain down from heaven to punish me for not doing things the way most of the world does"-type of guilt.

The dawn chorus does help though.
paranoidwriter waves hello
03:16 / 12.06.05
"Prisoner Cell-Block H" on Channel 5 doesn't though. I need a sign. I know, I'm gonna flick TV channels and see if I can splice together a message from a Higher Plane. Is there a name for this? Stichomancy almost fits the bill, but....
paranoidwriter waves hello
04:04 / 12.06.05
Results from using the five terrestrial UK TV channels: "It may have been"; "A child"; "Can I?"; "It's been a long time since the world revolved around you"; "After it was rejected by Jack Straw and Holland".

Interesting, huh?

Uh-oh! It's morning time, I'm screwed, and I need to get stuff from the local shop.

See you all later.
Tryphena Absent
04:21 / 12.06.05
Urrggghhh. I have terrible insomnia. I feel tired but I keep imagining things.
04:28 / 12.06.05
Ditto on the insomnia. Staying in bed all day yesterday has really buggered my sleep pattern.
Tryphena Absent
04:39 / 12.06.05
It's terribly annoying! Still The OC's on today so at least I have to wake up at a reasonable time.
paranoidwriter waves hello
04:48 / 12.06.05
The guy in the shop looked into my eyes and smiled strangely before he gave me my Rizzla. I'd go to bed but I'd end up losing the whole day, and I've got to sort out my body-clock somehow....
04:48 / 12.06.05
I've got the Stokey festival on today and I don't really want to sleep through that. Bum.
Tryphena Absent
04:50 / 12.06.05
It's just, I want to sleep so badly.
04:53 / 12.06.05
The irony being that they're repeating the BBC adaptation of The Odyssey on the World Service, so at least I finally got to hear the rest of the episode which I fell asleep in last time round...
And my teeth hurt.
Tryphena Absent
04:54 / 12.06.05
Well the TV tells me you can get Sensodyne for that.
04:58 / 12.06.05
Good idea... I've been trying to lay off the Nurofen for the last few hours, as it seems to be becoming less effective. As it does, you know. I also need Rizlas.

Now, will putting on some trousers and boots and stuff and walking over the road help me sleep, or will it chase away any last remaining vestige of sonnolence I may still possess?
paranoidwriter waves hello
04:58 / 12.06.05
It's just, I want to sleep so badly.

Reminds of the time a mate and I were coming down from a particularly powerful trip. It had gone on for far too long, and we could feel dark clouds approaching. Then, thankfully my friend sat up and said the following in the tone of whining child:

"I just wanna come down. Why can't I come down?...."

We laughed for ages and it really helped. (Not that I'm saying you sound like you're whining Nina, but the situation is similar, non?)
Tryphena Absent
05:02 / 12.06.05
Yeah, the bubbling laughter I can feel rising through me is a testament to that.
05:03 / 12.06.05
Hmm. I may try again, having decided that I really can't be arsed going to the shop. Fear not, my bed's literally two feet away from the computer, so if it doesn't work I'll be back shortly.
Tryphena Absent
05:06 / 12.06.05
Well I'm going to go to bed now again even though I think I've pushed through past sleep and into mild hysteria and bemusement. I may feed the cats. If I can't sleep I'm going to work my way through a book on Spinoza.
21:09 / 12.06.05
paranoid writer-

Just wondering if anyone had any advice on how to purge oneself of guilt?

Have you tried new Guilt-b-Gone? Comes in a spray and convenient powder.
21:15 / 12.06.05
Don't be silly.

Everyone knows you can't purge with powder or spray.

Tubing has to be involved. Lots and lots of tubing. And maybe a funnel.
Liger Null
21:33 / 12.06.05
Hi all.
The Puck
21:40 / 12.06.05
hi all

Fire, fire purges all including guilt.

then again thats my answer to everything, late for work- fire, headache- fire, dumped by girlfriend- great big fucking fire
21:43 / 12.06.05
yeah.. big fire.. hi all
21:44 / 12.06.05
Evening all. I'm preparing for bed, in the hope that sleep will purge toothache in an uncannily similar fashion to the way it spectacularly failed to do last night.
Liger Null
21:46 / 12.06.05
In my experience, toothaches often purge sleep...
The Puck
21:48 / 12.06.05
toothache ehhh.....

what you need is a really big fire.

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