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21:49 / 12.06.05
Yeah... 'swhat happened yesterday... this time I'm going to bed as the painkillers kick in, rather than when they start to wear off.
21:52 / 12.06.05
G'night! Maybe back later.
Liger Null
21:52 / 12.06.05
Well, good night and good luck, Stoatie
Whisky Priestess
21:57 / 12.06.05
Boing! I'm still up! And watching Big Brother!

Sample quote:

Makosi: I am definitely not a lesbian

(2 minutes later)

Makosi: I don't understand those people who say they are definitely not lesbians. It's like, how can you say you don't like chicken if you've never tasted chicken?

(Makosi admits to having snogged girls but not gone the whole way)

(OK, OK, I'm off to the BB6 thread right now ...)
22:01 / 12.06.05
Brigade du jour
00:03 / 13.06.05
I'm confused ... I've tasted chicken but I don't think I'm a lesbian.

Evenin' all! I'm listening to Prince, trying to get the Fantastic Four movie website to work and keeping an eye on a simmering Bolognese. Giovanni, his name is ... B-BOOM!

How is y'all?
00:08 / 13.06.05
Hungover! Tired! Hungover!

My yawn was actually an attempt to say "hello".
Brigade du jour
00:11 / 13.06.05
Ah, that'd be 'heeeellaaaaaaaayyyyyabbadabbadoobbadoooooo', then. (sp?)
Brigade du jour
00:35 / 13.06.05
By thunder, 'Stand By Me' must contain the doziest tautology in the history of pop music:

"When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we'll see"

I mean, when the night comes the land gets dark by definition, and if there's any light then by and large it'll be coming from the moon.

Honestly Ben E, lovely song but ... wake up mate!
Saint Keggers
01:37 / 14.06.05
Hello! Anyone on deck?
rising and revolving
01:49 / 14.06.05
Not actually *on* the actual deck, more in the engine room trying to work out how to switch this thing on.

This is my first post to a late shift. I think the heat brought it on. Oh dear. I feel quite odd.
Saint Keggers
01:51 / 14.06.05
Perfect. You shouldn't be mucking about with the engines in a heat like this.

Right now, here, its not the heat; Its the humidity.
rising and revolving
01:54 / 14.06.05
Yes, but I am here. I mean, there.

And you're not fucking kidding about the humidity, let me tell you.


I knew it was a bad idea to change my nick to something that's even in the ballpark of sounding like Sypha Nadons. People keep not recognising me. This wasn't how it was supposed to go! This ficsuit play was supposed to be empowering and fulfilling. *sob* now even my fellow Canadians[1] don't even recognise me!

[1] Not that I'm actually Canadian, but you know, what the fuck eh?
Saint Keggers
02:14 / 14.06.05
Not another bloody Canuck!!!

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