Was the letter from a publishing company, or a lit agency? If it was the former, you kind of do need to be pursuing the latter, in the first instance - yes they are all bastards, vampires and cunts, but once you've been signed up, they're your bastards, vampires etc, they're on your side. There are any number of places these days, I fear, that won't read anything unless it's backed by an agent, but unless you're writing sci-fi (in which case... well you're really making a rod for you own back if you are, let's put it that way - it does sell, sci-fi, but generally speaking the kind of character who ends up working in publishing really can't stand the stuff,) I'd figure you wouldn't have too many problems getting hold of same, you George Morrisson look-a-like, you. As I understand it, there are about four or five decent agencies in the UK, any one of which, if they put you on their books, would mean you had about a 50-60% chance of getting published, details available on request. 11! 23! |