This in my inbox (matron!) - shonky formatting their own ...
introducing the first annual troubadour poetry prize
judged by: helen dunmore & david constantine
1st prize £1000, 2nd £500, 3rd £250
plus 20 commendations @ £20 each
and a coffee-house poetry reading for all prizewinning and commended poets with helen dunmore & david constantine
on 3rd december 2007
deadline: 30th september 2007
Helen Dunmore is a poet, novelist and children’s writer. Her poetry books have been given the Poetry Book Society Choice and Recommendations, Cardiff International Poetry Prize, Alice Hunt Bartlett Award and Signal Poetry Award, and Bestiary was shortlisted for the T.S. Eliot Prize. Her latest titles are Out of the Blue: Poems 1975-2001 and Glad of These Times (Bloodaxe, 2007). She has published nine novels and three books of short stories with Viking Penguin. She lives in Bristol.
David Constantine is a freelance writer and translator, and a Fellow of Queen’s College, Oxford. His Bloodaxe poetry books include Caspar Hauser (1994), The Pelt of Wasps (1998), Something for the Ghosts (2002) and Collected Poems (2004). His Selected Poems of Hölderlin (1996), was winner of the European Poetry Translation Prize and he has translated Hölderlin’s Sophocles, Hans Magnus Enzensberger’s Lighter Than Air (Bloodaxe, 2002) and Goethe’s Faust (Penguin Classics, 2005).
Both judges will read all poems submitted.
General: entry implies acceptance of all rules; failure to comply with rules may result in disqualification; competition open to poets of any nationality over 18 years; no competitor may win more than one prize; the judges’ decision is final; no individual correspondence can be entered into; poems must be in English, must each be no longer than 45 lines but with no limit on number of poems submitted, must be the original work of the entrant, must not have been previously broadcast or published (in print or on website).
Fees: All entries must be accompanied by correct fee of either £5/Euro7 per poem if less than 4 poems submitted, or £4/Euro5 per poem if 4 or more poems submitted, payable by cheque or money order (Sterling or Euro only).
By Post: no entry form required; poems must each be typed on one side of A4 white paper showing title & poem only; do not show author’s name or any other identifying marks on submitted poems; include a separate page showing Name, Address, Phone, E-Mail (opt), Titles and either No. of Poems @ £5/€7 OR No. of Poems @ £4/€5; entries are not returned.
By E-mail: no entry form required; poems must be submitted in body of e-mail (no attachments) to CoffPoetry@aol.com; entries should be preceded by Name, Address, Phone, Titles and either No. of Poems @ £5/Euro7 OR No. of Poems @ £4/€5; acknowledgement will be sent to entrant’s e-mail address showing Entry Acknowledgment Reference; send payment by post quoting Entry Acknowledgement Reference; e-mail entries will be included only when payment received. Cheques payable to Coffee-House poetry.
Acknowledgement/Results: will be sent automatically to all e-mail entrants; postal entrants should include stamped, addressed postcard marked “Acknowledgement†and/or stamped, addressed A5 envelope marked “Results†as required.
Deadline: All postal entries, and postal payments for e-mail entries, to arrive at Troubadour Poetry Prize, Coffee-House Poetry, PO Box 16210, LONDON, W4 1ZP on or before 30th September 2007. Prizewinners will be notified by 14th November 2007. Prizegiving will be on Monday 3rd December 2007 at Coffee-House Poetry at the Troubadour.
Anne-Marie Fyfe (Organiser)
coffee-house poetry at the troubadour
… life, literature and the pursuit of happiness… in the famous Troubadour basement:
London's liveliest & best-loved poetry venue…
readings MONDAYS from 8 to 10 pm, tickets £6 concessions £5,
season tickets 30% off…
cheques payable to Coffee-House Poetry, no credit cards
265 Old Brompton Road LONDON SW5
(no mail to this address, see correspondence address below)
nr. junct. Earls Court Rd & Old Brompton Rd (nearest Tube station: Earls Court (District & Piccadilly Lines) for information, advance booking, season ticket & mailing list enquiries, phone 020-8354 0660, write to Anne-Marie Fyfe at Coffee-House Poetry, PO Box 16210, LONDON, W4 1ZP or e-mail: CoffPoetry@aol.com
supported by Arts Council England