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Writers' Helpdesk, how may we be of service?


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Alex's Grandma
12:52 / 27.08.06
Will the "natural break" in the story leave the first part longer, or the second? I think that's important - look at the way the Potter books keep growing and growing. Readers might be obscurely disappointed if your second half's shorter than your first.
Whisky Priestess
19:12 / 04.09.06
I guess I should have pimped this here before, but please tell me what you think of the stories I'm considering submitting for my dissertation, whihc I have to hand in in two days. Every vote counts. I thankee.
paranoidwriter waves hello
19:36 / 04.09.06
Life willing, I'll give them a read tomorrow and send you feedback, if you like (too knackered now). In fact, I reckon tomorrow I'll be up for a few good shorts stories to dazzle my cells and put the spark back.

Probably can't offer much professional advice, but I'm not bad for a layman.
18:34 / 05.09.06
Hey Alex's,

the second is way fatter of the two. That's a great insight I can use to justify my supa stubborn placement!

thank ya!
18:44 / 05.09.06

I thought the new story kicked serious ass.
paranoidwriter waves hello
20:54 / 05.09.06
Damn it!

Sorry WP. I completely forgot about reading your stories today. I got distracted, but that's no excuse. If it's not too late, and you let me know that you'd like me to do so, I'll read your work tomorrow daytime, at some point (unless the bailiffs turn up and swipe my 'puter, or something equally dramatic, of course).

Again, sorry, comrade. I do want to read your work.

All the best.
Whisky Priestess
00:03 / 06.09.06
Deadline Wednesday 6th - get the coffee on, PW!
Whisky Priestess
00:04 / 06.09.06
And xk - cheers. It all goes in the vote pot ...
paranoidwriter waves hello
01:00 / 06.09.06
Wednesday?.. Shit! That's now, isn't it. Erm....erm... Fuck...

I don't know what to do. Erm... I've got a few important relatively quick things to do first, then I'll try and read one before bedtime, whenever that's supposed to be.

Indeed, I will try but I can't promise much at the mo'.

Sorry, comrade
paranoidwriter waves hello
01:01 / 06.09.06
I meant "similarly important".

And I'm almost out of coffee here, as well.

paranoidwriter waves hello
13:25 / 06.09.06
Sorry, WP: it's all "gone pear-shaped" for me (again); so I'm not in the proper frame of mind to read and therefore feel free to enjoy anyone's work or give proper criticism. But then, I probably missed your deadline already anyway, eh? Story of my life...

Sorry, comrade.

If possible, I would still like to read your stuff at a later date.

So, best of luck with the stories and with the course, of course. Although, I'm sure you'll do well, anyway, without any of our help. Sincerely. I like your posts here and your poems -- and as I hardly read poetry these days, that really is saying something. I bet your stories are great (and.. Didn't I read one I liked once, somewhere else around here? A cool, kind of fairy tale type of story?... Hmm... This is going to bug me now... Damn memory...)
Whisky Priestess
07:17 / 11.10.06
After many trials and travails, I finally made it to the Norwich launch of the UEA 2006 Anthology last night (the London launch was on Friday).

Or rather, I didn't. It started at seven, I got there at ten and missed the whole bloody thing. But I caught up with some of the people I hadn't seen at the London launch, which was lovely, and for the first time met the man I think of as my MA godson, being as how he found me on this very board, emailed me for advice on the UEA interview, got in AND got a scholarship. He was very nice and seems to be having almost as much fun on the course as I did.

(Oh shit, nostalgia tears ... or is it the 5am start getting to me?)

I'm such a proud godparent.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
05:27 / 18.10.06
Okay, about submission cover letters? I hate writing them and I can never figure out exactly what to say. How long should I bother blathering for? I need to prepare a submission for the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)'s literary award contest, and I gotta write a letter to go with.
Whisky Priestess
09:40 / 19.10.06
They will often say what they want in a covering letter (details of work history in the field, commissions, publications, why you wrote it, what it's about etc.) but if not, here's an OK template off the top of my head:

Dear (Name)

Please find enclosed my entry to (competition). I have been writing for (x years) and have had (x pieces) published and/or broadcast. I have also won (prizes x, y and z) in (years x, y and z).* My main interest is in (field - TV drama, poetry, zither music etc).

The enclosed piece is (description - a black comedy set in a sewege works, a three-part drama following the last days of Ronnie Barker etc.)

I hope you enjoy my work, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Your sincerely,


*Skip these two sentences if you are a fairly new writer and there's nothing to report.
12:26 / 19.10.06
WP I will so buy you single malt whiskey for that!

My question:
I have an outline of my book(s) and I've been reading a lot about submitting a synopsis. I've read that your synopsis should be the entire story so should I plan to hit every outlined point or just the major ones? For a novel how long can a synopsis be without being annoying?
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
17:31 / 19.10.06
Thanks, WP! I find the cover letter is the biggest issue when I'm making a submission because it always feels forced. Good format to use.
Whisky Priestess
21:12 / 19.10.06
Oh, and DON'T go over a page for a submission letter, or 2 pages for a synopsis. Font: Times New Roman 12pt, or Arial (10/11pt?) - something standard and readable. Comic Sans (and size) or 7pt type with gypped margins to fit in more words is a no-no.
Whisky Priestess
12:58 / 24.10.06
Anyone live in Barking, Dagenham, Hornchurch or similar far-flung suburbs and write plays? If so, why not try the below?

The Queen’s Theatre Hornchurch: New Writing Award 2006/7

The Queen’s Theatre, Hornchurch is delighted to announce the launch of its New Writing Award Programme 2006/7. The theatre is looking for applications from aspiring playwrights to receive a place on its New Writing Award scheme.

The programme runs from November 2006 to July 2007 and is led by a team of professional playwrights who will mentor the award winners throughout. In recent years the theatre has produced many pieces of new writing as part of our main house.

The award also offers £500 to each winner.
The application deadline is 17 November 2006, 5pm. For more information, visit
For an application pack, call 01708 462373 or e-mail
14:33 / 24.10.06
thanks WP!
Whisky Priestess
15:01 / 25.10.06
Who's got a short story of 2500 words or less which they are prepared to read aloud at Foyle's this Friday? One of my UEA readers for Tales of the Decongested may not be able to make it and I could do with a back-up.

The catch is that you'll have to send me your story first to run by the organiser cos they don't take any old shit.

Anyone up for it?
Alex's Grandma
16:28 / 25.10.06
I've got about a gallon of scotch, more grains of morphine than I can easily add up (between four and six) and a couple of hours to spare, so I should be able to come up with something, no problem.

It will begin;

'About my relationship with Pete Doherty, prior to the events of the evening in question, I will say very little, because I really didn't have one. Pete was an amazing guy, and I was just a suit. A grey man, actually. Often it seemed as if God was using me as a cum rag. Or as if he was ... puttting me through various unchristian things to do with a harsher element of his personal ablutions. Oh well, there you go.

So there I was on the National Express, greasy suit collar stuck to the back of my neck as the fens flew by like basically nothing. 'What kind of idiot would want to live there?' I remember myself thinking - I was sitting on what seemed like a Mexican wave of people being ill on their clothes, in the aisles, on the bus on the way to the festival of literature ...
Alex's Grandma
16:33 / 25.10.06
Admittedly, this needs work, though.
16:41 / 26.10.06
Anyone up for it?

Airfare included?
07:22 / 02.11.06
I'm new. Very fresh. I don't know where to put this really. This is possibly the wrong thread; it's right only in the fact that I'm a writer and need help. If anyone can shuffle me in the right direction, I'd be grateful...

My obsession is non-fiction. I have a site which gets people to write short true stories - within hopefully the widest definition of what "true" and "story" mean. I'm looking for people to contribute. I'll tell more if anyone's interested.

I'm also working on an art project to get some non-fiction of the same kind installed in the streets of the town where I live, Brighton.

And, finally, I'm also looking for someone who's interested in creating illustrated, designed, true short stories... To turn true stories into a poster art form.
Whisky Priestess
12:01 / 19.11.06
Hello all.

Threadbump to alert anyone who's interested to the fact that they can hear a short story of mine on the radio this Monday 20th November (i.e. tomorrow) ... if they live in Somerset. Or fancy listening online.

It will be broadcast at 10.15am or thereabouts (tune in at 10.10 to be safe) and I won't be able to listen to it cos I will be at work, so would be interested in people's thoughts on how it sounded. They'll send me a CD but I'll have to wait weeks, I know.

Here's the BBC link:

Just click the Listen Live button on the top right.
Whisky Priestess
13:03 / 21.11.06
Assuming that some of the scriptwriters/playwrights here are eligible to enter the Westminster Prize, so why the hell not?

Ever wanted to write a play...?
... now's your chance.
Closing date 5 February 2007

Would you like to see your work performed and win theatre tickets?

The Westminster Prize is open to people of any age who live, work or study in the borough of Westminster. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t written before – you just need a vivid imagination.

- The play only has to be 10 minutes long.

Simply look at the three photographs on this card (a streetlamp, a rubber ducky and a Diversion street sign). You don’t have to stick rigidly to the content of the photos; use them to inspire you and get you started. You can use one or all three of them – whatever sparks your imagination.

- The play should contain only two characters.

Think about who these two characters might be. What’s their connection to the photo/s? Where are they? What do they want? Think about what’s going to happen in the play.

- If you want help…

Soho Theatre will be running two Open Access Workshops. The first is on 12 December, the second on 16 January. These will be free and held at Soho Theatre Both workshops are from 7–9pm. Please reserve a place by phoning 0870 429 6883. No experience necessary.

For more information, call 020 7478 0114.

The Westminster Prize is kindly supported by Westminster Council, Arts and Business and Getty Images.

The rules

- Playwrights with professional productions to their credit are ineligible.
- Entrants should either live, work or study in the borough of Westminster. If shortlisted, you will be asked for proof of this.
- Plays should be approximately ten minutes long, based upon the supplied photograph and contain only two characters (no more, no less).
- Plays must be original, written in English, unperformed and unencumbered by any third party rights.
- Plays must be clearly typed or neatly handwritten. Soho Theatre is not liable for any loss or damage to submitted scripts.
- Plays must have a title page that states the name of the play and the author's name and address. Please enclose two Stamped Addressed Envelopes, one for an acknowledgement letter and one for the return of the script.
- The judges' decision is final and no correspondence concerning the result can be entered into.
- The closing date for receipt is 5 February 2007.

Scripts should be sent to: The Westminster Prize, Soho Theatre, 21 Dean Street, London W1D 3NE

The first prize is £150 in theatre tokens. Second prize is £100 in theatre tokens. Third prize is £50 in theatre tokens. The three winning plays will be performed at Soho Theatre.
15:35 / 07.12.06
Does anyone know of a good writers community were people review one anothers writing? I know there are alot of writers forums, but i was looking for specificaly somewhere were people review each other and tear each others writing apart.
Whisky Priestess
08:16 / 08.12.06
Online, presumably?

There's a bunch of writers' groups in London. I think the most important thing is finding a bunch of people whose work and opinions you respect, however, so try a few out before you buy.
09:51 / 08.12.06
Isn't there one called Critters or something?
19:50 / 09.12.06
Thanks for the advice.

That critters is perfect too, thanks for that.
09:20 / 03.01.07
I need some inspiration.

Someone give me a prompt.
Whisky Priestess
11:34 / 03.01.07
Write a story set underground. Three characters only. 2-5000 words.

Let me know if you need more ... hopefully that should kick-start something though.
03:18 / 04.01.07

I wasn't really looking at prose stuff, more comic and film oriented.

Thats agood prompt though. Send me a couple more that I can keep in a drawer if I need inspitation.
Whisky Priestess
13:08 / 04.01.07
Oh, ok.

Short film (5 min) set underground? 8-page comic set underground?

(Can you see a theme here?)

What sort of things would you like us to dictate? Length? Characters? Style? Setting? Location? Story? Genre? etc.
Alex's Grandma
14:03 / 04.01.07
Why not write a comic about a hero who gets his powers after some sort of incident in the gents facilities on the London Underground/New York subway? Back in more liberal times (the 1970s?) when he was young, something happened that he can't really remember, but which gave him the ability to fight crime and so on as if he was a god. Now it's the Twenty First century and he's back, but from where, and why, and who's responsible for all this in any case? The soundtrack would be vintage Lou Reed, and the (best case scenario) art by Brendan McCarthy.

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