Hi all,
sorry to butt into this conversation late, but I only just got here ;o)
Sibyline, congrats, it sounds like it's all happening for you!
xk, you sound like you've got a few reviewers lined up, but if you need/want another, I'd be happy to help out. Maybe I'll even send you something of mine one day in return; so far not even my family or partner or even my teddybear have been allowed to read anything I've written (although i'm ok with complete strangers. The bear probably wouldn't be impartial enough to give good feedback anyway).
Now I have a query for all of you experienced writer-people. I have written a long-ish short story, which sort of starts in the middle, if you see what I mean. During the story the reader understands what's happened in the past, either by inference, or when the main character remembers / talks about an event. So, when I write the synopsis to the story, should I start at the same point in time that the story does? Or should I spell out the unwritten 'prologue' first? If the former (which I'm assuming), how do you write "flashback to the previous week" without sounding really naff? Or do synopses by their very nature sound naff anyway?
Hope that makes sense.
cheers all. |