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Writers' Helpdesk, how may we be of service?


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Whisky Priestess
14:23 / 07.09.07
I have no idea why Nick Hornby is on the judging panel for this, but it's a chance to get your comic read and win a grand. Bargain.
19:42 / 29.09.07
Sup Barbaliterates. I originally posted this in the books and writing forum and got pointed this way.

I'm a writer by nature, and I just started on a piece where I'm considering using amnesia as a plot device, but I'm finding it almost makes no sense.
ie: character had no memory of where he's from or why the world is a wasteland, but he remembers learning English as a dead language, because he communicates with a cryonaut from our era.
I find that just doesn't jive for me, seems too selective.

Anyways, it got me thinking on plot devices like that, and in an effort to sharpen up my tools, I thought I'd see what this particular nest of bookworms had to say on the subject.
So what do you think? What are some good devices when well used? What should be avoided like an Ebola monkey? and so forth.
Happy Dave Has Left
21:01 / 29.09.07
That's a pretty broad topic there - might be worth a new thread?
21:03 / 29.09.07
gah! I just can't win with you people! : )
a new topic it is then, lol.
15:26 / 03.10.07
I was told by an editor that he would "get back to me" about my article pitch.
That was three weeks ago. Is a reminder pushing things or is it, in fact, the entirely reasonable act of a young profesional who certainly isn't daunted by editors, oh no, oh no he isn't?

(Yes, I'm daunted)
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
00:05 / 04.10.07
Did he speak to you directly, via email, or in a handwritten letter?

Typically, editors get a LOT of submissions and related things coming through, so I would tend to change my answer of how to deal with it based on how much direct contact you've had with him. If you spoke to him on the phone, I would probably inquire, particularly if the article in question relates to a specific topic that might be the focus of the next issue, and the article needs to be dealt with by that time. Otherwise, I would tend to leave him to his own devices, as he's probably got mountains to deal with.
10:29 / 04.10.07
By email.
I will leave it then.
All Acting Regiment
14:21 / 19.12.07
Has the amnesia thread been started yet? It sounds interesting and I am willing to help out, as it were.

I've got a question. Does anyone happen to know of any publications that specialise in M.R. James-style ghost stories - or of any competitions for such?
Whisky Priestess
16:40 / 20.12.07
You could do worse than visit the astonishing usefulness that is Duotrope. Please give them a bit of cash if you end up using it a lot though - it really is insanely handy (and currently free) and it must take a lot of work to maintain.

Good luck!
All Acting Regiment
09:47 / 30.01.08
All should read my pal MS's article here:

And you'll find that whole website archives poetry magazines in a super way. Top stuff ...
Whisky Priestess
16:08 / 27.03.08
Can anyone tell me what the format of a treatment or pitch (not sure what the right term is - short initial document setting out the idea is what I mean) for a TV drama should be?

Are there any templates or examples out there in cyberland I can nick or copy? Does it depend on what you're submitting and who to? I'm in the UK and it would be a two-part drama, the parts being an hour long each.

Cheers in advance if anyone can point me in the right direction.
16:37 / 27.03.08
I'll ask my Mummy (drama telly person) and get back to you on this.
Alex's Grandma
18:02 / 27.03.08
On the up side, a short story what I wrote has just been published in Volume magazine, which, I think, is available in Borders, along with various fash bars round Hoxton way.

On the down side, possibly, they've published my e-mail address in the back. I'm assuming the circulsation isn't that wide (although it does look quite nice, in a Dazed And Confused sort of a way) but still, should I be worried about this?
Whisky Priestess
10:58 / 28.03.08
Thanks Boboss (may I call you Bob? No? Fine.)

Alex - I would honestly not worry about your e-address being published in the back of a magazine that sells very few copies, mostly to the Islington-based Nathan and Araminta Barleys of this world. I'm sure every penis-enlargement, online porn, diet-pill, Nigerian scam merchant already has your email anyway.

But well done though.
This Sunday
12:02 / 28.03.08
WP, who are you submitting to? Do they take, as they say, unsolicited material? Are you running it by a producer in particular? If it's an individual, you're probably best off just asking them how they want to see it, even if you're not on a personal-pally-type basis, just to cover your bases. If it's a blind submission, you can always just call up and ask whomever answers the phone if they have particular guidelines or formats the company prefers.

While things may be different on your side of the globe, I've found out here the general is a five to ten page extended synopsis (don't just tell it in prose, sell it in prose) of the whole (season/run), small breakdowns for primary characters, and a rough beat sheet (times to commercial breaks) and/or script for the first part/episode, with at least log lines for the following parts. Avoid phrasing that sounds remarkably expensive, even if you have a cheap way to do it in mind.

Bear in mind, I haven't ever had a show picked up, but I have worked on pitches/packages for other folks that have sold (and some actually aired), so, as always, grain of salt and some backing up room.

Good luck.
Whisky Priestess
12:54 / 28.03.08
Cheers Daytripper. I don't know where it's going to be submitted yet (it's in collaboration with a friend who knows more about that side of things, i.e. selling it, who is currently incommunicado so I can't ask them).

What I want to do is just make sure I don't miss out doing anything I should be doing. I'd rather cover too many bases than not enough. Can I just ask, re your reply, would all the stuff you mention be contained in the 8-10 page extended synopsis, or separate from it? I.e. is it an ext. synop including character breakdowns and beat sheets etc., or plus those things. Obviously the script is separate.

Also - given that this is a two-hour two-parter - do you reckon that I really have to write 60 pages of dialogue before I can even submit the idea? Isn't the synopsis enough to at least get a "continue" or "desist" out of them?
This Sunday
13:00 / 28.03.08
The synop and beat sheet should be enough, but it's good to have a sample bit, at least, in case they ask.

And the other stuff should be apart from the synopsis, which should basically be a prose retelling as though you're in advertising, focusing on the defining or special moments, even addressing the reader directly as necessary. Without the script pages, no more than twenty pages of material, basically.

Character breakdowns aren't necessary, but they can help, and need only be a few major strokes, similar to what you plug into the script in a little parenthetical when you first introduce them.
09:25 / 31.03.08
WP: I'm not sure if you've seen this, but if you're thinking about submitting to the BBC, you should find most of your answers here.
Whisky Priestess
10:26 / 31.03.08
Thanks, rakehell.

Probably to an independent TV company (unspecified as yet) rather than directly to the Beeb, but that's a very useful link, cheers. And thanks DDT as well for the super handy stuff.
Whisky Priestess
09:42 / 16.04.08
Just thought I'd share some of the fruit of my researches on the interweb with you all, one of which is the very useful and practical Scriptfrenzy website.

They have a great plot generator on the front page - sample:

"In a post-apocalyptic Peru / a group of retired superheroes / stows away on an alien pleasure cruise"
Whisky Priestess
15:16 / 23.06.08
Short-notice short story opportunity I thought I'd pimp to Barbewriters ...

Liars' League are seeking stories on July's theme of Saints & Sinners. DEADLINE is 11.59pm on Friday 27th June. Please send as a Word document (or PDF/in the body of the email if you really must) to

(Any formatting, spacing, font etc. is fine but don't forget to put your name on it).

We need prose fiction of 800-2500 words connected in some way with saints or sinners (or saintliness or sinning) or both. Connections can be tenuous but we do need them to exist - that said, if in doubt, send it in.

There's no cash in it (though authors do get free drinks off us if they turn up to the event) but no entry fee either, and we always provide a paragraph or so of feedback on shortlisted stories.

Winning stories are read out by pro actors and recorded live at the event, then posted as MP3s on our website - Liars' League - for download and podcasting.

Looking forward to reading your submissions ...

(our email sig and details and stuff below)

Liars' League
Writers write. Actors read. Audience listens. Everybody wins.

Next event: Tuesday July 8th, theme Saints & Sinners
7pm, every 2nd Tuesday of the month, £3 on the door
Upstairs at The Wheatsheaf
25 Rathbone Place,
London W1T 1DG
(5 min from Tott Ct Rd/Goodge St)

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