WP, who are you submitting to? Do they take, as they say, unsolicited material? Are you running it by a producer in particular? If it's an individual, you're probably best off just asking them how they want to see it, even if you're not on a personal-pally-type basis, just to cover your bases. If it's a blind submission, you can always just call up and ask whomever answers the phone if they have particular guidelines or formats the company prefers.
While things may be different on your side of the globe, I've found out here the general is a five to ten page extended synopsis (don't just tell it in prose, sell it in prose) of the whole (season/run), small breakdowns for primary characters, and a rough beat sheet (times to commercial breaks) and/or script for the first part/episode, with at least log lines for the following parts. Avoid phrasing that sounds remarkably expensive, even if you have a cheap way to do it in mind.
Bear in mind, I haven't ever had a show picked up, but I have worked on pitches/packages for other folks that have sold (and some actually aired), so, as always, grain of salt and some backing up room.
Good luck. |