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Lateshift...we're so damn shifty it hurts!


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Alex's Grandma
20:08 / 29.01.05
Hi everyone.

I'm so torrid with cans that when I looked in the mirror a minute ago and realised that that guy was looking at back me, but that also, crucially, I was looking back at him, it was all I could do not to leave town altogether, frankly.
20:11 / 29.01.05
Speking of breath smells like toe-jam and I am hallucinating from lack of sleep. At least I think I am hallucinating, or else my cat has grown wings.
20:13 / 29.01.05
I think that may be far more worrying than my supposed misadventures with bowel evacuation.
Saint Keggers
20:15 / 29.01.05
"or else my cat has grown wings"

Yes! First the cat...then the monkeys!
20:21 / 29.01.05
I am going to go and have a hot bath with some eucalyptus bath bubbles. See you all tomorrow.
20:49 / 29.01.05
I have already had my bath and there are no new posts. What? You people can't lateshift without me?

Meludreen? I know we have thing goin' on, but you really shouldn't pine this way.
20:50 / 29.01.05
P.S: I missed you too Mel!
21:03 / 29.01.05
I lateshift therefore I am. (Am at work, that is).
Brigade du jour
21:16 / 29.01.05
'Tis I, (shake specs) Leclerc!
21:20 / 29.01.05
Sigh! Vindication at long last! -Continues plucking daisy-

I don't know where everybody else went. Myself? I went on a super-secret DVD easter-eggs hunt.

'Lo Stoat.
21:25 / 29.01.05
AH! Mel! You are back! Gawd, it just wasn't the same without you.

I do have to go to work now, so I shall be going.

Hiya Stoatie, and bye, as well.
Alex's Grandma
21:27 / 29.01.05
All I'm saying is that if I worked nights, I'd have photocopied my arse from here to eternity by now.
21:31 / 29.01.05
What makes you think they haven't already?
Brigade du jour
21:32 / 29.01.05
And back again, Alex, and back again!

Mind you, I have been here four and a half years. That's a lot of arse.
21:50 / 29.01.05
Two cheeks each time.
Alex's Grandma
21:51 / 29.01.05
Well... I know I'll never see the results, but all the same, it would do a poor old romantic's heart good to think that somebdy, somewhere, is xeroxing their ass.

Copy #1 for Karl Marx

Copy #2 for Peter Cooke

Copy #3 for Elizabeth Taylor

And those asses should be copied with love, for heaven's sake.
22:05 / 29.01.05
After Peter Cooke has removed the lobsters from Jayne Mansfield's arse presumably.
22:11 / 29.01.05
Ah, lobsterissimus bumikissimus. A very advanced case.
Brigade du jour
22:19 / 29.01.05
Could have been worse. Could have been Greta bloody Garbo.
Alex's Grandma
22:24 / 29.01.05
I wasn't referring to 'that' sketch ( sorry if I seemed otherwise, ) but it was, in any case, Joan Crawford they were on about. And not her 'ass.'
Brigade du jour
22:27 / 29.01.05
I say Alex, are you sure? I could have sworn our beloved beheaded Jayne her great-bosomed self was in Cook's fertile and wonderfully disgusting imagination too, somewhere.
22:29 / 29.01.05
wouldn't that be Peter Cook?
22:31 / 29.01.05
'Twas Jayne.

In Malibu de Bum-Bum.
Brigade du jour
22:36 / 29.01.05
Ah feck it anyway. Let's make up our own depraved flight of fancy about a contemporary actress of impeccable moral virtue. Gwyneth Paltrow, perhaps? And this time ... let it be two-toed sloths instead of lobsters.
22:38 / 29.01.05
I never thought about Chris Martin like that before...
Alex's Grandma
22:40 / 29.01.05
Thinking about it, I'm not sure - was it Jayne Mansfield*, or Joan Crawford ?

*According to a psychic who I consulted when I was very drunk in New York a couple of years ago, I am the reincarnation of Jayne Mansfield. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Brigade du jour
22:42 / 29.01.05
Just stay away from dangerous drivers and keep your tits in, you'll be ok.
22:45 / 29.01.05
I was once told by a cross-dressing circus strongman that I was the reincarnation of Peter Cook.

We should get together and talk.
22:50 / 29.01.05
What you're doing, you see, is confusing the "Worst Job I Ever Had" (removing the lobsters from Jayne Mansfield's arsehole) sketch with the "Up Joan Crawford" (where apparently there is no water, so the swimming pool is full of shit. There are, however, fleets of light aircraft, and hamburger stalls with no hamburgers) sketch.

I think I need to get out more. Maybe photocopy someone else's arse for a change...
Brigade du jour
22:57 / 29.01.05
And use the resulting pictures as the cover for a long-overdue re-release of Derek And Clive Come Again.
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
23:12 / 29.01.05
hello, everybody. I just woke up half an hour ago!
Brigade du jour
23:15 / 29.01.05
Hello Sean, and welcome to another round of Celebrity Arseholes! (and the retrieval of various animals therefrom)

Want to play?
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
23:16 / 29.01.05
I slept for 14 hours. Am I dying?
23:17 / 29.01.05
I didn't sleep for fourteen hours. I wish I had.
23:17 / 29.01.05
I didn't sleep for fourteen hours. I wish I had.

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