I'd probably move to delete ATM even if you'd done it. It's just not really necessary, is it? And it's frustrating... I mean, I hardly ever post to the HS these days (for reasons which should be readily apparent to anyone who's read my old posts) so when I do it's always one of two things.
Thing one is the Mod Hat post ("Mod hat: This thread is for the discussion of discussy thing, and your post is about Monster Trucks. Please take discussion of Monster Trucks to an appropriate thread and have a lovely day").
Thing Two is where I read the thread, re-read teh thread, stew over a response for days/weeks, write it out in Wordpad, delete it again, read stuff other people have written on the board, read stuff other people have written elsewhere, Google references, delete the rtf file, re-write the rtf file, cut and paste to the posting window only to close same (repeat 67 times) and you know what really floats my boat after that? A borderline troll of verifiable borderline trollery swinging by to use the thread to tell another poster how much he likes the thread that the other poster has obliquely registered dislike of, purely for the purposes of windup.
tl;dr I would quite like it if the Headshop was not to be filled up with shit or at least filled up with shit at a reduced rate, plz+kthxbai. |