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Professor Plumb, in the Lateshift With a Candlestick.


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Brigade du jour
23:25 / 17.12.04
Mmm Norwegian yak pudding ... drool ...

With Angel Delight on top.
23:29 / 17.12.04
I always preferred Turkish Delight.

It just sounds so kinky.
Brigade du jour
23:31 / 17.12.04
Tastes kinky, too.
Saint Keggers
23:32 / 17.12.04
Turkish delight reminds me of one of the scenes in know...the one that takes place in a turkish brothel...
Brigade du jour
23:41 / 17.12.04
"Govern your tongue, Keggers!"
23:43 / 17.12.04
At Jack the Bodiless's Halloween party there was someone dressed as the evil Queen from "the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" wandering around giving people Turkish delight. Downside was, of course, you were then enchanted by her evil magick.
Saint Keggers
23:45 / 17.12.04
Govern my tongue??? But my tongue does so so much good for so many people when left to its (looking for word here...)!!!
Brigade du jour
23:55 / 17.12.04
Apparently Tilda Swinton is playing the Witch in the new film version.

Oh, and Keggers? It's ok, you don't really have to govern your tongue. Although, better you do than somebody else does, I suppose.
23:57 / 17.12.04
Hmm... I've lost faith with Tilda Swinton since I found out she was in the Constantine movie.
Saint Keggers
23:58 / 17.12.04
Oh, if the right woman came along I supposed I'd let her govern my tongue... and a good time was had by all
Brigade du jour
23:58 / 17.12.04
I saw the trailer for that the other day. It looks ... okay, but then I never read the comic so I'm judging it purely on 'ooh look at the pretty colours and people smashing through walls' terms.
Saint Keggers
00:01 / 18.12.04
I've seen the trailer but not read the comic...the minute I read that they were making him American I smelled sellout. Fuck that.
00:06 / 18.12.04
I fear that film. And not in a good way.
00:08 / 18.12.04
I was at Jack the Bodiless' Halloween party as the wardrobe. The fact that nobody noticed me was a tribute to my costume skeelz. Also, people had sex in me, which was gratifying. And hid from Michael Myers. And Michaela Strachan.
Saint Keggers
00:09 / 18.12.04
Michaela Strachan???
Brigade du jour
00:10 / 18.12.04
I'd hide from her. She has scary teeth.
00:14 / 18.12.04
Yes. A chthonic gate opened only when she needs to LET THE AIR OUT OF HER HEAD. Yes.
00:15 / 18.12.04
I hear Dani Behr was behind that wardrobe.

Yes, that's right. I was the one who grassed her up.
00:19 / 18.12.04
Then they came for Eamonn Holmes. I laughed...
Brigade du jour
00:22 / 18.12.04
Usually people come ON Eamonn Holmes. I hear he's GMTV's foremost bukkake exponent.
Brigade du jour
00:24 / 18.12.04
The Deborah Harry Brigade, tone-lowerer extraordinary and plenipotentiary, takes a bow ...
Saint Keggers
00:26 / 18.12.04
You people and allyour foreign references have confruzed me...I need more wine.
Brigade du jour
00:30 / 18.12.04
Trust me Keggers, if you're unfamiliar with GMTV and all its nefarious works, you are much better off than us.
Saint Keggers
00:32 / 18.12.04
Woohoo! I win!
Brigade du jour
00:33 / 18.12.04
And your prize is ... a signed photo of Lorraine Kelly.

Lucky bastard.
Brigade du jour
00:44 / 18.12.04
What is it about Lorraine Kelly that kills threads? She seems so vivacious.
Saint Keggers
00:45 / 18.12.04
00:46 / 18.12.04
C'mon, people, speak proper American.

Or we'll invade.

Love, the U.S.
Saint Keggers
00:47 / 18.12.04
Buwhahahahahaha! There there lil yankee...its all ok..the big bad foreigners wont take your suvs away...
00:48 / 18.12.04
Jesus, that'd be weird. You guys would announce another invasion, Mr Tony's follow you all the way and we'd be in the strange situation of invading ourselves.
00:50 / 18.12.04
Hey, what did I just say?!? Quit with the polyslsllsab... the pllysillabli... the big words!
Brigade du jour
00:50 / 18.12.04
She's another GMTV (Good Morning Tele Vision) alumnus. Lots of people find her squeaky, buxom, non-bleary-eyed, older-sister spiel rather annoying. I myself am not one of them. I think she's lovely.

Although she does have a newspaper column in which she reveals herself to be an ignoramus.
Saint Keggers
00:51 / 18.12.04
Ah..much like GWB and his podium...
Brigade du jour
00:51 / 18.12.04
Go on then, invade! I dare ya! Wimps.
Saint Keggers
00:52 / 18.12.04
They tried invading us once...we kicked their asses back home and burnt down their 'white'house... Its the least we could do.

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