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The Late Shift Remembers


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23:55 / 24.11.04
I have finally been released from the clinic, so before I read any of the nonsense bullshit that has been written the last couple of weeks, I just want to say that I love Steely Dan so much that if I had a chance to fuck Tyra Banks, Donald Fagen or Walter Becker, I would kill myself because I wouldn't be able to decide between Walter Becker or Donald Fagen.

By the way if anyone was wondering, I was in the clinic for hitting my girlfriend. Can you believe that bullshit?
Saint Keggers
01:23 / 25.11.04
anyone around?

Internet died on me.
betty woo
01:29 / 25.11.04
I'm here, Nano procrastinating once again.
Saint Keggers
01:35 / 25.11.04
Well you're still doing much better than nano died midway through the second sentence! And I used to be such a good writter back in my college days.
betty woo
01:38 / 25.11.04
I'd be faring much better if my plot hadn't decided to change course in the last 10K. Grrr...

So for a newcomer, what are the guidelines around this thread, anyway?
Saint Keggers
01:52 / 25.11.04
As one of the Ancients of this thread I can say:

The first rule of latehift is you dont talk about lateshift
The second rule of lateshift is you can ignore the first rule.

Thats about it.

and once a thread has completed 9 pages someone gets to start a new lateshift thread. It can be anyone.
Francine I
03:27 / 25.11.04
Indeed. Here, late. Is anyone else here .. late? And guidelines? Yes. I agree.
Saint Keggers
02:54 / 26.11.04
Anyone here? Anyone?
03:04 / 26.11.04
Oh it's you BS!

We gotta stop meeting like this.
Saint Keggers
03:09 / 26.11.04
I agree. Next time one of us should bring the whip cream.
03:18 / 26.11.04
I do have a whip...

Anyway, I can hardly believe the Liberals are trying to pin a bloody loophole in immigration policy for exotic dancers on Judy Sgro.

Saint Keggers
03:19 / 26.11.04
Thats why I voted NDP!
03:23 / 26.11.04
Oh yes, NDP. The phantom third party.

But a Phantom Party sounds really cool!
Saint Keggers
03:24 / 26.11.04
Yes! Let's toast the ghost hosts with the most!
03:39 / 26.11.04
Ooh, check it out! Alien Dance!
Saint Keggers
03:44 / 26.11.04
I am the alien puppet master!!
Saint Keggers
00:02 / 27.11.04
Je te plumerais la tete...
00:21 / 27.11.04
00:24 / 27.11.04
That's my way of saying "hello, how are you? What are you up to? I am here drinking bitter (because I don't want to drink anymore gin after I made a gin and tonic the size of a house) and eating pistachio nuts."
Saint Keggers
00:24 / 27.11.04
Saint Keggers
00:31 / 27.11.04
Oh. Hello. Im doing rather fine. sized boozing... its like the good ol' days all over again. I've only had a glass of white wine with my supper this evening. It was hamburger..or rather mooseburger. But the wine went along quite nicely.
00:40 / 27.11.04
They make mooseburger? That is something I did not know.

I'm running out of alcohol, and I fear I am not yet tired enough to sleep.
Alex's Grandma
00:42 / 27.11.04
I... Ngh... Oh God it's happening again... I haf become ( in dragony voice, like George Saunders, ) MORE THAN HUMAN
betty woo
00:43 / 27.11.04
Evening all. I am trapped at home due to my gimp knee, whilst all my friends are out dancing and drinking heavily. I can't even drink at home, since I'm quite certain that intoxication = lack of balance = banging my knee up even worse.

No wonder I've managed to get so much writing done this month. It's that or Sex in the City re-runs.
Saint Keggers
00:44 / 27.11.04
Its Canada; We make moose everything... mooseburger, moosestew, chocolate moose, mickey moose. I too need alchohol, however I cant get to the store and I have no money on me even if I could.
00:46 / 27.11.04
I thought you had about 5000 bottles of homemade wine?
00:47 / 27.11.04
And work really is preferable to Sex and the City any-runs.

But surely betty, you can drink if you do not move! I think you'll find it's entirely possible. You just need to drink until you're not awake anymore.
Saint Keggers
00:49 / 27.11.04
Hi Alex..who's George Saunders...did he make fried chicken?

Hi Betty! What you need is a 'drinking buddy'. Then you can drink at home and not worry about the balance thing. You just sit there and let them do all the moving. That last sentence is also my advice for 'sex with a broken leg' and by that I dont Nevermind, this is just heading off in all the wrong directions!
00:51 / 27.11.04
My only drinking buddy is my bottle.. or, wait, does my cat count? He's quite helpful really.
Saint Keggers
00:52 / 27.11.04
I thought you had about 5000 bottles of homemade wine?

Nothing lasts forever. But I do have 84-90 bottles being made right now
00:53 / 27.11.04
I think I need to fashion my own drink-making-machine. For the good of mankind.
Saint Keggers
00:55 / 27.11.04
I'll buy that for a dollar!
betty woo
01:02 / 27.11.04
I'd probably be safe if I got into bed before I started drinking - that way, I wouldn't have to go anywhere!

I've tried drinking with my cat, but she doesn't hold her alcohol very well. Nothing worse than waking up to a hangover and catfur booze balls puked up all over the bedspread.
Saint Keggers
01:08 / 27.11.04
I dont drink with my cat...A few shots and he gets all "oh yeah? Aint you the one that sent me to the vet? Do you know what they took?? Do you? I take you on! I take all of you on! You people you think you're so tough jsut cause you open fridge! I kill you!"

He's a real bad drunk.
betty woo
01:11 / 27.11.04
See, mine is more one of those morose drunks. A few saucers of brandy and she starts crooning Morrisey tunes, quite painful really.

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