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The Late Shift Remembers


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01:12 / 03.12.04
Hello Sally.

Reg. Potter.

I decided to see what all the fuss was about and plow through them all.

I thought that her prose was a bit weak, but the actual structure of her plotting was better.
01:14 / 03.12.04
Buzzed. I tried the tea-honey-lemon-whisky cure for my cough, but added too much whisky, so here I am. I think this calls for a donut.

I'm a bit fussy because I have a bunch of tiny pies that I just made today, but my fiance doesn't care much for them because he finds them too sweet, so now I have to figure out what to do with five tiny pies, less however many I eat. Everyone I know at work is on some sort of diet, and aside from co-workers, I don't really know anyone.

How are you Suedey? (I actually am kinda fond of the Liv girl too.)
01:21 / 03.12.04
Does that merit gin too?

Yes. Hi Meludreen.
01:22 / 03.12.04
God, I could do with a donut. Or a tiny pie.

Send them to me Sally! What's that? Gin gone to my head? Possible.

Everything merits gin!

I want to hate the Potter books honestly, but I had to read them till 5am for 3 nights in a row. And I have no idea why, because nothing had any logic whatsoever, and... well, I could go on forever, to be honest. I do, however, want everyone to start calling Voldemort Tom. It would be great. Come on. I have to say, though, I've seen the first three films, and what struck me most is that when I read the last two books they just seemed to be written so much younger than they were in the last film... and like a middle aged mum was trying to give you a lecture from behind a see through veil.

I think I'm just lonely.
01:34 / 03.12.04
and like a middle aged mum was trying to give you a lecture from behind a see through veil.

I only vaguely understand this. But I know I like it a lot. Priceless imagery.

I think I'm just lonely.

Don't worry. I'm hanging around an internet message board at 3:30 in the morning too. I feel your pain.

Urgh. Sorry to love yez and leave yez, but I'm rapidly losing coherence of thought. Time to sign off methinks.

Good night to you both.
01:40 / 03.12.04
Bon soir, jolie cheri.

I too am lonely. I'm so much more interesting in text form. In the flesh I'm just creepy and a bit dull. So anyway, pity, party of two. Or three, or however many people want to join in on this particular sulk.

Grant gave me suggestions for shipping pie at one point, I think when Rothky was feeling sad and I was feeling very Ana Ng about it, geographically speaking, but since these pies are terribly easy to make, I suspect I should just PM you the recipe, Suedey, rather than expensively mailing you stale pie.
01:42 / 03.12.04
Bleh. No-longer-drunk-but-not-sober bleariness ahoy. And me with work tomorrow too. Is it my fault if I can't sleep? For want of, erm, sobriety?
01:45 / 03.12.04
Not at all. It is sleep's fault. Sleep has decided it needs space, because sleep hasn't a clue what it wants. Sleep needs to spend some time re-evaluating its priorities.
Goodness Gracious Meme
01:49 / 03.12.04
allo, all...
01:54 / 03.12.04
Yet again, 'sup, yo.
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
01:56 / 03.12.04
hello to the beautiful people. I love all the beautiful people.

All of the rest of you, please tell me to get offline. I've been meaning to write some fiction for too long a time, but I've been procrastinating.
02:00 / 03.12.04
Sleep is a bastard. It doesn't bother itself with my needs. Why should I pay it any heed at all. It's clearly just out for attention.
02:00 / 03.12.04
I fried everything I could find.

I didn't need to do that.

But it was good. Oh, it was good.
Goodness Gracious Meme
02:02 / 03.12.04
Get offline and do some work.

I'm quite mooshy. It's a good feeling.
02:04 / 03.12.04
What's mooshy? Is it like squishy? I can't imagine it's qualities of goodness.
02:04 / 03.12.04
1. Sean. Get offline. Break the little plastic thing on the cord that makes it stay in. Do your fucking work. Jesus, do you think Tolstoy got where he did spending time talking to us losers? I should say not.

2. Ganesh. Sleep is indeed a fickle harlot, and even when it's kind, it can't turn the slot machines your way. It just wastes your time, but you'd just go crazy without it.

3. Sean. I mean it. Get the fuck offline.
02:05 / 03.12.04
In addition, I need to say something that words cannot convey.

02:06 / 03.12.04
I fried everything I could find.

Damn... now I'm really tempted to make a chocolate tempura batter, dip a krispy kreme in it, and deep fry it in coconut oil.
02:07 / 03.12.04
At last! A worthy opponent! Kumquats at dawn, o helmeted cat.
02:08 / 03.12.04

I wish I had some krispy kremes. Or a Subway. From American. I could fry that.

I don't think I'd fry anything now, mind. I had pre-fry up reached my eating limit. And yet alcohol made me think different.
02:10 / 03.12.04
Lacking any other sort of rind-bearing fruit, I just tried to put an avocado half on my cat's head. I now bear a crimson line across my wrist that people are going to look at tomorrow and think, "physician heal thy fucking self, why don'tcha?"
02:14 / 03.12.04
My fiance once theorized that every cat has a piece of clothing that they would be delighted to wear. One just have to discover what it is.

We have discover that for our cats, it is decidedly not a tiny plastic fez. I suspect my girl kitty wants a purple satin slip.
Saint Keggers
02:14 / 03.12.04
Helloo fellow Laters! I've decided that I hate Everquest 2 as its ruined my plans or a weeklong working on the art projects!
02:15 / 03.12.04
I wouldn't risk anything like that with my cat, these days. Or ever.

Mad little guy. Seems chatty in his old age. Any attempt to stroke him/walk in a room/see him "rowr? ROWR?" and even odder noises still. He never even used to meow, now he just can't stop.

Still does that thing where he runs in and yowls, waits for you to look at him and sprints away.

Thinks biting is sign of affection. Likes to rest teeth on things, just for fun. Hits you unless he initiates stroking.
02:18 / 03.12.04
Is this the bit where we say cute stuff about our cats? In a vaguely Neil Gaimany way?

Can someone let me know when we're past this bit? It always triggers my gag reflex...
Goodness Gracious Meme
02:18 / 03.12.04
Mooshy is the feeling of vague sleepiness and 'happy to be curled up at home'-ness that you get when it's late, you don't have to get up early the next day, the red wine drunkenness is receeding and the *really good* grass you've just boughy starts to kick in. Mooshy.
02:20 / 03.12.04
Yeah, I think I just feel squishy...
02:22 / 03.12.04
1. Keggers- *Glomp* as the manga geeks say.
2. Ganesh- Spoilsport.
Saint Keggers
02:22 / 03.12.04
I love my cat because he attacks the mailman and keeps my legs warm when Im watchng tv in the winter time.
02:23 / 03.12.04
I hear gagging.

02:23 / 03.12.04
you don't have to get up early the next day

Fuck. I knew I was going wrong somewhere.
02:24 / 03.12.04
I didn't think any of us on Barbelith had a gag reflex anymore. Comes between ass-candling and ear-cocking in the initiation, doesn't it?
02:25 / 03.12.04
Ganesh- Spoilsport

Sport is there to be 'spoiled'. What other function does it serve?
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
02:26 / 03.12.04
Okay, I'm leaving. (As much as I love planning stories and reading my own stuff, lately I've been developing a soul-crushing apathy towards writing. Maybe it's been that I've been trying to write two stories at once, I don't know. All I've done in a while has been first chapters that I end up throwing in the trash a few days later. What I need is a team of ghost writers, like what Stephen King has...or a shark in a business suit, like in Top 10. Yes, I think I could write at least a dozen pages about a shark in a business suit.)
02:26 / 03.12.04
A feigned reason to riot.

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