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The Late Shift Remembers


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Alex's Grandma
23:59 / 29.11.04
Well in the holiday spirit, and it's almost Christmas, near as damnit, why not walk really fast up the corridor to the office water cooler, look at it somberly for a couple of minutes and then step back slowly, as if it's given you orders you'd rather not face.
23:59 / 29.11.04
Oh, no, I'm completely virtual now, so appearances are really all that matter to me.
00:01 / 30.11.04
Welcome alas. Welcome Sean. How are you both?

We're going by Barbetime, currently at 2:54 or so.

As for butlers, don't ask. I'm still trying my hardest to manifest them. You know what they say about butlers though, you wait ages for one and then three come along at once (Along with maids, chefs, personal trainers, manicurists, phone hygenists...)
00:02 / 30.11.04
Oh, no, I'm completely virtual now, so appearances are really all that matter to me.
00:03 / 30.11.04
Arrgh! Jane! Stop this crazy thing!
00:03 / 30.11.04
A Max Headroom moment from alas there...
00:05 / 30.11.04
I swear, by the way, that I hit reply only once, but then I got that screen that says "warning" and a lot of blah blah blah stuff, and when I got back here, I had put my rather inane comment up, not once, not twice but thrice!

Phone hygenist?
00:07 / 30.11.04
Somebody that comes round to clean your telephone. Unscrews the receiver, gets rid of the filth, gives it a right going over. Swear to God.
00:12 / 30.11.04
What can one say to that? Blimey. Well. I think my cat has gone deaf, and additionally he's very angst-ridden lately. He's seventeen years old, and I'm worried that he's used up his quota of lives. So when I caught him pissing in my potted ficus, I hadn't the heart to squirt water at him or do anything but yell (ineffectual with deaf cat). Meanwhile, he mostly missed the pot...
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
00:12 / 30.11.04
sean is doing fantastic, thanks for asking.

fucking cold, but fantastic. I only left the house one time today, and that was to get the mail.

I've been getting that "warning" nonsense a lot recently, alas. obvioulsy, our posts are way too good for this server to handle.
00:19 / 30.11.04
It would be nice to think they are too good, Sean, but it's always the line you want to be a kind of cool, throwaway line--the kind you'd sort of say under your breath on the edge of a party--that get repeated. Making me look distinctly uncool. Distinctly: Everybody look at ME! While I fall on my face! Like I'm drunk, actually. Which, alas, I am not.
00:20 / 30.11.04
When we first got him, my old cat pissed in my mum's pot pourri thinking it was the litter tray, bless.

I had to leave the house TWICE today! It wasn't funny!
Second time was to go try out a meditation class across the other end of the city. Didn't make it in time and couldn't find it, so went to a tea room instead and drank green tea, ate falafel and smoked apple tobacco from a hookah. Oh, and listened to live sitah music too.

So all in all, my soujourn wasn't too bad I suppose.
Alex's Grandma
00:26 / 30.11.04
'Night everyone, thing I must watch on telly, must KEEP IT REAL...
00:26 / 30.11.04
See you later Alex.
00:29 / 30.11.04
In the meantime I did look up hot toddy recipes online and made one (sort of--lemon seems to be key, but I didn't have lemon, so I used a kind of dubious navel orange. Still, plenty of whiskey and a little hot water, not too bad... Still no butler though, mores the pity. Not even the appearance of one.
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
00:37 / 30.11.04
Am I going to have to close your parenthesis for you, alas? come on, you're a big boygirl. You should know better.

Okay, fine. Here it is.)

And, for those who don't know, poor roommates make great butlers. It's true.
Bed Head
00:38 / 30.11.04
Raw garlic and vodka. Cures everything. Cures death, probably.

I’m just going to bed, but I thought I’d throw that in on my way past. Get well soon, alas!
00:38 / 30.11.04
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
00:42 / 30.11.04
arrgh! I'm already borderline ocd, and this isn't helping!!)
00:45 / 30.11.04

!tRUST,ME. itll dO a world of good"
00:47 / 30.11.04
Forgive me.

The beer and whiskey are getting the better of me.
00:50 / 30.11.04

Obviously this is not my night for typing. I'm on a second toddy now. If I get drunk after all these errors, can I use the "I was SO drunk" excuse, posthumously?

I think it is definitely time for bed. G'night, all.
00:54 / 30.11.04
I think I ought to do the same. It's about that time.

'Night alas. 'Night Sean. 'Night Stoatie. 'Night lurkers.
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
00:56 / 30.11.04
thatillgrowhornsthatshowangryme'll?be(sothatonjedayanoldchris)tianw0manwill comeuptomeand


Would you like a bigger pens? for course, we all do. Please send me 20 moneys in cash to the following adress; my house.
01:01 / 30.11.04
Ok, so I'm still here....

And I'm proud.
01:17 / 30.11.04
Hey kids! Let's all mis(punctuate--- for KICKS???
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
01:29 / 30.11.04
only masochists do things for kicks.

Get it? For kicks? Oh god, I'm so funny.
Saint Keggers
01:29 / 30.11.04
I have arrived! Greetings all.
01:31 / 30.11.04
God, you bastards.

I'm meant to be SlEEPing//
Saint Keggers
01:33 / 30.11.04
Im meant to be Supreme Ruler Over All but you dont see me complaining 'cause it hasn't happened yet!
01:36 / 30.11.04
I was just about to shut down when I got preoccupied with building swearwords on fridgemagnet's fridgemagnet flash thingummy. Now I'm back here.

Hello Ke.... I mean Mr. Suite, Sir.
How goes it?
01:36 / 30.11.04
Hello Keggers@@@@@@@
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
01:40 / 30.11.04
Let's all sing Meludreen a lullabye.

go to sleep, go to sleep,
go to sleep so i can rob you
when you're dreaming,
i am thieving,
so go to bed god damn it
01:44 / 30.11.04
See that contented smile on my sleeping face?

That's me, safe in the knowledge that when you turn my wallet upside down the only thing fluttering out will be a family of moths.
02:00 / 30.11.04

That's it.


Have fun while I'm gone (but not too much or I'll read the thread tomorrow and I'll know)

Good night.

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