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The Late Shift Remembers


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Saint Keggers
00:14 / 21.11.04
Not much..just switching between some poker match and World Biker Build-Off..also debating if I should have a wine, beer or coffee.
Brigade du jour
00:16 / 21.11.04
Wine, dude, wine. It's Saturday night, for heaven's sake. Although that means little to me as my weekend starts on Monday morning! Which is when I shall enjoy my own alcoholic snifter.
Bed Head
00:19 / 21.11.04
My favourite conundrum. Or, it’s like my scissors-rock-paper. But, have gin! What a surprise your tummy will get.

Hello, hello.

I’m not really here, not properly. I shall be retiring soon, but I just wanted to say hello first.
Saint Keggers
00:23 / 21.11.04
Hello. Sadly, I have no gin. A martini would also be grand right now. I really must start stocking a proper bar instead of stalking improper barmaids.
01:43 / 21.11.04
I had gin! But there was a noticeable lack of ice.
01:58 / 21.11.04
No booze for me tonight. I do have special adult treats for myself, though.

I had to go to the store to get some tea for the morning and ahem...Rizlas.

Helloo again everyone!
Saint Keggers
03:33 / 21.11.04
ok..who's still here? Roll call!
03:36 / 21.11.04
No one Suites.

Hey, wanna make out?
Saint Keggers
03:39 / 21.11.04
Make out what???
04:18 / 21.11.04
Can you make out what the hell this guy is on about?
06:17 / 21.11.04
I think he thinks Satan and his hoard(sic) are trying to fool us into believing in UFOs, so we don't notice the arrival of our demonic masters and the dominion of the Antichrist.

...though what they plan to do to cover up the rivers of blood isn't precisely clear...
Saint Keggers
22:27 / 21.11.04
22:34 / 21.11.04
Toronto is winning the Grey Cup!


(Yes, I know I am in Montreal, but my hometown of Toronto is afterall, my hometown.)
Saint Keggers
01:43 / 22.11.04
01:53 / 22.11.04
blistering blue?
Saint Keggers
01:54 / 22.11.04
If only that was a shade of colour...

01:59 / 22.11.04

So, I rented the first season of Arrested Development this weekend, as it's out on DVD and my god. I can't believe anything that funny is being shown on television. I thought the Repubicans wanted to be the only comedy in town.
Saint Keggers
02:04 / 22.11.04
Yeah I so love that show. Its rare to find smart comedy on basic tv from the states.
02:06 / 22.11.04
Speaking of - what's the deal with The Office? Someone lent it to me and I couldn't finish the secnd episode. It just made me really uncomfortable. I mean, I wanted to laugh, but I actually felt bad laughing.
Saint Keggers
02:10 / 22.11.04
I've only seen a bit of it..all my friends think its the funniest thing since..wellnot that sliced bread is funny, but you see where Im going. I was dead bored. I just didnt get it. Eh...maybe its a brit thang.
02:15 / 22.11.04
I need to find a website about calculating pot odds in poker - I'm not sure I'm doing it right.
02:19 / 22.11.04

I guess I was doing it right.

This would be a lot easier if I had a calculator.
Saint Keggers
02:22 / 22.11.04
lol, odd coincidence I just downloaded my first poker program this everning.
02:23 / 22.11.04
I'm up a few dollars for the night, but still down something like fifty cents on my initial stake.

...last week didn't go so well.
Saint Keggers
02:30 / 22.11.04
I got addcited to the poker tournaments on the sports network... its the only good thing on there these days
02:33 / 22.11.04
I never would have believed it'd be fun to watch poker but it's totally addictive.

And playing online is certainly one of those "okay. Just five more hands. Then I'll sleep." "I can do six hours of sleep." ... "...five hours of sleep." ... "... I can drink some red bull and still make it to class." -type things.
Saint Keggers
02:36 / 22.11.04
yeah...its been a while since I got the guys together for a game...must do that soon. Sigh... damn us all for going and getting lives!!
02:41 / 22.11.04
I've given up on my old poker game.

Everyone says they want to play, but nobody wants to host anymore.

Losing isn't as much fun online.
Saint Keggers
02:55 / 22.11.04
the problem I have with online poker is Im quite good at reading people and you cant tell what people are thinking through a computer screen
02:59 / 22.11.04
Yeah. You sort of develop a weird sense for it, though.

Of course, I haven't had a chance to see if that sense translates into real poker.

But on the bright side I'm up again.

...and going to sleep.
Saint Keggers
03:03 / 22.11.04
lol, ok goodnight then and may the poker gods smile on you (or give you xray vision)
01:21 / 23.11.04

Anyone about?
Saint Keggers
01:24 / 23.11.04
I am about.
01:31 / 23.11.04
I'm a man about town.
01:52 / 23.11.04
Howdy, Triplet!

Hey, why'd you change suits, Keggers? Did it get a hole in it?

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