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The Late Shift Remembers


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00:54 / 16.11.04
Well, if one has never been to Canada, and never tasted Shiraz, one cannot make an informed opinion about either.

Shiraz is much more full-bodied than a merlot, which is why I like it better, as I like food that is usually spicy and pungent on the palate. Combined with it's usually oakey and somewhat berry high-notes, it compliments these foods quite well, and stands well on it's own or with a dish of sharp cheeses.
02:16 / 16.11.04
Oh and there is nothing wrong with a good Merlot. I was simply teasing, Ganesh.

I certainly missed my queue when I was momentarily riveted by Canadian comedy.
00:58 / 17.11.04
No merlot, no chiraz, just excedrin. Anyone up?
Saint Keggers
01:02 / 17.11.04
I am! Im feasting on chinese takeout. No wine though
01:05 / 17.11.04
Hiya keggers. Out of curiousity, what sort of wine does go with chinese takeout?
Saint Keggers
01:08 / 17.11.04
01:21 / 17.11.04
Just had a nice Japanese dinner that ended, oddly, with Cheesecake Tempura.

Better than it sounds.
Saint Keggers
01:24 / 17.11.04

hello iconoplast !
01:28 / 17.11.04
Hey keggers.

Yeah, it was great - I was splitting it with a friend, and the restaurant took it on themseves to cut the slice in half and fry the halves separately.

At least, I think they did. Maybe it always comes as two halves.

Either way. Fried Cheesecake? That's like a double word score dessert.
01:54 / 17.11.04
Cheesecake tempura actually sounds pretty damn good, like it would add a nice crunch to creamy cheesecake.
Saint Keggers
02:00 / 17.11.04
Best cheesecake I ever tasted was at my favorite pub. Bailey's Irish Creme cheesecake. One of my friends calls it sex on a plate its that damn good.
04:26 / 17.11.04
Wasn't that a "Kids in the Hall" sketch?
04:28 / 17.11.04
I really have to stop wandering off for two and a half hours in the middle of conversations.
06:38 / 17.11.04
Maaaaaaaan, I was just thinking about Kids in the Hall the other day.

I need DVD'd.
01:28 / 18.11.04
Anybody up? Eating fried cheesecake?
01:34 / 18.11.04
Hello Alas! [whispers]Thank you BTW. I think you know why. I will get back to you later on it.[/whispers]

I am home with my sleepy boy as he has finally settled. Be back in a few after I put him to bed.
01:44 / 18.11.04
oooh! I love having secrets!!!!

Putting babies to bed. Ah. That's a sweet thing.

I just realized that I'm planning to visit Ann Arbor Michigan on the date of the Michigan-Ohio State game, purely by accident. And I am not sure where I'm going to stay, but I think they expect me to fed-ex an arm and a leg as a down payment....

Damn American Football! Damn it to the eternal lake of fire!!!

Ok. [breeathes] I'm better now.
02:01 / 18.11.04
Hmmm, football...

Just watched the end of some Canadian football a few nights ago where my hometown of Toronto kicked butt for the division championship. I was very happy, especially since it was against a legendary rivalry between them and the city of Montreal. Oddly enough, I live in Montreal. Chances are Toronto won't take home the Grey cup this year thogh. The B.C Lions won the western division....Why am I talking about football?

P.S: Secrets are fun! Ssshh!
02:04 / 18.11.04
And I am not sure where I'm going to stay, but I think they expect me to fed-ex an arm and a leg as a down payment....

See, this is where being a Hindu god can come in quite...err, handy.

(I'm so punny!)
Bastard Tweed
02:05 / 18.11.04
Evening, all.

Work's winding down and I don't know how long I c'n be here like.

Ah, well. Everything ticketyboo?
02:10 / 18.11.04
Ah, if only I WERE a hindu God! Then everything would be, in fact, TICKETYBOO, but, as it is, I'm just a kind of, what?, an expletive? a kind of sigh word. Just a kind of linguistic filler.

HOWEVER! I just discovered an email from a favorite correspondent in my inbox! Ah, friends. And he's from Michigan, as it happens. Maybe he can teach me to skin a wolverine. (Not an animal, mind--I have some ethics. Just a fan or two.)
Bastard Tweed
02:12 / 18.11.04
Whoop! Nevermind.

G'night, all.
02:28 / 18.11.04
Alas, I must also call it a night. (This is particularly appropriate as I think I may in fact be talking to myself here . . . ) Goodnight, sweethearts....
02:37 / 18.11.04
Can't belieeeeeeeeeve I am up at this time. Just as well I'm not working tomorrow (because I wouldn't be).
02:39 / 18.11.04
And here I am, all wakey-wakey, eggs 'n bakey. Good morning, Barbelith.
02:49 / 18.11.04
Oh, you weren't talking to yourself, Alas. Just had a little difficulty loading up Barbelith.

Remember, there is more than one way to skin a wolverine....good night.

Hey, Cnerzo?! Uhm...a hello and a cheerio, to ya!
Later then.

Queer Eye, was so cool tonight. I heard a new word for me on it that I love. I am not sure of the spelling, but it sounds like, gearjeh, jugeaux?, gerjue?. I think it means to finger through ones hair, as in the case where one might be applying "product" to it.

Wow, I just bought some cool products today from the Body Shop. Smell niiiice....
02:53 / 18.11.04
I think the word you're looking for is 'zhoozh'.
02:58 / 18.11.04
Oh, oh, oh....that's it! Thank you Ganesh!

What a fabulous word! Where ever does that come from?
03:01 / 18.11.04
Its roots are in High Pooveaux, the lost language of cranes.
03:01 / 18.11.04
Whoops, don't mean to be rude.

Hello to you Solid State. I was a little excited about my new found word.

*zhoozhes hair*
03:07 / 18.11.04
Its roots are in High Pooveaux, the lost language of cranes.

Heh..."High Pooveaux"? That sounds like hair dye.

Exactly what kind of cranes are we talking about here?
03:19 / 18.11.04
"High Pooveaux" also sounds like a good name for a bit of the grape.

I'll have a glass of High Pooveaux with my pears and brie, s'il vous plaƮt.
05:33 / 18.11.04
Not to be confused, of course, with Classix Pooveaux.
06:13 / 18.11.04
nor haute pouveau.
15:00 / 18.11.04
A simple "I don't know." would have been sufficent.

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