I dig my masculine hole, and - hey! - I hope you lovely people in the audience do as well.
i was suggesting this might be more about how the comments hit her than how they were thrown, and as such my opinion is necessarily irrelevant.
i dont read minds, you know?
I know. However, you do read English, or if not have at least experienced remarkably good luck with random key striking. So, a read of the thread so far might suggest that one of the issues so far has been the downgrading in value of NdeL's opinions, on the grounds that she is "hysterical" - a creature of thoughtless emotion, reacting irrationally:
your posts are getting quite spittly anna. they're not really structured in a way that makes responding to them easy, but it is quite fun watching someone lose their shit so completely
There is a long and storied history of this representation, and you are buying into it by making the issue how AdeL feels rather than what the individuals actually say. That is, you are behaving as if you can read her mind. So, to pop back:
1) Is the use of the word 'hysterical' invariably mysoginistic?
In the context of "hysterical suffragist"? Yeah, I think so. Hysterical was a word created to hammer home the point that women were not to be trusted with, say, the vote, or the ability to take part in political life. It references the way their "wandering wombs" make them unreliable...
If you call your friend hysterical because he is getting unnecessarily upset about a failing of local government... trickier. The implication is that he is behaving in a womanish way, that he is letting his emotions control him, as would a woman... it's a very difficult word to use without suggesting that somewhere along the line women are creatures of emotion and inutility. Especially with "suffragist", which does indeed sound like a term intended to exert control by creating a particular reaction - anger - just as calling Rage fat was intended to exert control by creating a particular reaction.
2) If I were to say 'Ah, you're all a bunch of fatties' would I be insulting the females more than the males?
I don't think that's quite the point; rather, Gaimbit would not have thought to use the idea of fatness as a term of abuse designed to make somebody male-identified efface themselves from the board, pictorially speaking. So, the process is:
1) Gaimbit decides that pictures of Rage should be removed from the board.
2) Gaimbit decides that the best way to do that is to make Rage want to remove them.
3) Gaimbit decides that the best way to make Rage remove them is to suggest that she looks fat in them, thus making her take them down.
That, I think Flybs and Anna are saying, is tapping into a powerful cultural current of controlling women, and making women efface themselves, by playing on their body image, which simply does not really exist as a process wrt men. So if you said "you are all fat" - well, actually, somebody *did* - could somebody link to reallivetigerthread, please? - it might have very different meanings to different people, and it would certainly be a rather more diffuse insult.
Since you neither threw nor received the comments, if that is what makes for relevance then your opinion is irrelevant either way. I suspect the more profitable line is what the comments actually *said*. |