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18:25 / 04.10.04
Capped derives from 'bust a cap (in the ass of)' and is not acceptable as an abbreviation for capitalize or capitalise.

You are evil.
18:34 / 04.10.04
CAPS LOCK, dude.


See also market cap.
18:35 / 04.10.04
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
18:44 / 04.10.04
So anyway, in case anyone was wondering about what this thread is all about, here's a recap:

8===>Q: alyn
19:00 / 04.10.04
"Market cap" is the cap, as in "lid" or "top", of the valuation of shares of a company and does not indicate capitalization, grammatical or monetary. Did you know that the QWERTY arrangement of letters on the keyboard was set up by the inventor of the typewriter (Rufus P. Typewri, I think) not based on ergonomics or whatever, but so that all the letters of the word "TYPEWRITER" would appear in the top line, allowing for impressive displays of typesmanship by the typerwriter salesman. Otherwise, the dispersal of keys is random. In other words, I would not take the Key Caps or CAPS LOCK key as the OED.

In other words, Haus, dwight PWNs you!!!!
8===>Q: alyn
19:02 / 04.10.04
Wait. You? Someone, surely...
19:25 / 04.10.04
Interesting Hermenaut article on suffragists and hunger strikes:
19:35 / 04.10.04
Being called greedy:

Insofar as it refers to having a greater-than-ordinary sexual appetite, I don't much mind. Seems sort of sexy and glamorous. As opposed to being a shrivelled, sexless monosexual? Never understood why this was supposed to be insulting.

Being called indecisive:

This one is insulting, as it suggests that my greater-than-ordinary sexual appetite is the result of confusion rather than virility. I'm damned virile, believe it.
19:38 / 04.10.04
Hang on.... you're not called Steve, are you?
21:16 / 04.10.04
Shut up Haus and bring it on, you bloody pansy.
21:19 / 04.10.04
Or just gimme a big kiss. With huggles.

I don't even know what i'm on about, it's prolly cos you reversed my Jack Frost pic and i'm worried that that one's in the Archon dimension.
Char Aina
21:39 / 04.10.04
well, as long as dwight doesnt mind...

is it okay to be racist if all i say is that black men have large penises and voracious sexual appetites? cos, y'know, thats sexy and glamorous? kinda like being a gangster or a rapper or a sportstar?

Don't you think it would be rude if I said to your other half (or future other-half), 'how's Toksik today, is he doing well? What does he think of Gordon Brown?'
while you were standing directly in front of me?

i dunno.
not the same context, really...
if i was shouting at you and you asked my SO "does he think he's funny? or is he serious?" then i reckon it would be closer.

but yeah, i do take your point. i feel a message board is not the same kind of conversation as real life, however.
you are talking to four thousand people at once while also talking to one, and that is always going to get confused.
i dont really feel that 'saying it in front of' covers it.

It seems directly insulting, focused to undermine me

that was not as i read it, although increasingly i feel that my interpretation is irrelevant. this has become more about how upset you were by the comments than what was meant.

...misogynistic because I'm clearly female and he'd just directed a comment that I clearly thought was misogynistic.

see, i thought it was clearly piss-takery to deflate, again based on the fact that i believed you had clearly taken his comments far too seriously.

If you question why he specifically accused Rage of being fat I think it comes down to what's culturally acceptable and most likely to get to a woman and that's at least partly body image.

you could have just said that to him...
you were lecturing a little, i felt. maybe that's why gaimbit didnt engage calmly and instead took the piss further?
21:49 / 04.10.04
Yes. Maybe. How would you excuse the rest of it?

It's very good that you want to participate, tox, but you have to work. Solid, well-thought-out responses. Consideration of complete situations. The existence of something other than your own opinion as the final court of appeal.
22:11 / 04.10.04
that was not as i read it, although increasingly i feel that my interpretation is irrelevant. this has become more about how upset you were by the comments than what was meant.

For example, when was that vote taken? Or are we assuming again that we need to establish here that Anna is a woman, thus by extension emotional and not to be paid too much mind? Your interpretation may well be irrelevant, but that has no necessary connection to the following sentence.
22:13 / 04.10.04
I don't even know what i'm on about, it's prolly cos you reversed my Jack Frost pic and i'm worried that that one's in the Archon dimension

Ah, but look at the T-Shirt.

Look at the T-Shirt

Do you see?
22:21 / 04.10.04

Haus that rocks!
22:26 / 04.10.04
Steve, yet. What I get for trying to give a serious answer.
Char Aina
22:44 / 04.10.04
Or are we assuming again that we need to establish here that Anna is a woman, thus by extension emotional and not to be paid too much mind?

oh, obviously.
girls are the only ones who cry, after all.
no, dude.
i was suggesting this might be more about how the comments hit her than how they were thrown, and as such my opinion is necessarily irrelevant.
i dont read minds, you know?

where you get the idea that i said ms.dL is female and therefore emotional... i dunno. i said she was upset by the comment. can boys not be upset too? and hermaphrodites? and maybe really clever robots?

perhaps you could walk me through that particular piece of wierdness.
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:59 / 04.10.04
okay. on the bi/cake/greedy thing:

There's some sort of point about self/public-identification, assumed knowledge and BBS audiences to be made here. Maybe this would make an interesting *separate*/more serious/agreeable topic. I'd suggest here isn't the place to do it.

I might start something myself at some point, but now, it's late, there's slash to read, knitting to finish and excellent shiraz to be drunk.

So, speaking only for myself here:

I *am* bi (its one of my most important identies). Proudly, outly, happily, wouldn't-want-to-be-anything-else-ly bi. I haven't always identified as or felt like this *but I do now*

So, when I make 'cake' comments, it's as a member of that group looking outwards, which IMO changes/skews the dynamic of usage of terms like'cake' and 'greed'. For me they're reclaimed terms of pride/joy.

And perhaps I should be more sensitive to the possibility that other bi people here might find my comments difficult, as they may not like the terminology/reclamation. And realise that many people don't know me and therefore that I'm 'from the tribe'. I am open to/will happily talk about this...

But also, I reserve my right to be celebratory and comfortable with the way I express my identities, unless there's a general consensus from this community that the way I'm donig this is offensive/making people uncomfortable.

I am not indecisive. I've made my decision. This doesn't mean I make judgements on those who/obviate(?) the right of other people not to have done so, or indeed to refuse that decision totally.

I am greedy, but not because I'm bi. I am greedy because I am a foodie and my eyes are bigger than my stomach. The two are not (as far as I can tell) related.

And I like cake. Do I have to explain this one?
Char Aina
23:01 / 04.10.04
It's very good that you want to participate

i was asked to, you know?
direct questions and EVERYTHING.

my word is not the final word.
i should have thought that was obvious.
do i have to start putting little disclaimers at the bottom of my opinions?
23:26 / 04.10.04
"it's late, there's slash to read, knitting to finish and excellent shiraz to be drunk."

Well hello there. I noticed you were knitting, may I take a look? This is really lovely, and mmm ... what's that you're wearing? No! Surely you can't smell this good all the time. Why yes, I'd love one. Actually my family's from Shiraz, on my father's side. Ha ha! Oh no, I wouldn't mind at all.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:39 / 04.10.04
well, seeing as you're so kind...

*checks dwight's pulse, finds beat*

You'll do. Do you have cake at yours or should we stop on the way?
Lord Morgue
07:25 / 05.10.04
Hee, hee. Someone said "masculine hole".
07:49 / 05.10.04
I dig my masculine hole, and - hey! - I hope you lovely people in the audience do as well.

i was suggesting this might be more about how the comments hit her than how they were thrown, and as such my opinion is necessarily irrelevant.
i dont read minds, you know?

I know. However, you do read English, or if not have at least experienced remarkably good luck with random key striking. So, a read of the thread so far might suggest that one of the issues so far has been the downgrading in value of NdeL's opinions, on the grounds that she is "hysterical" - a creature of thoughtless emotion, reacting irrationally:

your posts are getting quite spittly anna. they're not really structured in a way that makes responding to them easy, but it is quite fun watching someone lose their shit so completely

There is a long and storied history of this representation, and you are buying into it by making the issue how AdeL feels rather than what the individuals actually say. That is, you are behaving as if you can read her mind. So, to pop back:

1) Is the use of the word 'hysterical' invariably mysoginistic?

In the context of "hysterical suffragist"? Yeah, I think so. Hysterical was a word created to hammer home the point that women were not to be trusted with, say, the vote, or the ability to take part in political life. It references the way their "wandering wombs" make them unreliable...

If you call your friend hysterical because he is getting unnecessarily upset about a failing of local government... trickier. The implication is that he is behaving in a womanish way, that he is letting his emotions control him, as would a woman... it's a very difficult word to use without suggesting that somewhere along the line women are creatures of emotion and inutility. Especially with "suffragist", which does indeed sound like a term intended to exert control by creating a particular reaction - anger - just as calling Rage fat was intended to exert control by creating a particular reaction.

2) If I were to say 'Ah, you're all a bunch of fatties' would I be insulting the females more than the males?

I don't think that's quite the point; rather, Gaimbit would not have thought to use the idea of fatness as a term of abuse designed to make somebody male-identified efface themselves from the board, pictorially speaking. So, the process is:

1) Gaimbit decides that pictures of Rage should be removed from the board.

2) Gaimbit decides that the best way to do that is to make Rage want to remove them.

3) Gaimbit decides that the best way to make Rage remove them is to suggest that she looks fat in them, thus making her take them down.

That, I think Flybs and Anna are saying, is tapping into a powerful cultural current of controlling women, and making women efface themselves, by playing on their body image, which simply does not really exist as a process wrt men. So if you said "you are all fat" - well, actually, somebody *did* - could somebody link to reallivetigerthread, please? - it might have very different meanings to different people, and it would certainly be a rather more diffuse insult.

Since you neither threw nor received the comments, if that is what makes for relevance then your opinion is irrelevant either way. I suspect the more profitable line is what the comments actually *said*.
10:40 / 05.10.04
So let me see if I've got this straight- hysterical misogynists can't eat cake... no that's not it... feminists sit on fences with Steve... damn. I'm going t have to start all over from the beginning again.
8===>Q: alyn
11:50 / 05.10.04
Barbelith, do you remember when I used to care?
12:00 / 05.10.04
Is that a song lyric?

Is that....

the lyrics of our life?
Tryphena Absent
13:55 / 05.10.04
Aw, Toya is flagging. Someone bring water, we need water over here.
14:12 / 05.10.04
Do you remember the cherry blossom in the market square?
14:19 / 05.10.04
Do you remember? I though it was bonobos in your hair...
14:40 / 05.10.04
Oh, Haus, I thought of something for you this morning.

The boy with the edh in his side.
14:47 / 05.10.04
"*checks dwight's pulse, finds beat* "

You're much pickier than most bisexuals I've met. I haven't got any cake, but perhaps we could bake one together? You look like you could melt chocolate just by smiling at it.
15:04 / 05.10.04
*vomits up cake*
8===>Q: alyn
17:04 / 05.10.04
Hey, does anyone know what "redwings" are? How about "plating"? These two sex acts are mentioned in John Waters' latest, A Dirty Shame, but I have no idea what they are. Should I try them? There was also "blossoms", which I also don't know from, but it doesn't sound appetizing.

It's a really good movie.
17:09 / 05.10.04
I know, Ganesh, sorry. Made myself a bit sick too.

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