A few questions about the timeline in Empire:
1. It seems to me that the timelines for the two plot threads don't match up. We never hear exactly how long Han, Leia, and Chewie are running from the Empire in the Falcon, but it doesn't seem to be too long; there's nothing in the movie to indicate that it's a matter of months or even weeks (we never even see any sleeping quarters on the Falcon, so unless they're just sleeping in the hallway, it can't be that long). But that means that Luke's Jedi training went awfully fast. Considering that Yoda tells him in Return that he's received all the training he needs, Luke goes from talented-amateur to ABD Jedi in the same amount of time it take the Falcon to get from Hoth to Bespin. And that seems fishy.
2. Also, one of the big plot points is that the Falcon's hyperdive is down. Fine. But then how are they getting from star system to star system while running from the Empire? I'll buy that there's an uncharted asteroid field next to Hoth; but when they come out of the field, Solo says they're in the Noad system, while earlier Hoth had been referred to as its own system. So they've apparently travelled pretty far. They then travel on, sans hyperdrive, to Bespin, which even Solo says is pretty far away. How are they managing all of this interstellar travel without the hyperdrive?
The best I can come up with for an explanation (aside from the true one, which is that it's just a movie) would be that they're doing all of their interstellar travel at some high percentage of the speed of light, and the resulting time dilation means that only a short period of time passes for them, while everyone else experiences months or weeks or whatever (I suppose this would also allow Luke more time for Jedi training, too). This doesn't feel like a very good explanation, though… Anyone have any ideas? |