So, did he arrange for Shmi to be taken by the Sand People?
maybe. i've kind of assumed so, just because it seems so convenient for his purposes in terms of timing and effect, and it would certainly be within the scope of his influence.
however, it's a little disturbing in the same way that Lovecraft's racist tendency to throw the uncivilized Negroes under the influence of the Great Old Ones is distrubing.
also, it's a stupid plot-hole. baby Annie was the hero of the Battle of Naboo (which just goes to show you how stupid the whole thing was). i would think that someone on the planet would manage to scrape together enough money to buy Shmi's freedom sometime in the ten years between movies and set her up with a nice apartment somewhere, if for no other reason than to keep the Chosen One happy so he doesn't, you know, go all Dark Side and kill everyone.
And could he have possibly forseen that Amidala would be such a dirty slut, jumping on the first whiney, dimple-chinned, pouty bad-boy Jedi that waved his lightsabre at her?
sure. he's a freakishly powerful telepath and they've worked together practically every day for like twelve years at that point. i'm sure he's aware that she's a desperate, codependent basket case who would welcome the chance to get in an obsessively bad relationship with a whacko stalker who needs mothering.
The rancor has had a CGI operators hand inserted thoughout it's sequence.
i had a CGI operator's hand inserted into my sequence at a fetish club once, and let me tell you, it's not for the squeamish.
can general grievous do force moves or not? i say he can because he's a cyborg, bobossboy has said that he can't because he's a robot. who's right?
he's a cyborg, and theoretically could be Force-sensitive as a result. however, i don't know if he actually is Force-sensitive.
and why shouldn't a robot be able to use the force anyway?
no good reason, other than the anti-tech bias on the part of Lucas which drives the whole series. which is weird, because the prequels clearly show that he's become enamored with technology to the detriment of whatever artistic sensibilities he has left. |