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the cat's iao
03:01 / 14.08.04
Nighty-night there Keggers. Have a BIG big day tomorrow.

I gots the coffee a brewin'--whoo!
Bastard Tweed
03:10 / 14.08.04
Food. Who has it? What is it? Can it be electronically shipped via the phonelines?
the cat's iao
03:12 / 14.08.04
I had some food, but then I ate it. It was cheap frozen pizza. It was alright, and I wasn't in the mood to make anything. Unfortunately for you, no food I have can be shipped out over the phone lines. What will you do?
the cat's iao
03:14 / 14.08.04
I am now going to have a cup of coffee and a smoke. Again, I can not deliver either of these to you electronicly. What will you do?
Bastard Tweed
03:14 / 14.08.04
Oh, I have food of my own.

Smoked oysters, saltines, and Imperialist Cola (aren't I the decadent one?).

I just thought maybe we could sorta do a potluck thing.
I guess not.
03:22 / 14.08.04
I thought I had food, but realised that I forgot to bring it to work with me. Oh well, it'll be suppertime in a couple of hours, and I have garlic ciabatta in the freezer at home. And beer in the fridge. And a whole bunch of Millennium episodes I haven't watched yet. Should be out of here by half-seven, I reckon, so it's not too long to go now.
the cat's iao
03:23 / 14.08.04
It's a grand scheme, but in this day and age still but a dream.

So, how goes the battle Czern?

Out of curiousity, what's your depth into things esoteric?
the cat's iao
03:24 / 14.08.04
Stoatie, have you ever watched American Gothic?
03:25 / 14.08.04
I saw the first few... I'm not good with the dedication required to watch something a the same time every week, so I ended up missing most of it. What I saw was ace, though... and I seem to remember Bruce Campbell showed up at one point, which always rocks.
Bastard Tweed
03:28 / 14.08.04
I'd say it constitutes twenty percent of my reading material and I've got a good buddy whose sigil I charge as a favor (I can work myself into a really good trance (and this time it's not a cute metaphor for masturbation)).

I don't want to start practicing my own stuff until I execute an initiatory ritual I've had on my mind for a long time.
the cat's iao
03:41 / 14.08.04
Yeah, I know what you mean Stoat. I'm not good at the weekly thing either. And of course lately I don't watch hardly any television, so I'd be absolute crap at it these days. I only saw a few episodes myself, but for some reason you watching Millenium brought them to mind.

Czern, there was a time when books on the occult constituted about ninety percent of what I read, but that was quite a number of years ago now. My memory has always been quite crap, but I figure it is all knocking around in my head somewhere. I've only ever done one sigil--to return some money I'd lost--and it worked within twelve hours, and quite mysteriously as well: the money showed up in the same notebook I'd taken a page from to make the sigil! And no, the money was definitely not there when I took the page.

Most of my practice has been in the area of spontaneous magic, although I used to do quite a bit of meditation and guided image stuff. I also used to read runes a fair bit. All this stuff is in the past, although, like I was saying before, there has been an increasing inclination to get back to it after such a lengthy hiatus.
the cat's iao
03:56 / 14.08.04
I'd say you are alread "practicing your own stuff," although, perhaps not practicing it the way you intend to be after your initiation ritual. I think that is a good idea though, as a lone practitioner, to create something of an intitiation to mark the intent upon the psyche and spacetime. Indeed, I imagine that you will likely create more than one intitiation ritual/event as you continue along.
03:59 / 14.08.04
Surely that's the key to marking all important life events? In the same way that, say, shaving your hair off to begin a new phase of your life and put the past behind you is a magickal act in itself becaus it fixes what you are doing in place. (Sorry, this is something I've been pondering a lot myself recently).
Bastard Tweed
04:07 / 14.08.04
I'm wouldn't really call it practicing yet. I'm mostly spending a lot of time in consideration and planning. It's important to me that when I finally embark upon whatever it turns out to be, that it then be distinctly mine. I'd also like to begin with a very specific ritual that I've been sketching out for a while; the New Order of Bowlers for Eris, which should be entirely unlike anything previously attempted in ritualism or bowling. The only hitch is that I'd need at least one other person to pull it off.
04:13 / 14.08.04
Eris and Bowling. That sounds like a potent good time.
Bastard Tweed
04:15 / 14.08.04
Well, technically, they are her hallowed ground.
the cat's iao
04:24 / 14.08.04
Yeah, I think so too Stoat. I've done the head shaving thing, amongst other things, to mark transitions and new phases. It's like a dedication and touchstone--something to remind and inspire.

One time a friend and I drank water from an ashtray as a part of a small event to remind us to quit smoking. It worked great too, I quit cold turkey with little or no cravings. Yep, it worked great until my friend (who was my room mate at the time) caved about two weeks later, and I woke up one morning to find him sitiing at the kitchen table smoking. Needless to say, I said to him, "You bastard!" and then lit up a smoke too.

Czern, I think your thing sounds neat, but remember there is nothing completely original, and while I too share your feelings about uniqueness and individuality, I also think there is a balancing harmony and tradition(s), which also need to be taken into account. I guess I mean don't get too hung up on placing emphasis on what is "yours" seems to me that The Great Work (so-called) is something undertaken for everyone.
Bastard Tweed
04:36 / 14.08.04
When I said "distinctly mine" I was refering only to the initial ritual with which to kick it all off. And I didn't pick bowling for originality's sake (although that aspect is appealing) but because Eris seemed like an appropriate godform at this juncture and nothing strikes me as more Erisian than a bunch of grown men lobbing heavy objects across a room in order to knock shit down.
04:38 / 14.08.04
Off to bed. Night folks.
Bastard Tweed
04:41 / 14.08.04
the cat's iao
04:42 / 14.08.04
Oh. I mean, fair enough. I didn't mean to sound so preachy. I find it difficult to relate thoughts on such matters without coming off that way...

But yes, reminiscent & reflective of the Golden Apple tale.
the cat's iao
04:43 / 14.08.04
04:44 / 14.08.04
Nighty night.
the cat's iao
04:47 / 14.08.04
So, what is it about Eris that attracts you/ that you find appropriate?
Bastard Tweed
04:49 / 14.08.04
Nightilyight, Cat.

Well, looks like it's just you and me Stoats.


Stoaty! No, put down the electric razor! This is not the time for initiating a new stage in life, it sounds like a *sniff* good job and *sniff* and *sniff*

What is that, hummus?
the cat's iao
04:52 / 14.08.04
No, no, I was saying goodnight to Sally. I'm still here. Please, don't count me out! Don't ostracize me!

I mean, only moments ago I finished my second cup of coffee: I'll be here until the breaka' breaka' dawn.
04:55 / 14.08.04
I'm still here. And I don't mean I was considering shaving all my hair off (well, I was, kind of but not for any important reason), I'd just been thinking about it as a concept after Harry's trhead on being dumped.
04:55 / 14.08.04
Did someone say hummus?
Bastard Tweed
04:57 / 14.08.04
Oh, hehheh. Thought you were scootin off yourself.

Delving into any aspect of magic with a k strikes me as actively opening the doors to a sronger influence of chaos in your life. So you may as well make a conciliation towards favor from one of godforms heavy into that aspect. It was either Eris or Elegba but I'd noticed that a lot of Magixies bore a distrust for the voudoon lwa so I figured I may as well leave Mr. Xroads be for a little while. That and if I went with Eris I could do the bowling ritual.
the cat's iao
05:07 / 14.08.04
Heh! I've never been into godforms very much. I don't deal with 'em. I've always been more interested in source, and I view the pantheons of gods & goddesses from a somewhat archetypal perspective: like personified representations and anthropomorphisms of source energy-info. Doesn't mean that I think they've no value to work with or whatever, simply not my cup of witch's brew.

What are you thinking of marking off Stoatie (if I may ask, or I guess I've asked, if you may desire to answer...)?
05:07 / 14.08.04
Yay! Work has come to an end, and I'm going home. Seeya later, kids, and play nice!
the cat's iao
05:09 / 14.08.04
See you later Stoats! Enjoy the beer and Millennium!
Bastard Tweed
05:17 / 14.08.04
Later, Stoats.

Of course you have to realize that you're speaking to an aspirant actor raised by an actor father so, character is an important filter for me. Also since I'm working somewhat from the "all aspects of the universe being aspects of yourself" school of thought, I'm going to approach it like learning to understand a fictional character. Which is what they are really. And all the rest of you. I'm the only one that's really real. Sometimes I got trolling for hookers and

Sorry, three steps too far.

So, yeah, out of the various tools available those rather appeal to me.
Bastard Tweed
05:20 / 14.08.04
I go smokey.
the cat's iao
05:31 / 14.08.04
Yeah, I see what yer sayin'. I too share the view about the "all aspects part of your self," but I don't think it leads to solipsism. I mean, I do think the self is the only thing that exists, but then, I am not the self, but an appendage of it.

I guess at this juncture I align with some Buddhist thought: the self is empty--it's nothing. So yeah, I guess it is sorta' like learning to understand a fictional character--but the "I" being as fictional as the rest of it! Identity has pretty much always been the key focus of my investigations-explorations...

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