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the cat's iao
02:00 / 14.08.04
Wow Keggers! I can't believe you have all the lyrics & the song! It's maddness I say, MADNESS!!!

Do you have any episdoes? Man, I used to watch that cartoon every freakin' Saturday until it got cancelled.
Saint Keggers
02:01 / 14.08.04
No, no episodes...but great news has reached mine ears this day..Disney is releasing season 1 of Gargoyles. If there's enough demand they continue with the other seasons!! So go, buy!
02:03 / 14.08.04
Sorry, wandered off to take a shower while I could do so without being struck by lightning.

Czernobog- I was actually worrying about what the turtles and ducks in the lake were going to do. Then I realized that the turtles would probably just hunker down in the mud and the ducks would hide under the dock and that both are pretty much waterproof. They were probably worrying that if the people got killed, no one would bring them bread anymore.
Bastard Tweed
02:03 / 14.08.04
Have you ever seen Labyrinth? Do you remember the vaguely erudite but senile old "wise man" that Jennifer Connolly(sp?) asks for advise but is absolutely useless when he wakes up? Remember his talking bird hat who's all personable and apologetic about the old man. He'd clearly rather put off by the situation but what can he do? He's the old man's hat.

That's how I think of Canada's relationship with America.
Saint Keggers
02:05 / 14.08.04
We're Old man America's bird?? I dont know how I feel about that!
Bastard Tweed
02:09 / 14.08.04
Who survived at Pompeii? Was it the enterprising citizens? Pliny the elder? Nope. It was every single animal that wasn't tied down.
Bastard Tweed
02:11 / 14.08.04
Oh my god.

Pillow Talk starring Rock Hudson and Doris Day is on TCM.
the cat's iao
02:11 / 14.08.04
Hmm, I've seen Labyrinth, but I don't recall anything about it (I saw it a long, long time ago). Thus, your comparison is vague to me at best...

I'm not so fond of the idea that Canada is like America's talking parot. But then again, I am not a big fan of boarders and boundaries...
the cat's iao
02:12 / 14.08.04
Except of course I see you said nothing about a parot, but rather a hat...

never mind me, I need a coffee!
Bastard Tweed
02:13 / 14.08.04
Well, sorry Cat, but if my government continues on the course it's taking now then you're going to have one more boarder to contend with.
02:13 / 14.08.04
Parrots are cool, though.
02:22 / 14.08.04
HOORAY!!! My erroneously sent email from a couple of days ago to one of our clients has just come back as "Undeliverable". I'm saved!!!
the cat's iao
02:22 / 14.08.04

Well, it is pretty much a boarder as it stands. I mean shit, I tried to cross it years ago and the Americans wouldn't let my friends and me into the land of the free.
the cat's iao
02:23 / 14.08.04
the 'yarr!' was for the parrots, to be clear
Bastard Tweed
02:23 / 14.08.04
It was the Polish lapdancer, Lappish poledancer conundrum wasn't it?
Bastard Tweed
02:24 / 14.08.04
I meant I'd be fleeing the country out of fear for my livelyhood.
02:26 / 14.08.04
It was indeed said conundrum. But now I'm kind of intrigued as to what the answer WOULD have been...
Bastard Tweed
02:28 / 14.08.04
Dear god.

Doris day is wearing a red overcoat and matching leopardskin muff and pillbox hat. It's one of the most surreal images I've ever seen.
the cat's iao
02:31 / 14.08.04
Ah yes, I see spelling mistake = your opportunity for a joke about living here. Nice.
the cat's iao
02:34 / 14.08.04
A boarder from across the border.

I need to make some coffee, and I need to do it soon.
Saint Keggers
02:36 / 14.08.04
Coffee is good. As is beer and red wine.
Bastard Tweed
02:37 / 14.08.04
All mixed up in a bucket, perhaps?
02:39 / 14.08.04
I'm now pondering the conundrum- who would win in a fight between Henry Rollins and Ted Nugent? It'd be a classic good vs evil match.
the cat's iao
02:41 / 14.08.04
Well, Rollins does have an EN tatoo, but I think Nugent would merely pull a gun and shoot Rollins.
Bastard Tweed
02:42 / 14.08.04
I dunno, just because the man likes killing and eating helpless animals doesn't necessarily mean he's evil. I've often considered it myself. Or does he have unfortunate political leanings I'm unaware of?
02:43 / 14.08.04
Yeah, but Rollins is quite obviously bulletproof.
Bastard Tweed
02:44 / 14.08.04
I got four words for that:

Trained. Steroid. Enhanced. Elk.
Saint Keggers
02:45 / 14.08.04
Right...Henry Rollins would be soo filled with arrows he'd look like an accupuncture test dummy and that's because he'd be too busy spewing his spoken word poetry.
02:49 / 14.08.04
Just read this on the front page of "the Nuge"'s website-


We have less than four months until Election Day. Our primary objective is to turn out as many votes as humanly possible for George W. Bush. We also need to play a major role in assuring Republican control of both Houses of Congress. The old adage, "every vote counts," has never been more true than in this election season. We know that it will be close, so we must make the Bush/Cheney 2004 race a resounding VICTORY.

Some of the people on his bulletin board look like absolute fuckwads as well.

Anyway, Rollins'd wipe the floor with him so comprehensively you could eat your dinner off it.
the cat's iao
02:49 / 14.08.04
Personally, I don't care for either of those chaps. Maybe they'd kill each other in a grand annulment of the good vs. evil dichotomy...
Saint Keggers
02:50 / 14.08.04
Yeah well the Nudge aint the brightest..
Bastard Tweed
02:52 / 14.08.04
Oh well. Another childhood idol down the drains.

He'd still win though. "Go my evil elklings! Destroy the tattooed hippy vegan pansy liberal (unintelligible frothing at the mouth sounds)"
Saint Keggers
02:55 / 14.08.04
Well good folks, im off to sleep as iu have arather large day ahead of me...

goodnigh fellow barbelithers, wherever you are...
Bastard Tweed
02:56 / 14.08.04
G'night, Kegs.
02:59 / 14.08.04

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