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the cat's iao
03:02 / 16.08.04
Yeah, I've heard good things about All Tomorrow's Parties, I see it every now and then in the used stores, but I've yet to pick it up. Perhaps Gibson's improvement is a stark contrast to Sterling: Heavy Weather, though having it's moments, was not very good. Although, Holy Fire was pretty decent.
the cat's iao
03:05 / 16.08.04
Like a paid job writing cyber-punk?

Nothing wrong with brushing up--and certainly not by studying one of the greats in the genre!
Bastard Tweed
03:08 / 16.08.04
Notice that since the series is prospective so too is the money. I'm just young and have a surplus of spare time so it's okay for me to put a lot of effort into something that never reaches fruition.
the cat's iao
03:18 / 16.08.04
Yeah, that's kinda' how I assumed it would be, but thought I'd ask in case it wasn't. Good luck on the series though, I mean, you never know, right? How many other people are you working with?
Saint Keggers
03:27 / 16.08.04
...I recently got a job on the writing team for a prospective cyberpunk series and feel like I ought to broaden my vocabulary a bit.

OMG you lucky bastard!! (says the guy who's only college class he ever aced was "Cyberpunk Literature"...)

My final project (also one of my LJ icons):

If you folks ever need artwork..nudge nudge wink wink
03:39 / 16.08.04
If it's still available, a handy book is "Storming the Reality Studio- a casebook of cyberpunk and postmodern fiction", edited by Larry McCaffery (sp?), which has a whole bunch of cyberpunk shorts and snippets, as well as a collection of essays. It's also a damn good read.
the cat's iao
03:40 / 16.08.04
That looks pretty cool, Keggers, although I wish I could see a larger image.

Anyway, I'm gettin' a little bagged, so I think I'm gonna' call it a night. G'night y'all & the best of tomorrows.
Saint Keggers
03:43 / 16.08.04
G'nigh TCi! You crazy Canucklehead you!
Bastard Tweed
03:46 / 16.08.04
Don't worry, Keggers, I've already stolen ideas from everyone on this board. Why do you think I hang out here anyway? If I can figure out what made you people crazy about Buffy of all things then you'll never see me again.

There are five other people on the writing team and the director. I know one of the other writers decently and I'm really good friends with the director. It's rather odd though because not only am I the only youngest member of the team by some fifteen years or so but I'm also the only one who doesn't seem to have a solid background in gaming. We're also writing to considerably different audiences. They're writing for the sci-fi geeks who REALLY appreciate it that you took that extra six hours to make sure that the gizmo they use in episode 3FD276 really actually works whereas I'm writing for, well, you folks basically.

So if you ever see a cyberpunk show where they use the words "Joycore" or "Manichean" then that's probably me.
Bastard Tweed
03:49 / 16.08.04
Nightyo, man! Nightyo!
Saint Keggers
03:51 / 16.08.04
Ah..But I await the cyberpunk novel that has 'electro-micronautic subdermal ass-candling' as its main theme. There's got to be a market for that...besides the 'Lith.
Bastard Tweed
03:52 / 16.08.04
Yes, well, I do what I can but . . .
Saint Keggers
03:55 / 16.08.04
Well, I am off to sleep. Good night all.
03:56 / 16.08.04
Bastard Tweed
03:57 / 16.08.04
G'night Kegs.
Bastard Tweed
03:59 / 16.08.04
Oh, goody, Farscape. I've been trying to catch up with these. (why? see above)
The Return Of Rothkoid
14:31 / 16.08.04

Engaged. New job. Writing a lot.

Gone again.

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