Hello again Gek,
Thanks for all the help you've been giving me recently, you're fantastic!
There is something else I'd really like you to help me with...
I have a driving test tomorrow (2.30pm, at St. George, Bristol). I need you to help me pass it.
Please can you help me avoid making any mistakes, and if I do, please make sure the examiner doesn't notice. Please also help me get a cool examiner, one that's having a good day, and please make sure they choose an easy route to drive through. The first 10-15 minutes or so are the most important Gek, if I can really impress the examiner during this time, they should be more forgiving of any cock-ups later on (not that any cock-ups should happen!). 
The points I most need help on are keeping within the speed limit at all times (especially in that ridiculous 20mph zone that isn't very clearly marked), remembering to check my mirrors BEFORE I signal, and please keep my wheels at the best distance from the kerb at all times. Please also make sure my observation is top notch at all times, and I stay nice and relaxed.
Thanks Gek. In return, I've got here a glass of semi-skimmed milk, five choc-chip cookies (25% less fat, so they're better for you Gek!), and a nice cup of tea, all yours Gek!
Also, there will be more treats coming your way tomorrow, after I pass!
Mike. |