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Sin City


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Yotsuba & Benjamin!
15:29 / 27.07.04
Well, it's a good thing you won't have to worry about her being Sue Storm, as a John C. Reilly free FF film might as well just not exist, so terrible is the prospect.

Sin City, on the other hand is just plain making my balls hurt. This thing seems to be firing on all the right cylinders, but I guess we'll see once the footage starts coming out in a few weeks. I like that, much like Toy Story focused on characters that wouldn't need to go beyond the extreme limitations of the technology, Rodriguez is making a greenscreen film where nearly all the backgrounds are going to be completely abstracted, everything's going to look 2-D anyway, from what I've been reading. Sky Captain is on the opposite end of this spectrum, and will most-likely tank horrendously because of it. If the posters are any indication, the casting is also top drawer. Clive Owen as Dwight? Sold. Getting Del Toro for basically only one big scene? Tremendous. I'm not so salacious that the lack of a topless Jessica Alba is a deal breaker. Pole humping is plenty fine by me.

I am so rereading all my old Sin City comics.
16:22 / 27.07.04
Behind-the-scenes footage of Ms. Alba dancing in leather chaps on a greenscreen set, and some Bruce Willis too.
04:06 / 28.07.04
I've seen all the movies I was looking forward to seeing in 2004! Sadly Sin City is in 2005! I am really excited about this movie. I just want to LOOK at it. Visually it's going to be insane.
08:11 / 28.07.04
yeh i actually think a couple of those posters look a bit dodgy - the ones that work best are the ones where the character has a deliberately cartoony look, i.e marv and uzi girl. the rest look a bit weird against the flat backgrounds. however the idea of a whole movie being done like this is really rather intriguing and as long as the one man versus a swat team are done with the ruight panache this could turn out to be one of the best movies ever.
Lord Morgue
11:35 / 28.07.04
Oh, but where's Miho? Deadly little Miho.
She'll cut you quick. She'll kill you quiet.
And you won't feel a thing.

Unless she wants you to.
13:12 / 28.07.04
Miho is in the movie, played by Devon Aoki.

She was in the little trailer/preview they screened at San Diego, as part of the rundown of all the characters. The camera fixes on her cold, expressionless face, staring out at the audience. Suddenly a thick jet of blood splatters all over her face, which remains completely unchanged, and in bold type:


The crowd went berserk.
13:26 / 28.07.04
from Comics 2 Film:


by Hannibal Tabu, Staff Writer
Posted: July 24, 2004

Cracking jokes and nudging one another like old college roommates, acclaimed director Robert Rodriguez and legendary comic creator Frank Miller led an enthusiastic crowd on a trip into "Sin City" at Comic-Con International in San Diego Saturday afternoon. They were joined on stage by three of the film's gorgeous actresses, Jaime King (who plays "Goldie"), Rosario Dawson ("Gail") and the widely cheered Jessica Alba (the stripper "Nancy"). They called out several times for cast member Nick Stahl, who played the Yellow Bastard.

Rodriguez admitted that he had a hard time tracking down and contacting Frank Miller, who was less than enthusiastic about taking calls from Hollywood after disconnects like he had on the "Robocop" franchise. The Comic Reel chased down Miller after the panel and asked him, "Who made the connection between you and Robert Rodriguez possible?" Miller replied, "[DC's] Bob Shreck gave Robert my phone number."

After a few phone messages, Rodriguez got aggressive. He called Josh Hartnett down to Texas to film the first portion of the movie (a story called "The Customer is Always Right") as a "test." "If Frank didn't like it, it was a test," Rodriguez said with a shrug. "If he like it, it was the first scene of the movie." Rodriguez then said, "I called Frank and said, 'hey, just by chance I'm gonna be in New York on Friday or Saturday, I'd like to show you this thing I shot, just as a test.' Frank says, 'Okay.' So I got off the phone and told my wife, 'Pack up the kids, we're going to New York.'"

Miller was wowed by the reel, as were a number of other parties. Again with the easy banter between them they encouraged each other to tell the stories. While showing it to a Hollywood agent for one actor, they related the story of how Miller had been "screwed" by the movie industry before, and the slow-talking agent said, "Welcome to Hollywood." After seeing the scene (which was shown in its entirety for the crowd), the slow-talking agent said, "wait, you did all this, you got Josh Hartnett, and you didn't have a deal?" Rodriguez, reportedly sitting in the man's office wearing a cowboy hat said, "Welcome to Texas."

They soon got a chance to show the opening scene, with its stark visuals and delicate use of color, to actor Bruce Willis. According to Miller, Willis watched the whole scene on a large flat screen monitor, and after it finished he asked, "Was that what's in the book?' Miller replied positively and Willis stood up to say, "I'm in."

When the topic swung to the conflict with the Director's Guild of America, Rodriguez first suggested to Miller that only Miller would be credited as a director, "since when he was writing this, that's what he was doing, directing. He shouldn't have to come in to directing at this level," he said, indicating a low or journeyman level, "he should be up here, he should be with me." Miller considered the situation and said, "On my tombstone, it will say, 'does not play well with others.'" So Rodriguez resigned, "which let us bring in Quentin, who also isn't in the DGA ... we broke every rule there was."

"It was a really easy schedule," Rodriguez said. "We'd shoot, and then we'd take off two weeks to cast the next part. Frank picked it up really quickly, he learned it in like a month. I used to be a cartoonist, I know -- the job of directing is like drawing. It's a ball ... if you're in Austin."

Jessica Alba was simple in her praise, sayin, "that f***in' rocked!" after seeing the excerpt. She joked, "okay, I had to make out with Bruce Willis, how hard is that?" Referring to a scene where Alba does a striptease to an Emmylou Harris song, Rodriguez turned to Miller and said, "You were misting up, or crying, weren't you?" Miller said, "I got emotional, it was just great, seeing a scene that's been in my head since I wrote it."

Rosario Dawson was equally profane and enthusiastic. The costume manager was originally afraid Dawson wouldn't wear it, but she called it "My S&M superhero bit," and wore it with relish. "Don't grow up," she told the crowd. "Robert lives in a castle with all his toys, and makes these beautiful things."

Other fun tidbits include: Quentin Tarantino came down to film in digital, for just one day, for his first time. Miller told Rodriguez, "This day is the most fun I've had in my life." When Rodriguez asked if he'd won Tarantino over to digital filmmaking, the "Pulp Fiction" director said, "Mission accomplished." There will be new "Sin City" books inspired by ideas that came up during production. Rodriguez ended up reigning in Miller, who'd say, "I have a new idea on how to do this," and Rodriguez would reply, "I dunno, it's not how you inked it." "There were only small dialogue changes," Miller said, "that were revealed on the set, to stay more true to the source material." The completed running time is supposed to be just about two hours, but Rodriguez will include every scene on the DVD, "so you can watch the full cut stories, like if you say, 'I wanna watch Big Fat Kill today,' you can watch a full fifty minute movie.'" Also, fans will be able to download "The Customer is Always Right" within two weeks, which helped discourage pirates.
13:28 / 28.07.04
I heard rumors that the girl who played Go-Go in KILL BILL was up for Miho, but clearly she didn't get it.
20:16 / 28.07.04
The crowd went berserk.

I'm going beserk just thinking about it.
Lord Morgue
12:46 / 29.07.04
I was already berzerk, now I'm... berzerk-squared, or something!
eddie thirteen
18:54 / 29.07.04
You know...the thing is, I have grown to hate comic book movies...but this...THIS...Sweet Baby Jesus. I feel like a total fanboy here, without a trace of irony. I can't wait.
Benny the Ball
13:20 / 30.07.04
It is amazing that this film slipped in from first word to production, without the usual stumbling over rumours. Elijh Wood plays the guy who Marv torniquettes, I hope they include that bit...
Lord Morgue
14:17 / 30.07.04
Only Rodriguez could have pulled this off. The man is a fucking OUTLAW. Anyone else would have been tied down and sodomised by the Hollywood sausage factory. Ever seen Full Tilt Boogie, the making of Dusk Till Dawn? Apart from seeing Juliette Lewis smash drunk on stage belting out "What's going on?", you get to see just how far outside the loop Rodriguez works. OUTLAW.
Can you imagine the mess if this had been made in the system, with execs second-guessing every step? "Well, the ending is a little downbeat, isn't it? Can we change that? Is Mickey Rourke bankable? Can we get a Baldwin? And we can't have an evil cardinal- let's make him John Travolta as an albino voodoo rapping street gang leader with a designer drug that turns ravers into vampires, and Marv needs a sidekick- we'll write in Kieren Macaulkin as a smart-alecky computer genius. In a wheelchair. And Morgan Freeman as a wise old janitor who teaches him to use his psychic powers for good. Throw in some CGI dinosaurs and a soundtrack by Limp Bizcut, cut it down to PG-13 and throw it straight to video. Have your people fax brunch to my people!"
Lord Morgue
07:11 / 31.07.04
And Uwe Boll would do it JUST like that, too!
Ergh. I'm reminding myself of the Hard Boiled computer game now. With the flying cars racing. Because, you know, there was a car on the first page of the first issue. HARD BOILED! From the people who had the first page described to them by an imbecile! "It's like WOAH and there's this old car flying through the air and-" "That's IT! Old cars flying through the air! Thanks, kid, you've been a big help." "Duh."
00:39 / 14.09.04
So, the comicon footage is online. Links have been up and down in the past couple of days, but look around and you should be able to find it.

I absolutely love the footage. It's a completely unique looking film, and it perfectly captures the style of the books. The Hartnett piece is really moody and the coloring on the red dress is perfect. Clive Owen and the hookers look great, as does Benicio. The only thing I'm not sure about is the Yellow Bastard, who just looks really bizarre, and not neccessarily in a good way, but I'll wait and see how he plays in the finished film. Overall, the footage has made me even more psyched for the film than I was. April 1 can't get here fast enough.
Elegant Mess
10:19 / 21.12.04
Well, the trailer's online.

It looks... unique.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
12:35 / 21.12.04

Too bad it's the most Un-Sin-Citian music ever, but the footage looks pretty sweet.
Benny the Ball
15:03 / 21.12.04
It looks great. But then again I thought that Dick Tracey LOOKED great!
Elegant Mess
15:28 / 21.12.04
Yeah the music is deeply, deeply wrong, and I'm refraining from judgement about Mickey Rourke's worryingly Bo Selecta facial prosthetics until I've seen more footage, but... this looks really, really good. Really good.

I think the danger is it'll end up looking good and not much else. The Dick Tracy syndrome, as Benny points out. The Sin City comics are often pretty thin on narrative, after all; it'll be interesting to see how Rodriguez has managed to structure the movie around the three separate stories.
15:00 / 27.12.04
I actually love the music. It might not be what I'd want to hear in the film, but it makes for a great trailer. I think the comicon footage had more noir-y music, which is probably closer to what we'll get in the actual film.

Other than the Marv makeup, which looks a bit odd, everything else looks great. The environments look like sets, not CG, and I'm not even thinking about the effects, which is what the best effects do. The color tinting is great, and it really does seem to be a direct rip from the book. I can't wait to see this.
00:55 / 29.12.04
Whoah. I love this trailer.
In agreement, though, that the music's wrong. Hopefully it's different in the movie.
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
01:51 / 03.01.05
I've been putting off seeing the trailer, thinking that it would hurt just as much as the "LXG" trailer did,

Gushing fanboy love.

I think Mickey Rourke looks exactly like Marv, but is anyone else finding it hard to imagine Elijah Wood as Kevin?

Why isn't Tarantino's name in this trailor in big bold letters? How many minutes of this movie is he directing?

When is this movie coming out? I need to read That Yellow Bastard before then (I've only read the first three collections).
16:56 / 03.01.05
Watching the trailer again (and again, and again...)

what music would YOU have? Given that, imho, the look is perfect, what would be your IDEAL music?

I always hear Tom Waits when I'm reading 'em.

Anyone else?
23:04 / 03.01.05
I think it's released April 1. And, I too am confused as to why they're not at least using Tarantino's name. I mean, Hero, which he had nothing to do with, was presented as Quetin Tarantino presents...Hero, so considering he actually directed a piece of this, I don't think it's unfair to mention him. However, if I had to guess, I'd say there's some deal where they don't use Tarantino's name in the promotion, because they want to keep the focus on Rodriguez, who seems to have spent a while trying to get out of Tarantino's shadow.
03:01 / 04.01.05
How many minutes of this movie is he directing?

I've heard that Tarantino's segment of the film is less than five minutes long.

I was surprised to see Alexis Bledel in the trailer. Weird....
06:39 / 04.01.05
Maybe it's something to do with the whole Guild of Directors thing? I've never understood that part.
Brigade du jour
22:05 / 27.01.05
is anyone else finding it hard to imagine Elijah Wood as Kevin?

Not really. I think it's an interesting bit of casting. The counterpoint of cherubic face with scary cannibalism is obvious and could work really well. On the other hand, of course, the fact that he seems to function best as a silent-movie actor, all in the facial expressions, may work against him because he needs to be completely and utterly blank. It'll be a test of his ability, that's for sure - it's not easy for actors to sit there and do literally nothing.
23:29 / 27.01.05
Just last week there was a long clip making the rounds with some extended scenes and less techno-synth music. Click here to grab it.

Be warned, It's a zip file that once extracted is a 55MB mp4 file (Best viewed with the latest version of Quicktime).
10:50 / 28.01.05
Oh, hahaha, DM.

You had me that time.

Well played, old man.
02:02 / 29.01.05
I think the link is fixed now.
Bed Head
10:16 / 17.02.05
We have an official site , if anyone’s wanting one. Lots of stuff there. And I totally love all the excitement in this thread - this does look like it might turn out to be absurdly fucking good.

(First time I’ve seen the trailer, see. Or most of these cast photos. I’m months behind the rest of you)
15:33 / 08.03.05
Hoooly shitballs:

New trailer.

Does this look totally awesome or what?
18:28 / 08.03.05
This really does look good doesn't it?

I'm so trying not to get all excited for fear of being let down but it's difficult...really difficult.

And Holy Macaroni! I just spotted Rutger Hauer's name in the cast list on that trailer too!
19:12 / 08.03.05
Yeah, for a second I thought it was Anthony Hopkins. Hauer looks like his spitting image with a shaved head.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
12:14 / 09.03.05
Oooooh, wee doggy. That looks absolutely SUMPtuous, doesn't it? I love the cinematography. I don't even care if the movie sucks, its a feast for the eyes.

And it may not suck, after all. Bonus!

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