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Sin City


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Phex: Dorset Doom
12:03 / 20.03.04
I found this post about the Sin City movie on SuicideGirls (I read it for the articles...)

"Well, pre-production on what promises to be the most gritty comic book movie EVER continues apace, and there's a crapload of both rumors and genuine info flying down the pipe. Some highlights:

1) Robert Rodriguez will co-direct Sin City with its creator Frank Miller. (Real.)
2) In order for the directorial arrangement with Miller to go down smooth, Rodriguez is withdrawing from the Director's Guild in order not to create a potentially exploitable precedent. (Real.)
3) According to Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino will be a "Special Guest Director" on one of the shorter stories within the film. (Apparently real.)
4) Stars in various stages of confirmation or discussion (or perhaps, at this point, simply wishful thinking) include Leonardo DiCaprio, Bruce Willis, Elijah Wood, Mickey Rourke, Brittany Murphy, Kate Bosworth, Jaime King, Josh Hartnett, Marley Shelton, Maria Bello, Benicio Del Toro, Johnny Depp, Steve Buscemi, Christopher Walken and Michael Douglas. (As real as the early days of casting ever are. Throw a bunch of movie stars' names at a wall and see what sticks.)

Well, it sounds better than Constantine. Is it possible we may have a good comic adaption on our hands?
Mister Six, whom all the girls
12:21 / 20.03.04
Thanks for the post, Phex.

Why does this sound similar to those late 80's rumors of James Cameron directing the X-Men movie? That rumor was full of every big name in movies as well (Arnold as Colossus, even Clint Eastwood was rumored as Wolverine at one point).
Bed Head
20:27 / 20.03.04
oooh. Mickey Rourke as Marv would rock six ways from Christmas. Especially with his new plastic face, he looks a bit like a Miller drawing already.
Haus of Mystery
20:36 / 20.03.04
I'd be interested to see whether it makes a good film. The age old problem is that the original work is a distillation of noir through comics. To then make this a movie is probably going to be redundant. I dunno though, if it's down with enough verve - and it sounds like Rodriguez has the right idea - it could be fun.
09:17 / 22.03.04
but rodriguez would want to hold the camera still for a bit. just a little bit.

and a 'hero' who cuts the arms and legs off the baddy, keeping him alive and conscious throughout, then feeds him to a wolf, and watches while smoking a fag? very few of the h-wood stars above will go for that. the cloonester ditched fury for less.
10:31 / 22.03.04
The age old problem is that the original work is a distillation of noir through comics. To then make this a movie is probably going to be redundant.

Yeah, that's my only qualm thus far. Well, that and the fact that every time I look forward to a comic adaptation it turns out to be shit.

But you never know. It just might be fucking amazing. It certainly has the potential- just as long as they don't fuck it up too badly...
Phex: Dorset Doom
11:41 / 22.03.04
Well if the cast list is accurate then it shouldn't be too bad. Sounds a little like Rodriguez screamed at his casting agent, ala Gary Oldman in Leon, "Get me everbody. EVERYBODY!"
But still comics seem to be cursed in Hollywood:

Me: Wow! They're actually making a Judge Dredd movie! How could they possibly make a bad movie of a comic I've grown up with?"

2003: Wow! They're actually making a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen movie! How could they possibly make a bad movie about an Allan Moore comic based on literature?
12:57 / 22.03.04
Yes we should all be a little sceptical.


Rodriguez's Sin City differs from the above examples in a number of ways.

1. Rodriguez is a big ol' comic geek.

2. The guy has an enrmous hard-on for the source material. So much so that he's relinquished his directors guild membership to get the film made.

3. Why did he need to reliquish his DG membership? Because he wants to get Frank Millar on board as a co-director: DG rules stipulate one director per movie.

4. He's collaberated with Frank on the script.

5. He's shown Frank what he's got planned for the look of the film; Frank went apeshit (allegedly).

6. Casting is looking good.

Course, it could all be a massive pile of wank. None of the above guarantees goodness - in fact some of it is potentially worrying, but I'd say the movie's got a better chance than most based on the very limited information we have to hand.
13:42 / 22.03.04
just worried there might be some knockabout humour in there. can't think of a rodriguez movie that doesn't have lashings of it, and i can see it being used as a way of undercutting the story's extreme and unrelenting bleakness.

if you're going to bother doing a movie of this, you better do it hardcore.

won't be as good as blade. unless they get the dorf to play kevin.
Jack Fear
13:47 / 22.03.04
See, now here I thought that SIN CITY was a comedy all along--albeit blacker-than-black. It's just so far over the top that it only ever made sense to me as satire.

I mean, c'mon--Marv surviving the first jolt of the electric chair and growling, "Is that all you got, you pansies?" That is comedy GOLD.
14:19 / 22.03.04
well sure, but it's done with a deadpan tone that i'm not sure rodriguez can manage. he names his gun after his favourite nun, keeps it in his blind mum's house. he's catholic, but he doesn't feel guilty. it's funny, but it's hardboiled and a world-weary PI's footsteps slow, who's been dumped by his dame.

now, - am assuming a bit more than is perhaps necessary or fair i admit - i can't see that being well communicated by loads of veering swooping cameras and danny trejo or cheech mugging for all they're worth. which is about the only type of humour rodriguez has demonstrated as far as i can remember. the humour would come in playing it dead straight.
15:53 / 22.03.04
Prepared to second your worries about Rodriguez's hyper style. He'll really need to sllooooowww down this time around.
17:35 / 22.03.04
He should, in fact, be forced to read Silent Night repeatedly, with the page turned no more often than once every 10 minutes. Then, maybe, I'll be hopeful that he can get it.
17:40 / 22.03.04
And as for Marv, I'd be all over Ron Perlman for it, personally.
21:25 / 23.03.04
Another vote for Pearlman. He is the BEST thing about Hellboy. When you see it you will agree-- that Ron just makes it work.

As far as rodriguez is concerned--- good luck. He tries hard. I'll say that much for him. He's not as talented as Del Toro, who didn't quite pull off Hellboy.

Good luck. I'm not sure I'll watch it.
Jack Fear
20:28 / 19.04.04
From this week's comics rumor column Lying In The Gutters, so take with a grain of salt...

Gutterati Nate Southand emails me with a "Sin City" location report from the upcoming Rodriguez/Miller movie.

"A friend of mine worked as an extra on 'Sin City' yesterday, and he had some exciting news.

"They were filming the strip club scene. Apparently, this will be the most faithful adaptation of a comic in history, because their shooting script was xeroxed copies of Sin City. They line up the camera to look like the panel, and they shoot.

"They're filming 'Sin City,' 'That Yellow Bastard' and 'The Big Fat Kill.' The stories will be cut together 'Pulp Fiction' style. An intro starring Josh Hartnett is from 'Booze, Broads, and Bullets.'

"Mickey Rourke as Marv. They used prosthetics to make him true to the comic: square jaw, flat nose, everything.

"Nancy hasn't been cast yet. They used a stand in.

"Frank Miller is on set."

Could be true, might not. The PULP FICTION style multiple stories makes a lot of sense, given that SIN CITY's storytelling style is pretty decompressed--a full 120 page graphic novel would probably only translate to 40 minutes of screen time.
Bed Head
20:42 / 19.04.04
They used prosthetics to make him true to the comic: square jaw, flat nose, everything

Ho ho. I thought Mickey wore a prosthetic face full time these days. I’ve made that joke before. I don’t care, because I’m happy at the mere thought of this. Man, Rourke’s the only choice if you want a lantern-jawed, broken-nosed supermoron with ginormous arms. Marv with that high-pitched whiney Rourke-mumble. Ace.
Lurid Archive
21:05 / 19.04.04
Whats wrong with you people? That pansy Mickey Rourke as Marv?!? No, it should be Ron Perlman and I'll deck anyone who says different.
Haus of Mystery
12:47 / 20.04.04
Ron Perlman? Steve Guttenberg gets my vote, motherfuckers.
14:07 / 22.04.04
"They're filming 'Sin City,' 'That Yellow Bastard' and 'The Big Fat Kill.' The stories will be cut together 'Pulp Fiction' style. An intro starring Josh Hartnett is from 'Booze, Broads, and Bullets.'


Ok, now I'm excited about this.

The bar scene alone will be worth it if they pull it off. All the stories intersect at some point at one night at that bar, you can see cameos from other characters in the background.
Lord Morgue
03:28 / 28.04.04
Bah! Dolph shold play Marv! Dolph and no other! Bring him back from Bollywood and put him in a damn fine coat! And the Barbie Twins as Franky and Goldie. Jason Statham as Dwight, pre-surgery. Jeff Wincott, post. Michael Clarke Duncan as Manuke. Lucy Lawless as Gail. Clint Eastwood as Hartigan. Winona Ryder as Lucille. Keeanu as Wallace- no, really! Think of his look from "The Gift" with his Mad Wind Ninja Skeelz from "The Matrix".
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
08:30 / 28.04.04
Henry Rollins for Marv.
12:24 / 28.04.04
Jessica Alba was just added to the cast playing Nancy, a stripper who's one of Marv's friends (and maybe a lesbian too, if I remember from the comics).
eddie thirteen
17:48 / 28.04.04
Nancy's not a lesbian, Nancy's in love with a 95-year-old (male) cop. Who should really be played by Robert Mitchum. Who, unfortunately, is...dead. Maybe Keitel? I dunno. But if they actually get Jessica Alba to poledance naked, I predict this will be the greatest film ever made.
23:25 / 28.04.04
I vote Lance Henreicson for Hardigan. Lance is the king of crust. Its otherwise the ideal role for Bruce Willis in about 20 years.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
23:51 / 28.04.04
95! Har!
19:18 / 21.07.04
take two --

Kick-Ass Poster For SIN CITY!!!
14:06 / 22.07.04
BUMP cause it's just so good!! Apparently Daily Variety didn't comment on whether this was real, but it will be announced today at the big Comic Con in San Diego...?
17:10 / 22.07.04
The poster is real. Fans have snapped pix of it at the Dark Horse booth at the ComicCon.

Cinescape just confirmed this.
17:27 / 22.07.04
that poster.... damn. Even if the movie sucks, at least the poster nailed it in one.
17:54 / 26.07.04
from San Diego/

COMIC-CON: Rodriguez's & Miller's Sin City! Source: David Sunday, July 25, 2004

Anyone who knows anything about Robert Rodriguez or Frank Miller can tell you that the pair, in their own separate mediums, are innovative rebels unwilling to compromise their visions for mass consumption. Thankfully, in collaborating with one another, compromising was never an issue that needed to be explored as was proved today when they presented a ten-minute rough cut of their film Sin City, which is based directly on Miller's comic books of the same name, to 6500 lucky attendees at the San Diego Comic Convention.

When all was said and done, viewers were left with little doubt that Miller's spectacular style translates well into motion picture. Do take into account that Sin City is not a Hollywood movie, but instead a flawlessly crafted reenactment of the tomes that inspired it. The preview itself, based on the short story "The Customer's Always Right", was virtually a frame-by-frame study on Miller's layouts. This was a huge sigh of relief for fans who doubted that the film could flow with the same rhythm readers have grown to appreciate.

Rodriguez, as it turns out, was not the first filmmaker to approach Miller about adapting Sin City, but after being burned by Hollywood more than once Miller was not eager to put his baby into the hands of a studio that would water down everything that made the book so intoxicating for readers. Thanks to his tenacity however, Rodriguez was able to bend Miller's ear just enough to convince him to give it a shot, and with that the film was unofficially in production.

Pulling in a favour from actor Josh Hartnett, who starred in the director's underrated film "The Faculty," Rodriguez pushed out a rough cut to show Miller what Sin City could be. Needless to say, that's all it took. Very quickly, other names came up, including Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, Benicio Del Toro, Jessica Alba, and Rosario Dawson; and in all cases the actors were very excited to be a part of the film.

Though not as recognizable as other comic book-cum-movie currently making headlines, Sin City is the most faithfully executed adaptation. In addition to the dialog, which is almost word for word, Sin City is full of perfectly cast characters that, through the used of prosthetics where needed, interact perfectly with digital sets behind them.

From what was shown, Rodriguez and Miller have created a film with such amazing visual design that it was no surprise the all-star ensemble cast jumped at the chance to work on the ground-breaking project. From the scar on Hartigan's (Willis) forehead, to Gail's (Dawson) costume, to Marv's (Rourke) excessive use of bandaids (read the book), Sin City took the ball and ran with it. Anyone doubting this needs to see nothing more than the Yellow Bastard played by Nick Stahl compared to the comic version to see this is perfect.

The film, for the most part is a combination of three Sin City books: 'The Hard Good Bye' (renamed from simply 'Sin City'), The Big Fat Kill, and That Yellow Bastard. Even though the film has to be cut down to flow as one feature film, Rodriguez promises that the DVD will also feature the complete, longer versions of each story.
17:56 / 26.07.04
Poster of Jessica Alba (apparently the new comic book queen) as Nancy dancing, continuing the poster series after Marv's:

18:01 / 26.07.04
and more posters:

Goldie (Jamie King)

Gail (Rosario Dawson)
The Prince of All Lies
14:47 / 27.07.04
damn...I'd give my right arm to see Jessica Alba dancing naked, but that won't least, god, let her use a thong..
14:55 / 27.07.04
While I think Alba is well-cast in SIN CITY, I don't like the idea of her as Sue Storm. Ah well.

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