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Sin City


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This Sunday
18:54 / 19.06.05
Marv's always been Conan.
It's spelled out explicitly in, er, 'Dame to Kill For' I think.
20:14 / 19.06.05
Except Conan was never mentally instable and pretty much every woman he met was attracted to him.
This Sunday
22:45 / 19.06.05
Conan was totally mentally unstable, in the original stuff anyway. He really didn't do the whole civilized world thing very efficiently, as is commented on often, especially in that last, unfinished novel (whom somebody or other did, eventually, finish, and got made as a Krull movie a few years back, with some sexy-sex-magick-woman replacing the twelve-foot-tall undead horror).
And, on the 'women luv him' front, there's comments about how, back in ye barbarian days of old, women would have thrown themselves at him, or been thrown to him as gifts/rewards, but in the modern era, it just don't happen that way much. So there's still the Conan in the wrong setting, going on.
It's not some major, big, important, DON'T YOU SEE!?! thing, but it is there.
01:10 / 20.06.05
"Conan was totally mentally unstable, in the original stuff anyway. He really didn't do the whole civilized world thing very efficiently, as is commented on often, especially in that last, unfinished novel"

That's not the same kind of mental instability that Marv has.
Also Marv supposed to be grotesquely ugly, which is completley different from Conan.
01:12 / 20.06.05
My point is, A Dame to Kill for has very little with the typical Howardian story. It's obviously closer to Mickey Spilliane style schlock.
01:50 / 20.06.05
>> Jesus, we're talking about a film in which Marv is runover three times in a row, where Clive Owen's Dwight jumps off a building, survives being blown up around five times, where Hartigan survives being shot about a dozen times (with a heart condition), and still lives to be shot up some more some eight years later on.

I truly laughed out when I read this because I loved the movie but kept thinking this thought in each of my two viewings.
03:13 / 20.06.05
What Marv and Conan share are archetypes of masculinity. Cut from the same mold, but in very different settings. Well, maybe not quite so different sometimes, come to think of it...
13:55 / 01.08.05
comic2film reports that both Brittany Murphy and Mickey Rourke have signed on to reprise their characters in Sin City 2.
Phex: Dorset Doom
16:04 / 01.08.05
Meaning, in other words, that the story will be 'A Dame to Kill For', with maybe a little expansion and digression to fill 120 minutes. Groovy.
14:23 / 17.08.05
>> Note that the August release will be a plain vanilla single disc. The two-disc set with all the backstage documentaries and deleted scenes, won't be out 'til winter.

Is this true? I haven't seen this veritied anywhere in print besides here on Barbelith...I just hear a lot of trumpeting about the DVD release this month.
15:00 / 17.08.05
what, hang on,
they're doing a sequel?

so neither bob 'corman is blushing' rod or frank 'left and right meet and merge? y'don't say!' miller saw their first film together and went 'fuck me, that was a right old load of shit'? no? why not? how full of yourself would you have to be not to cringe at all the 'my amaZON queen' shit, especially knowing it was your fault? mental, just utterly mental egotism.
16:38 / 17.08.05
Some people laughed at the 'my Amazon warrior queen' moment because it was so over-the-top, like several moments in the movie - I chuckled too, most of the time I chuckled because it seemed intentionally over the top. I really liked the movie.

(and yes, it has been stated for the record by Miller than the sequel will be mostly "A Dame To Kill For."
16:56 / 17.08.05
There should have been more ninjas. I like my hard boiled film noir to have as many ninjas as possible.
Lord Morgue
03:14 / 18.08.05
Did anyone else hear Electric 6's "High Voltage" during the kiss scenes? "THE FIRE!"
H3ct0r L1m4
04:49 / 22.08.05
watched this trashy effort only today. hated it so much I almost asked for my money back.

ok, it's a cartoony caricature of noir, everything - dialogues, killings, blood spary, stamina, drama - is over the top, as it should be.

i'm ok with that, most of the time. but when you get past the pretty visuals, it all falls flat. it's poor I couldn't believe.

as the flawed KILL BILL stunt has proved, you can't hold a movie on only the ultra-retro-refference and characters just being cool all the fucking time.

a PC moment: what's with all the women getting hit in the face? that's not noir, for crissakes. hartigan? a paedophile indeed. hm, not a PC moment, it just got boring after a while.

undoubtely the source material is to blame. and literal adaptations are never quite good...
Lord Morgue
09:56 / 22.08.05
That's one damn fine ficsuit you're wearing.
14:11 / 12.09.05
comics 2 film clarifies on the extended DVD release...

>> Did you feel that the DVD release was a smidge anemic? Dimension Home Entertainment agrees, and they have a "Recut and Extended" version to be release on December 13th, according to DVD Answers. The set will include both the 124 minute theatrical release and a 147 minute extended cut, along with a ton of features.
14:18 / 12.09.05
I bought the DVD, and while I was looking forward to the film, for the art and storytelling... I was bored. I was bored in Lord of the Rings too. Am I dead inside?
Jack Fear
14:45 / 12.09.05

Amusingly enough, USA WEEKEND ran a featurew this weekend where they invited a Catholic priest to watch SIN CITY and offer his opinions on the ethics of the film.

Reading this, hough, I was struck by the notion that each of SIN CITY's three segments centers around a different moral code—and that the chronological arrangement of the three arcs shows the evolution of morality from the personal to the abstract. To wit:

"The Hard Goodbye": Marv has been described as a throwback, a primitive, and he is driven by the crudest form of moral sense—personal vengeance, the redress of a loss. Although Goldie's death has all kinds of larger implications, Marv doesn't concern himself with them: he wants to kill the man who killed her—all the other deaths are either in self-defense or by way of gathering information to lead him to Kevin.

"The Big Fat Kill": We progress from simple revenge to a sort of tribal justice. Dwight enforces the code of Old Town—the laws of the tribe are the only laws that really matter. Preservation of the group is paramount.

"That Yellow Bastard": Hartigan is the most morally-evolved character here, rejecting the operating rules of Basin City (which are basically tribalism writ large) in favor of allegiance to higher, abstract notions of right and wrong. He acts against his own material interests in an escalating fashion—refusing to go on the take, confessing to crimes he didn't commit, eventually taking his own life—overriding the imperative to self-preservation—for the sake of another human being, yes, but also for the sake of principle: Nancy has been abstracted into the quality of Innocence, which must be protected.

I wonder if Rodriguez nd Miller had this evolution in mind when they sequenced the stories...

Or am I full of shit? Wouldn't be the first time.
20:59 / 28.09.05
don't know if it has been discussed earlier in the thread, but similar to 'filthy lore,' and contrary to pretty much every review i have seen, i saw this as a moral film. very Nietzschean IMO.

a nihilistic world where all the old values have become symptoms of decay and degeneration (ie. cannibal christians, corupt cops etc) and the only true morality is that which is created by those few able to reach through the filth and create something noble with themselves 'beyond good and evil'. the only valid ethos in a world such as ours as far as i am concerned.
Jack Fear
22:07 / 28.09.05
don't know if it has been discussed earlier in the thread...

Well, you know, you could read the rest of the thread before you post. Just a thought.
Lord Morgue
04:29 / 29.09.05
I'm still reeling over Hector's assertations that Sin City may not be entirely politically correct.
16:39 / 18.10.05
here's the info. on the extended DVD release:

>> Dimension Home Video has released 12 screen menu images from Sin City Recut & Extended, the DVD package arriving in stores on Dec. 13.

>> The two-disc set will feature an extended unrated cut of the film, directed by Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller. There will be expanded cuts of each of the film's episodes, "Customer is Always Right," "The Hard Goodbye," and "Big Fat Kill" and "That Yellow Bastard" -- 23 total minutes of new footage.
Imaginary Mongoose Solutions
17:14 / 18.10.05
There's a persistent rumor re: a sequel, that when Johnny Depp was last at Rodriguez's Studio, they shot some test shots of Depp as Wallace from "Hell and Back".
Jack Fear
16:54 / 30.11.05
Still more details on the extended collector's edition SIN CITY set, including these gems:

Sin-Chroni-City Interactive: This interactive feature allows the user to get a timeline view of the happenings of Sin City. The user can see the overview schematic of the scenes in chronological order and then zoom in for more detail on any of the events.

Okay, that sounds pretty cool.

Sin City: Live in Concert – The Sin City filmmakers, cast and crew head over to Antone’s restaurant one night after shooting “That Yellow Bastard.” Bruce Willis' band and Robert Rodriguez’s band Chingon play a benefit show...

It's the return of Bruno all over again!

10 Minute Cooking School: Sin City Breakfast Tacos – Discover Robert Rodriguez’s meal of choice during the long night hours of making Sin City. This featurette shows how to make Rodriguez’s grandma’s secret homemade flour tortilla recipe as well.

...the HELL?

Anyway, there are clips of some of the extended/deleted scenes in the link.
17:04 / 30.11.05
18:34 / 30.11.05
and let me reiterate how much I love this thread's topic abstract. In my mind, clever, fun rhyming quatrains are the gold standard for topic abstracts now.
Evil Scientist
12:45 / 01.12.05
10 Minute Cooking School: Sin City Breakfast Tacos – Discover Robert Rodriguez’s meal of choice during the long night hours of making Sin City. This featurette shows how to make Rodriguez’s grandma’s secret homemade flour tortilla recipe as well.

...the HELL?

I'm having a flashback to the dvd for "Once Upon A Time In Mexico". There's a 10 minute cooking school on there as well in which Robbie prepares the Mexican dish that Depp's character's always eating.

I think it's quite sweet actually.
12:59 / 01.12.05
I had quite the mancrush on Rodriguez after watching all the bonus features on the Once upon A Time in Mexico DVD. I don't even eat meat, but that cooking school thing was awesome.
18:53 / 15.12.05
comics 2 film tells us that Miller & Rod are contemplating some new material for the sequel...


There's an article over at Comic Book Movie about Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller talking about new ideas for the sequel and the involvement of a certain stylist they both know and love. One of the ideas we had was to do "A Dame to Kill" for next, Rodridguez said. "We also didn't want people to read the book and know what was going to happen. So Frank is coming up with some new stuff, that will be intertwined in that and some other storylines that he has always wanted to do. So I was like, 'Lets do it as part of 'A Dame to Kill For,' then if you want to make it a separate book you can always do that.' That's what's been really exciting ... he's only been teasing me about what that is so I don't even know. But the new things he's told me are really exciting. As soon as we have it, we can start shooting because it's on greenscreen. He would have drawings with it and we could start shooting pretty much a few weeks later. As soon as Frank's done and we're done with Grindhouse [a joint film project with Tarantino] we could go right into it."

"Three weeks from now I'll change my mind and I'll feel like a complete idiot." Miller said.
18:54 / 15.12.05
also, anyone get the extended DVD that just came out? How is it?
20:15 / 17.12.05
I don't think it features the extended cut, but I just purchased from Amazon a luvverly Sin City Box-set that omes complete with the three graphic novels that inspired the film. Apparently Frank Miller says it's "da shiznit" (Atual QUOTE!!11!!1 (C) me 2005).

I've linked it properly, so Barb get's some money from it, and I think it's an excellent Chrimbo present to anyone that like the movie, but hasn't read the books (like me. merry xmas me!).
20:34 / 17.12.05
I think I love Robert Rodriguez. In addition to being an accomplished director, he has made some movies that I shouldn't like, but do love, such as Spy Kids. He gives a great interview, and the ten minute film school segments on El Mariachi and Desperado DVD's are freaking delicious. Plus, Spy Kids is just enjoyable to watch. He has a real sense of style, but at the same time doesn't lose the story in all the glam.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
22:46 / 17.12.05
Wait'll you see his recipe for Breakfast Tacos on the new Box Set.

The set only comes with Hard Goodbye, btw. Man this stuff looks so good on DVD. Much livelier than the theatrical experience. Great commentaries too.
17:03 / 27.12.05
Miller has been talking about doing 5 movies, covering every graphic novel there is, and adding a brand new Nancy Callahan story. He sounds very very excited to do the sequel -- but 5 movies would take like the next 7 years or so. That's a lotta movies.

Sort of related, I saw the Spy Kids movies over the holiday with my little nieces & nephew and Rodriguez really did a nice job with these - fun superhero adventure, very cleverly done. From Spy Kids to Sin City, he does it all! There's a fun feature on one of the Spy Kids DVDs called '10 Minute Film School' about how he saved money on the movies by building less sets and using more CGI. Kinda fun.

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