We all knew that Xorn was Magneto, but that was ALL we knew. I personally had no clue how Grant was going to pull off the whole thing, and it wasn't really my job or place to know. They asked me to draw a Xorn cover with him in his X-Men uniform. At that point, the only artist to draw him was Lenil, and if you take a look at the annual, Lenil DID show Xorn with his mask off, and tiny bits of skull bone. So I did the same thing, knowing that his brain was a microscopic star, I thought that we should start this visual notion that his skull has been reduced to small masses orbiting the star like planets. Really, most of this stuff, these decisions had to be made independant of Grant, because he wasn't all that participatory in the day to day art stuff, at least for the fill in artists.
Here's what I know about what happened with the cover: Editorial loved it, and it was supposed to run as #123, which would have been the first time I had my own cover on my own interiors. It was apparently then shown to Grant, and Mark Powers called me a few days later.
"We can't use it, Grant doesn't want Xorn's face to be shown. He wasn't happy when Lenil did it, and he wants to not have it happen again. What his face looks like is supposed to be some kind of mystery. Better left to the imagination."
Frank Quitely called and told me that Grant thought the cover was 'really cool' though, so that made me feel better.
I didn't understand, editorial didn't understand, Frank Quitely probably didn't understand either. Only Grant knew what needed to be said and what needed to be hidden. So there were a few missteps from us along the way. |