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New X-Men #146 (SPOILERS)


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I'm Rick Jones, bitch
07:45 / 19.09.03
Sort of some thoughts on how Mags got Nanotech- Polaris comments in Chuck Austen's Inappropriate Sexual References #431 that Mags did indeed suffer from a severed spinal cord and was searching everywhere for a cure. Which leads him to the super sentinel program or the U-Men and their little machine jobbies?
Ethan Van Sciver
08:34 / 19.09.03

We all knew that Xorn was Magneto, but that was ALL we knew. I personally had no clue how Grant was going to pull off the whole thing, and it wasn't really my job or place to know. They asked me to draw a Xorn cover with him in his X-Men uniform. At that point, the only artist to draw him was Lenil, and if you take a look at the annual, Lenil DID show Xorn with his mask off, and tiny bits of skull bone. So I did the same thing, knowing that his brain was a microscopic star, I thought that we should start this visual notion that his skull has been reduced to small masses orbiting the star like planets. Really, most of this stuff, these decisions had to be made independant of Grant, because he wasn't all that participatory in the day to day art stuff, at least for the fill in artists.
Here's what I know about what happened with the cover: Editorial loved it, and it was supposed to run as #123, which would have been the first time I had my own cover on my own interiors. It was apparently then shown to Grant, and Mark Powers called me a few days later.
"We can't use it, Grant doesn't want Xorn's face to be shown. He wasn't happy when Lenil did it, and he wants to not have it happen again. What his face looks like is supposed to be some kind of mystery. Better left to the imagination."
Frank Quitely called and told me that Grant thought the cover was 'really cool' though, so that made me feel better.
I didn't understand, editorial didn't understand, Frank Quitely probably didn't understand either. Only Grant knew what needed to be said and what needed to be hidden. So there were a few missteps from us along the way.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
10:06 / 19.09.03
Image inducers, Ethan. Oldest trick in the book.

Fucking cool idea about the bone fragments orbiting his face. Never thought about it like that.
13:04 / 19.09.03
Thanks for responding Ethan.

I agree, the bone fragment idea is a great one, it's too bad it won't live, but maybe you can use it for something else one day.
14:01 / 19.09.03
i love the orbiting bone fragments idea, too. great cover in general, in whatever manifestation...
15:37 / 19.09.03
Ethan, it's amazing to hear that you still managed to keep creative with your design work even while being in the dark about all of this. What I am wondering - and honestly I'm surprised no one has asked by this point - what does someone who laid the foundation for this title actually think about Xorn being revealed to be Magneto, and the way in which it was done?
Ethan Van Sciver
09:42 / 20.09.03

I, like I'm pretty sure everyone else who worked on NXM, already knew Xorn would be revealed to be Magneto. So I feel pretty ho-hum about it being revealed at last, although Phil Jimenez did an absolutely superb job of the art, and Grant was astounding in the way he laid imperceptible clues throughout the run. It's good stuff, as should be expected by now.
14:54 / 20.09.03
Thank you, Ethan.
bio k9
20:57 / 20.09.03
Do you know if there are any plans to have Magneto use those chains hes been wearing? Maybe he could wrap one around someones head and then pull it off. That would be AWESOME!
Jack Denfeld
05:05 / 22.09.03
It would be Grant Morrison's most courageous moment as a writer if he had Magneto beat Charles with his chains for 23 pages in New X-Men #147.
20:31 / 22.09.03
I'm with BioK9 - let's see some chain-slingin' action! Xorn=Magneto=Ghost Rider
Matthew Fluxington
20:47 / 22.09.03
Ghost Rider stole his chain schtick from The Gorch.

Magneto = secretly the Gorch.
bio k9
21:29 / 22.09.03
I'm sorry, it seems like some of you think I'm joking or having a laugh about Magneto whipping the X-Men with chains. Nothing could be further from the truth. I know it may seem funny but thats only because you've never been beaten with a metal chain. Its no laughing matter, let me tell you.

On a side note: Magneto is a bit of a pretty boy, he would use his mutant powers to lash out with his chains from a safe distance. The Gorch isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. And he don't hide under no stinkin helmet.

Magneto=Beat Up
22:50 / 23.09.03
I'm with Bio, man. Fuckin' chain brutality NEEDS to happen like it is goin' out of style (which it isn't). Magneto's mad as fuck since his ass got blown to hell in Genosha, and even madder 'cause he had to play Lilac for Xavier. Now he wants to beat some ass and it's damn well time he bust out the chains on those X-biatches.

Fuckin' Magneto was Right. Yeah.

00:29 / 24.09.03
This'll probably come out sometime during Planet X, but don't we need some more pointless speculation?

Did anyone else notice in 145 where Weapon XV says, "Doctor Sublime has told me that my purpose is to exterminate all traces of the mutant genetic line on Earth." Uh, hasn't XV spent his entire (accelerated) life in THE WORLD, only to escape during the Assault on Weapon Plus storyline? The last time I checked, Sublime plunged to his death quite a while ago, outside of THE WORLD.

I came up with three possibilities: Sublime's propaganda was inserted into THE WORLD to help the populace with their anti-mutant thought; Sublime is/was part of the Weapon Plus program, which explains how he's able to graft mutant tissue to living humans; Sublime was on the satellite as well.

I also had some crackpot theory about how Cassanda Nova wasn't originally a mummudrai, just one of the Weapon Plus team who was genengineered to be able to copy the DNA of others (just as she copies Trask's DNA in the beginning of Grant's run ). The only scene that debunks this is where she assaults Xavier in Cerebra, when he ends up putting the gun to his head. That could be explained by Xavier's past being linked to the Weapon X\Plus program though; if I remember correctly, his father was involved in early genetic research. It'd stand to reason that he'd keep his child's dead sister in the laboratory for analysis, or somesuch. Stem cells, maybe.

OK, too out there.
04:00 / 24.09.03
Yes, but what about the CHAINS???????
12:51 / 24.09.03
Those chains will surely make some cool noises when Magneto swings them around over his head! cla-ching ching!!!!! Go chains go!!!
kid entropy
15:21 / 24.09.03
oi ,listen to 'sabotage' by the beastie boys whilst reading 146,it fits like burning silk.
15:42 / 24.09.03
Take LSD and listen to NIN's "Eraser (denial, realization)" off Further Down the Spiral while reading X-Men: Onslaught. That fits too.
Tom Coates
11:07 / 25.09.03
Weird - I thought that Sublime was the man on the TV. Probably wrong. The other thing that I've noticed a lot in Grant's run is ambiguity about how to read scenes - an ambiguity that's harder to do on screen. We can't tell how the phrases are spoken sometimes, which means that the story actually IS in flux until the correct interpretation is MADE correct by subsequent story developments. Notice that Wolverine's facial expression is unclear - he certainly looks a little nuts - but it's difficult to tell whether he's suicidal or murderous. It's also not entirely clear whether he triggers the explosion or whether it's a coincidence or is about to show something. It's ALSO not clear whether or not the information he finds that he refers to in the 'some people were just born to kill' is obviously referring to himself, nor is it clear what role Ultamaton will have in what follows - Logan feels a need to attack him, but Ultamaton himself doesn't seem to want to fight.

I have this weird concept that maybe Magneto will inhabit Ultamaton's body at some point and that Logan's scrabbled together more information from the screens than we've been led to believe. I think at this stage we should be more than aware that our attempts to view scripting elements as unclear or a bit weird but then to skip over them and assume 'we know what he MEANT to say' has been made pretty ludicrous by the whole Xorn/Magneto reveal. We should be looking at the weirdnesses and accepting that it's more than likely that these ambiguities are intentional and designed to prise open spaces for subsequent surprising twists and turns.
20:43 / 26.09.03
Shh Tom, you're disrupting fanboys (my god that word is annoying). Morrison's been giving the impression that the storyline is constantly shifting to keep away from expectations. In fact, he's known at least the framework of the whole ordeal since he started on New X-Men. I like how most speculation has jumped onto the post-Planet X issues, despite the fact that the storyline's just begun. Arguing about minutiae is apparently easier than divining the future.

I also had the thought that Sublime was the guy on the monitor. The whole atmosphere, with the blurry monitor, guy in goggles revealing he's been in control... it reminded me of the Age of Apocalypse material that Bachalo did. In a good way.

It's also been taken for granted in this thread that Magneto is apparently all-knowing. Do we know for sure that he has anything to do with Weapon Plus, outside of knowledge that they're using Asteroid M? Even if he does, how would he know that Logan/Scott/Fantomex were there, or that Jean was going there? Xavier only knew about it after the explosion. It's probable that both of the jets were rigged to explode much earlier, and this happened to be the opportune moment to take off the mask and launch his plans.
Spatula Clarke
23:58 / 01.10.03
One question:

What the fuck is Asteroid M?
00:06 / 02.10.03
Thanks, E Randy. I would've asked but was afraid of getting Fluxed.
00:28 / 02.10.03
Asteroid M is an asteroid.

And it's always been Magneto's home base.

Christ. Sorry, that was unnecessary. But, Christ.
Spatula Clarke
01:36 / 02.10.03
Well fucking excuse me for not having spent the last 27 years reading the comic.
bio k9
01:42 / 02.10.03

This is the comics forum not the head shop! You must pay for your ignorance!
Spatula Clarke
01:56 / 02.10.03
Then surely it *is* the Head Shop.

See what I did there?

Please, everyone go back to arguing about why Dynatrix can't have her squaztor beam power returned after all these years because it disappeared when Elf Smultstrom wrote #112 and she got put into a coma after Kctrttz used his jotree staff on her.
Keith, like a scientist
02:25 / 02.10.03
Yeah, that was a good issue. Crazy old Dynatrix.
bio k9
02:32 / 02.10.03
Actually, in the comics forum we beat you with an ice cold chain. In the name of science.
03:29 / 02.10.03
Hehehehe... getting "Fluxed"....

Hee hee!

Asteriod M has NOT always been his base of operations. Now who gets the chain, bub? Boo yaa kaa!

Hello E. Randy, nice to meet u. I'm Mike-O.
05:31 / 02.10.03
This forum is turning into bloody X-Fan. For shame, all. For shame...
Our Lady of The Two Towers
16:48 / 02.10.03
Well, following a trail of links I found a newsgroup post where someone exhaustively goes through every Xorn appearence and explains how it works when you know it's Mags, so I'm settled on the 'Did Grant always know Xorn was really Magneto' issue, I guess it's just a shame because Xorn as Xorn was a really interesting character. But Magneto's now helmetless on the last few pages of that issue, which means Xavier's +4 on mental attack. Maybe he'll make Magneto think he IS Xorn, he's shredded his mind before so this would be no biggie.
17:48 / 02.10.03
I got it. Magneto's chains are there because he is back from the dead. Didn't you all noticed like whom?

Like Spawn (hideosuly pronounced ssssp'ahhwn). Thus, the chains are actually another level of the multi-layered frames enclosing all over this organo-fluid fractalic story designed to inject sentience to a part of the readers un-used collective brain.

That is, un-used since we last read Spawn.
Matthew Fluxington
17:50 / 02.10.03
Maybe he'll make Magneto think he IS Xorn, he's shredded his mind before so this would be no biggie.

Oooh. I really like that solution.
17:51 / 02.10.03
a newsgroup post where someone exhaustively goes through every Xorn appearence and explains how it works when you know it's Mags

Oh, then I am interested. Thats what fans are for. Give us the link. And what the hell do they say about the (lame -IMHO) New X-Men Annual??

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