Kit Kat –
by buying fake tribal artefacts for the wall - that's consumption, and often I think a process by which the buyer shows his desire to acquire the attributes which he perceives that other culture to possess - or simply to display his status as travelled.
I agree. “Dreamcatchers” are a good ‘standard’ example.
But not everyone operates like that, and it is possible to engage with different cultures on other levels - to attempt to respect and understand them without trying to assimilate them.
Again, I agree. But the corps do it en masse, more than making up for individual acts of respect!
As I said above, not everyone relates to other people through the market. Perhaps I should have added a 'necessarily' to my original post though, as yes, you have a point.
Again I agree – but many still do participate in such a market (check the wolf-n-warrior Nativeamericanesque t-shirts on many of the, for example, new age / neo-pagan communities)…..
The problem here might well be seen to lie, in fact, with the lack of contact with the 'other' culture...
A fair point……that I agree with to a certain extent.
I am sure you could find a way to do it if you were really determined. Work on an organic farm. Move to the Highlands and start a croft. Learn to be a blacksmith. Change the system from within...
It takes community to last in such a situation (apart from the fact I am more suited to a warmer clime (skin/hair colour, personal preference, tendency to tan rather than burn)) or more properly communitIES between whom trade can take place. As is, I am moving in this direction (we have two allotments, we all have bows [Mongolian – hmmm is that appropriation? ] (for which I fletch arrows), my work is primarily rural based, we support local (organic / freerange) producers through farmers markets) but have family commitments that tie me where I am (step kids).
Life is never quite as simple as idealists think 
Which people are you talking about here, by the way? Just want to clarify...
The one’s who increasingly suffer from stress / depression related illness, or who want to “get out of the rat race”, or who are sick of their kids being unable to play in the street because we now tend to prioritise more to transport (car, bus, hgv) than community (leading to rat-running etc), or who protest against attacks on “liberty and liverlyhood”, or protest against “capitalism” stealing culture to become a product, or protest against yet more expansions to airports that are built because “air travel is a right not a privilege”.etc……etc.
Off the top of my head |