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What's wrong with separatism?


Page: 12345(6)78

Jack Fear
17:24 / 15.05.03
Awww, man... now I'm never gonna find out what "psychic/mental separatism" is, am I...
17:28 / 15.05.03
Oh, you know. We all do...
Jack Fear
17:30 / 15.05.03
I must've missed the memo.
17:33 / 15.05.03
It was more of a meme-o.
bio k9
17:57 / 15.05.03
18:17 / 15.05.03
You know, that monkey isn't humping that robot - it thinks it's its mum.
Jack Fear
18:19 / 15.05.03
Images from those experiments always make me sad. Poor li'l monkeys.
22:50 / 15.05.03
The return of W1reBaby...
06:42 / 16.05.03
And befooooooore this thread dies.

"Have a little fun, comrades."

You can really be lame sometimes. Your memes ain't got no stream. Boooooring. You know: make up your own buzzwords! Transcending humanity is exiting the humanist numalist fence wire you've put before yourselves to claim "I have transcended the Invisibles mentality" while posting at an Invisibles message board and Cheers! Cheers! if it's been said so many times: why aren't you listening? Your ears are plugged so hard you've decided that the obvious "people who have shifted the dominant paradigm" and "people who haven't" can't even be recognized as mental separatism unless it's dropped in front of your faces with a shattering explosion.

You've denied everything you've created: at hopes of coming off as progressive and beyondo. It's superdulla. Meme yourselves to immersing yourselves in something before you get so intellectually jaded with being intellectually jaded with being intellectually jaded that you actually know where the party and the buzzwords are at and maybe you'll feel a youthful inspiration to alter or create new ones. Got work tomorrow? What makes you so sexy? How have you contributed to kultur these days? You're like deadbeat cyborgs talking about the 60's and it's 2003!

"We" are the new breed, and if you don't know it by now you've been lagging behind like a rabbit tail. (or trying to prove that your rabbit is humano-libero-post-objectivist)

I specifically told the Little Haus on The Bathroom not to mention that I PMed him and what did he do? I knew he was gonna to do this, so he failed the test, so he must be nice to everyone starting now.

Nice Haus!

Oh ya, and I might as well just come back now, because I was stupid enough to donate $2.50 a month to a place that knows nothing about Autonomous Mutant Festival.

Do you realize how many people read this without posting? These are the people that I'm talking to, hey. Thousands and thousands of mental separatists, children of the new aeon, laughing at how you've become the new Disney Channel. You guys are too busy analyzing each others theories to realize this.

As the supposed elite of the cyberculture, I must say that The Barbelith Underground is a disappointment.


Holy shit, I just dissed this entire message board. Are we still friends? You know I love you, right?
07:12 / 16.05.03
"Progressive and beyondo"? "Elite of the subculture"? Pfft. Think you're projecting, dear. At the risk of repeating myself, let's return to the Cycle Of Rage:

1) Rage asks a question
2) People answer
3) Rage doesn't like their answer
4) Rage says they're all meanie poo-heads
5) Rage storms off, slamming the door, to initiate the real revolution
6) Rage returns, says it was all a joke/test/shifting reality tunnel
7) Rage checks we all still "love" her
8) Rage returns to 1)

Seeya. Soon. Again.
07:32 / 16.05.03
At least I've got cool program steps. You gotta admit, the Rageborg sounds pretty rad. She can ask as many questions as she wants, stoop down to carefree poo-head mentality at a place full of intelligentsia, and check to see if people still love her: whenever she's in the mood to turn on!

I want a Rageborg, mommy.

I already said Rage was back. I mean, there's no reason to contribute to this site monthly and let it stay non-Rage. I assume you guys recognize this as a parody of narcissism. (notice how long I went without sophistry: the problem isn't me this time: look at yourselves)

Now, I gots to get out of here for a few hours, at least. I'm starting a new email list. (weekly update fun) Anyone want to be added? PM me.
08:11 / 16.05.03
Well, that was certainly the quickest you've moved from 5) to 7). Blink and you'd miss 6) - that's separation anxiety for you...
Our Lady of The Two Towers
08:22 / 16.05.03
I wish Rage well in all her endeavours, one of which will hopefully be learning to speak English rather than this hyped-up techno-mall insecure-geek argot that she affects whenever she gets pissed off about something. It's amazing that the person who's written this 'ooh you're all squares' diatribe on this page is the same one that wrote that rather clever and amusing Radiohead piece a month or two back.

Rage, you're young enough and cute enough to start defining your own reality, rather than hanging around behind the bikesheds with the older kids trying to bum fags and complainign because we aren't changing for you. Some times the sole voice ranting is a prophet. Eleven times out of ten she's the mad lady claiming that Martin Lewis is watching her through the TV.
08:27 / 16.05.03
Mmm. I'm off to buff my "intelligentsia" medal (insertrolleyessmileyhere) to that subversive-yet-sexy photo. Or perhaps my Dave Blunkett SM fantasies. A little less Conversation, a little more wanking...
08:31 / 16.05.03
'kinhell, I wasn't gone that long and the thread's collapsed into a rage rant. Ah well, at least there was a picture of a wiremonkeymomma.

Haus you ebullient wordsmith, how dare you bully these poor kultured new generation with your 60's robot rhetoric? And Ganesh, cynicism is so 20th century yah? Get with it people, we're all just carpet fluff, EVERYTHING OLD IS BAD.... and on an Invisibles message board! GM must feel so betrayed by us!
10:24 / 16.05.03
Is it me, or does Rage not appear to have the back of her head on in that photo?

You asked me not to "make our PMs public", Rage dear. As far as I could see, that meant not to quote them (a request that I honoured), rather than not to mention that you were PMing me. If you want to throw a spoiled middle-class kid tizzy, at least try to triangulate first.

I feel like I have failed Grant. With us being the elite of cyberculture and everything. Are we the elite of cyberculture? Cool. I never realised. Next week, join Rage as she screams incoherently at the barman of the Cross and Ferret, Neasden, about what a disappointment this so-called "Viper Room" is.
10:26 / 16.05.03
(I think it's her mind expanding...)
bio k9
11:25 / 16.05.03
I don't know why she swallowed that fly. Perhaps she'll die

And man, that monkey is sooo humping that robot. Like Oedipus.
11:37 / 16.05.03
Surely you mean Ulysses, who had clearly sought comfort from Sherka during his long journey in space, and was probably eyeing up Numenor before the big sleepy hit.
12:05 / 16.05.03
A menage a trois between Ulysses, Telemachus and that stupid little robot (name thankfully escapes me) was always on the cards.

Hey, has anybody heard the song "70's baby early 80's child" by Nightmares on Wax? Killah, lyrics to make you feel old 'took my action man tank to the jubilee bash' etc.

Face it dudes, we're too old- Rage and her peers are the elite of cyberculture, we weren't screenagers even when we were young enough.

But great pic of Rage though (despite lack of back of head), you look just how I imagined you (cute, counterculture, crazy).
12:38 / 16.05.03
It's me No-No, small robot you know
- friend of U-lee-sees, U-lee-ee-see-ees.

The Return Of Rothkoid
13:08 / 16.05.03
I may marry Jub.
13:35 / 16.05.03
I love that robot monkey pic, especially in the context it was used. I can see it becoming a regular favorite around here. (if that's ok with BioK9, of course)

Thanks, Quantum. Got a pic of your own? Let's swap.

It's weird: my friend was just singing that lady swalloweda fly song the other night, and it was the first time I'd heard it in over 10 years. Now here it is again!

I wrote that Radiohead rant when I was 17, Guadalupe. I just performed it a few months ago. Anything else you'd like to say? "I'm not a square- I'm a triangle!" perhaps? Or would you care to elaborate on your techno-mall-insecure-geek comment? Sounds a Neal Stephenson character playing Everquest. I guess I'll take that as a compliment, ( always amused me) as long as I can prove to my peers that I'm not a shopper, dude. I'm futurist satirista! Got it? Got it?

The reason you can't see the back of my head, (despite the obvious "I used an image effect that blew up my face like a puffer fish") has to do with me being a very rare breed. Seriously, yo. I'm not being postmetameta here. I'm fer real. Rare breed, yo. But since you guys don't know anything about that... I'll shut up about this tabooty.

Someone should give me credit for turning a 200 reply thread on separatism into a rage rant, know what I mean? That takes skillz. You gotta admit.
13:46 / 16.05.03
And why does Haus always cause me "dear?" What's up with that?
13:51 / 16.05.03
I think it's either 1) patronising or 2) the opposite of read
I don't photograph well and my webskillz are rubbish, but I think I'll try and put up a photo one day... wish me luck, and in the meantime imagine a 28yr old milkybar kid with a scowl.
13:57 / 16.05.03
Hmm... for someone who's 'officially' separated herself from Barbelith, you seem kinda attached, Rage. Guess that Doing Real Stuff With Real People (And Tigers) stuff got old pretty fast, eh?
14:59 / 16.05.03
Quantum -

The scarey thing is, that is actually quite an acurate description
15:44 / 16.05.03
I just can't seem to leave this place, but boy have I tried. Boy have I tried.

I'm actually leaving for San Francisco tomorrow. Going to the Mad Pride Rally and Mind States IV conference. Came to Ft. Lauderdale to see my mom for mothers day. Lots of time, round here.

Aren't you guys real people yourselves? I've always wanted to meet up with you, if you could stand it. I'm much different in person, and I've got people who will vouch for me on this.

At least let me be your mascot or somethin. She's Raaaayge. Rayyyyyyyyyge!
Char Aina
19:52 / 16.05.03
dont mascots usually have to be cute and endearing?

sorry, that was mean.
but you might be interested to know that i think you were fairly incoherent(by which i may actually mean unintelligible, but i dont think so) on the subject of trascending., and on mental physical seperatism.
you may have explained things to some before, but not me. and, i'll wager, others. obviously you dont have to, but it would be nice if you did.
Mourne Kransky
23:32 / 16.05.03
Know whatcha mean, toksik, but Rage is indeed a bit of a mascot. I never expect to understand her posts and, without taking unwise quantities of drugs, expect I never shall but she is undoubtedly and fearlessly herself and, after she has been shamefully imprudent, she comes here to be flagellated. That's cool. Her heart's in the right place, somewhere to the left of Venus usually.

She has humility underneath the wild experiment and hubris of western youth and is comfortable thinking well outside of the fucking boring box. Haus will whip her into shape eventually and great things will then unfold.
Bill Posters
16:59 / 17.05.03

1. Rage clearly has a point that separatism may be, to a certain extent, valid. After all, Deva once started a thread on dyke separatism with a famous quote from a woman whose name i cant recall, about how you can't dismantle the master's house with the master's own tools. Gay space or wimmins' space is, to a degree, separatist. Barbelith is in itself separatist - how many of us feel more comfortable here than, say, with our str8 work collegues? How often do we talk to non-Lithers at IRL meets? Rarely, i'd say. One could argue that this whole society (Euroamerican society, i mean) is separatist in that we all have our 'types'. It could be said to be the height of naivity to think that separatism is anything other than the way of the world. (To illustrate with a personal example, a friend of mine who is a playwrite once came to a Barbiemeet, and introduced himself as working in advertising ("just to see"). At least one well-respected 'Lither promptly stopped talking to him. That, may well be "psychic separatism" and also a degree of social separatism.) In the final analysis, I think Rage has picked up on a fairly problematic contradiction within 'the left' or 'the counterculture': we claim to want the whole world to get along while simultaneously hating the behaviour of most of the people in it and therefore wishing to avoid them much, perhaps all, of the time.

2. Rage also has a point that Barbelith is comprised of neurotic middle-class hippiecrits who never do anything (like three of us get along to Mayday, ), but i've gone all shouty about that in the past and got nowhere so what's the point?

3. "Transcend[ing] humanity" is a little vague, and, um, i also suspect it won't happen. If you're still about Rage, i too would appreciate it if you'd explain a little. Are you referring to posthumanism? (I'm not even sure i know exactly what that is.)

4. Someone should give me credit for turning a 200 reply thread on separatism into a rage rant, know what I mean? That takes skillz. You gotta admit.

I would agree that you make attention-seeking into an art-form. Your argument with 'Nesh looked almost genuine for a second back there.

5. why does Haus always cause me "dear?"

Haus, despite being a PC Nazi, is generally patronising and sharply sarcastic to you in a multiplicity of ways; addressing you as "dear", or "sweet, simple girl", for example, displays both sexism and ageism as well as a blatant inability to see that you are neither simple nor, I strongly suspect, particularly sweet. But anyway, my point is that it's a fine example of Barbiehypocrisy. ('Kay, Haus on the Bathroom, you know the drill: this is the bit where you have to use the phrase "postmodern irony" in a shoddy attempt to justify using the 'Lith as a psychic lavatory and accuse me of being nice to Rage for all the wrong reasons.)

6. I just can't seem to leave this place, but boy have I tried. Boy have I tried.

you can check out any time you want, but you can never leave. You are part of usss...

7. Xoc, i basically agree, and i had an IRL conversation to this effect with another well-respected 'Loid who also agreed wholeheartedly that shown the appropriate level of care and attention, Rage will one day turn out okay. At least, if ze wants to ze will.
17:14 / 17.05.03
Bill, I have long since given up on getting you to make any sense in your current headspace on Barbelith. It appears to be a useful vent for you to get some of the venom that for whatever reason has built up in your system out, and as long as it is helping you in everyday life then all is well. Although actually I call Rage "dear" because she always makes me feel like somebody's grandmother, and specifically Grams in Dawson's Creek.

To illustrate with a personal example, a friend of mine who is a playwrite once came to a Barbiemeet, and introduced himself as working in advertising ("just to see"). At least one well-respected 'Lither promptly stopped talking to him.

What a remarkably odd thing to do - just to see what, exactly?

Maybe the "well-respected 'lither" just didn't find him very interesting, or was distracted by somebody else, since I can think of at least two well-respected Lithers who do or have worked in advertising and seem to manage to attract a degree of conversation.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
19:50 / 17.05.03
< ticks box > And if I can get Chrome here so I can annoy him by erroneously labelling him as a 'nonce-sniffing Greenlander' then I think we would have managed to cycle through all the current Barbe-feuds and then we will all have to start hugging and licking each other again.
20:20 / 17.05.03
Is Barbelith trying?
The Falcon
04:10 / 18.05.03
Conversation is my absolute fave forum just now!

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