1. Rage clearly has a point that separatism may be, to a certain extent, valid. After all, Deva once started a thread on dyke separatism with a famous quote from a woman whose name i cant recall, about how you can't dismantle the master's house with the master's own tools. Gay space or wimmins' space is, to a degree, separatist. Barbelith is in itself separatist - how many of us feel more comfortable here than, say, with our str8 work collegues? How often do we talk to non-Lithers at IRL meets? Rarely, i'd say. One could argue that this whole society (Euroamerican society, i mean) is separatist in that we all have our 'types'. It could be said to be the height of naivity to think that separatism is anything other than the way of the world. (To illustrate with a personal example, a friend of mine who is a playwrite once came to a Barbiemeet, and introduced himself as working in advertising ("just to see"). At least one well-respected 'Lither promptly stopped talking to him. That, may well be "psychic separatism" and also a degree of social separatism.) In the final analysis, I think Rage has picked up on a fairly problematic contradiction within 'the left' or 'the counterculture': we claim to want the whole world to get along while simultaneously hating the behaviour of most of the people in it and therefore wishing to avoid them much, perhaps all, of the time.
2. Rage also has a point that Barbelith is comprised of neurotic middle-class hippiecrits who never do anything (like three of us get along to Mayday, ), but i've gone all shouty about that in the past and got nowhere so what's the point?
3. "Transcend[ing] humanity" is a little vague, and, um, i also suspect it won't happen. If you're still about Rage, i too would appreciate it if you'd explain a little. Are you referring to posthumanism? (I'm not even sure i know exactly what that is.)
4. Someone should give me credit for turning a 200 reply thread on separatism into a rage rant, know what I mean? That takes skillz. You gotta admit.
I would agree that you make attention-seeking into an art-form. Your argument with 'Nesh looked almost genuine for a second back there.
5. why does Haus always cause me "dear?"
Haus, despite being a PC Nazi, is generally patronising and sharply sarcastic to you in a multiplicity of ways; addressing you as "dear", or "sweet, simple girl", for example, displays both sexism and ageism as well as a blatant inability to see that you are neither simple nor, I strongly suspect, particularly sweet. But anyway, my point is that it's a fine example of Barbiehypocrisy. ('Kay, Haus on the Bathroom, you know the drill: this is the bit where you have to use the phrase "postmodern irony" in a shoddy attempt to justify using the 'Lith as a psychic lavatory and accuse me of being nice to Rage for all the wrong reasons.)
6. I just can't seem to leave this place, but boy have I tried. Boy have I tried.
you can check out any time you want, but you can never leave. You are part of usss...
7. Xoc, i basically agree, and i had an IRL conversation to this effect with another well-respected 'Loid who also agreed wholeheartedly that shown the appropriate level of care and attention, Rage will one day turn out okay. At least, if ze wants to ze will. |