Hey, does fellatio make you a faster and more accurate artist? This could change the face of modern comics. Meanwhile, the Thunder has spoken:
someone emailed me about this the other day and I had a quick skim through and they're entitled to their opinion, but it really doesn't interest me much. They're not really the kind of people who read my stuff and, like all creators, you're going to get a certain percentage of readers who just find you objectionable. That's just the way it is and you're best not reading every area of the internet because you're always going to find people bitching about you SOMEWHERE.
What strikes me as odd is this idea that I've created a PERSONA as such for interviews and columns. I don't create personas. I just write the way I talk and think at a particular period in time. Why create a fictional personality when you can just write from your own POV? I don't understand where Smile and people like that are coming from when they're relentlessly talking about personas. I'm too LAZY for that shit.
But, like I said, I really don't mind their opinions because I don't read their boards. Not everyone is for everyone. If they're offended by my language or phrases (and I have no intention of limiting my vocabularly for anyone) then they're entitled to hang around with their own people and talk about stuff they like. No offence taken.
Which is polite, and pleasant, and probably disingenuous, of course, because Millar-as-sales-construct has to be considered throughout the whole enterprise, unless he's just writing the comics he loves and if the kids love them too that's a bonus. Of course, it's possible that this hasn't occurred to him, or that he has worked it through in a far more involved way than he felt like sharing on the board.
Interesting to see that once again the right to call people cocksmoking faggots is defended as a sort of wagon-circling against evil forces who wish to circumscribe our freedom to use English...I'm not sure that I see anyone campaigning here to prevent by force the use of "faggot" as an attempt at male bonding (why, if straight men weren't allowed to impute in a light-hearted way that their straight friends liked to hammer guys, where would our social structures be?), which is the bit that those brave anti-PC legions seem to struggle with understanding (also, as Sypha Nadon points out, if you're in a pub or a standard workplace it's far more "politically correct" to go along with the David Brent banter). A lesser man might also have a giggle at the staunch defence of the freedom to use our beautiful language presented as a refusal to allow anyone to limit their "vocabularly", but I'm sure that would just be cheap. |