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Angel -- Season Four


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Foust is SO authentic
20:16 / 30.01.03
Anna! When you say Dallas, I think "who shot JR". I assume you do too. So now I am left to believe that a character in tonights episode suffers a mortal wound. Surely your comment warrants a spoiler warning!
Foust is SO authentic
00:58 / 31.01.03
Spoiler - final scene revealed
All right. I knew Angelus was going to appear in this episode. Initially, I figured that the dark mystic had suceeded in taking Angel's soul, before trying to kill him (and that Angelus was faking goodness, for some reason). Then I thought that kiss-and-make-up scene in the caves would produce a perfect momemt of happiness. Then the sex scene, well, I knew Angelus would come from that. But the entire episode being a dream... never saw that coming.
14:50 / 31.01.03

i am with you faust..and sorry i did not spoil comment my last post. i was just so flabbergasted!

i bought the whole thing. so now no reconciliation with connor, no kisses, no nothing. and i thought angel was faking it too, and would reveal himself as angelus at the worst possible moment.

well, like someone said earlier, i am looking forward to next weeks episode for the first time in a long time.
18:25 / 31.01.03

I haven't really watched Angel much in the past year or so due to it not being super great and The WB moving it all around the schedule. Now that it has moved to Wednesdays and there is no real excuse for me not to watch I started up again. Wow. It has picked up nicely. I know some of you said it hasn't been that good lately but I couldn't believe that Angelus was coming back. I have watched the last three episodes and found them to be well done. I was a little shocked by the Fred/Gunn/Wesley triangle but it seems to fit perfectly. Also did anyone catch that during the 'Dream Sequence' when him and Cordellia sleep together that just as his soul was being extracted he said the name BUFFY? That's not good even if it was a dream for Cordellia. Now all we have to do is sit and wait for Faith to stroll into town.
21:30 / 31.01.03
You know, I usually hate when they play the "it was all a dream" cliche. But damn, it worked this time. That was cool, some of the best of this show I've seen in a while.
Foust is SO authentic
10:59 / 01.02.03
He said Buffy?
15:36 / 01.02.03
Damn, I missed it and it sounds good.

Shameless plea:

Did anyone tape it? Can you mail it to Miami so I can see it? I'll mail it back, I promise. PM me please.
06:48 / 13.02.03
Where are you at in the states now? I just watched Calvary, what's up with that? The ending was a bit of a suprises wasn't it?

So is the big bad the First in Angel too? It would make sense wouldn't it, something bigger than the beast and it could possibly explain the end of the Calvary too.

Did anyone else see that Soulless was directed by that guy from Lord of the Rings, Sean Astin.
13:58 / 22.02.03
So who saw the most recent episode with the unbelievable shocker ending?!?!?!?!
Foust is SO authentic
18:58 / 22.02.03

Yeah... that was an amazing finale. So what's up with Cordy? Is she evil, or does she know something the rest of us don't? Perhaps she plans to somehow sacrifice herself and Lyla in order to stop the beast...
Saint Keggers
23:12 / 22.02.03
WTF? When was it on? THe bloody chanels here showed something else durring that time slot! BASTARDS!!!
08:52 / 23.02.03
Yup seems she's pretty full on evil, lots of talk about it not really being her or her being possesed - also thoughts from Barbeloids that the powers at be have been evil all along - I like that idea!

Have to wait ages before the next one though!!! But worth the wait though - FAITH!! WooT
17:03 / 25.02.03
Okay. What the f?

I need help. What the cuff has happened this season?

I know that Cordy's back, had amnesia, got her memory back, and slept with Connor. Why?
She killed Lila? She has more powers?

Is it possible she's only doing Real Good by using accelerated Evil?
Foust is SO authentic
20:50 / 25.02.03
Massive spoilers, for Chesed.

Quick recap: A big bad appeared in the same place that Conner was born. It beats up the good guys every time they meet. Eventually, it gained the abilty to block out the sun.
It also rained fire down on Los Angelus, causing everyone to think it was the end of the world. Cordy slept with Conner during the firestorm, thinking it was their last night alive.
Angel watched them though a window.

Cordy had a vision of Angelus, back in the day, talking to the beast. It seemed that the two were actually enemies. So, they remove Angel's soul to see what Angelus knew.
Angelus explained Cordy's vision, except the information turned out to be pretty much useless. So the heros decide to return Angel's soul. They can only do this with the help of
a vision from Cordy. Loren confirms that Angel is back, though Angel insists on remaining inside the cage built for Angelus, in case something goes wrong and he reverts to Angelus.
Everyone goes upstairs but Cordy. Cordy tells Angel that he needs to suck it up, to stop being afraid. She convinces him that he has to leave the cage and be involved in the effort
against the beast. So Cordy lets Angel out of the cage, who is immediately revealed as Angelus.

Angelus leaves the hotel before the heros discover Cordy who's been knocked out.

Now, since the beast trashed Wolfram & Heart, Lyla's been on the run. She's come to the hotel for safety. The tough heros go chasing after Angelus.

Angelus doubles back and attacks Lyla and Cordy. They seperate and run through the
hotel. Eventually they meet up again. Lyla says, "he's going to kill us both!" and Cordy replies, "Why do you think I let him out, bitch?" and proceds
stab Lyla in the neck, probably not killing her, it only looked like a flesh wound.
13:03 / 27.02.03

I was lost when it said Cordy slept with Connor... can someone tell me what the hell Connor has to do with anything anymore? He just stands around getting into trouble.
19:23 / 27.02.03
Well, I imagine he'll be scrapping with Angelus soon. He's about the only one who can. Except of course, for Faith
13:14 / 05.03.03
Actually Conner couldn't even take Liam in that ep. where everyone thought they were 17 (And he wasn't even all kungfu and was newer at all this than Conner.) There's no way he's going to beat Angelus.

Anyway... FAITH! TONIGHT! Has anyone seen the commercials. Lots of Faith-Angelus fighting!
13:17 / 05.03.03
I've got the episode downloaded just have to wait to until I go home before I can watch it, looks like it might have some weird stuff going on though... hmmm will have to see.
01:26 / 06.03.03
Incredibly vague spoilers.

Well... that was just nifty. And funny. And at the end I was like going fetal with the creepy factor, ew, ew, ew.
03:45 / 06.03.03
Not so much vague spoilers...

The Beast kicked Faith's ass so hard, which I knew was going to happen because was practically unbeatable. I loved Faith's prison break and that Conner went all gah gah over her. That was so natural. Stupid evil Codry had to fuck it up at the end. Also, I like that Angelus called Buffy to see which slayer was in town.

The nonFaith thing I liked was Wesley's chat with Lyla.
08:04 / 06.03.03
Ahhh Faith

Great episode I thought and not just because Faiths back. Yup the prison break was cool showed that she could have left the place anytime she wanted but she wanted to serve her time (well maybe).

Loved it when she smashed the window at the end protecting herself.

But what's the deal with Cordelia then anyone have any theories, so has she been this way since she was came back we don't see her getting out of her higher being deal so maybe there was some catch or maybe it's not her - and wtf is she going to hatch?

Lots of nice touches though, liked that the teased the first with Lyla, Angelus phoning Dawn and the little Faith/Connor fight.

Just checked the site I usually go to and it looks like its closed - shito.

So Angel continues next week right and the new Buffys start at the end of the month?
Captain Zoom
10:56 / 06.03.03
I was under the assumption that when Cordelia had the vision detailing the restoration of Angel's soul, that's when she got posessed by whatever is the Beast's boss. Thouhg a few of my friends have expressed confusion over what's going on with Cordy, so maybe I'm simplifying too much. And I don't know if it's just me, but I'm figuring it's either The First or that weird demon guy from last season who's pulling the strings. Did we ever figure out why he said he was Angel's arch enemy, or who he was?

(Snicker) "Just like riding a biker."

I love Faith.

13:24 / 06.03.03
Oh and I love when Wes says, "Everyone meet Faith the Vampire Slayer." Got a mile long smile!
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:37 / 06.03.03
It was revealed that the time-travelling, mostly intangible demon from Season 3 (Sarjaz? Sarzjat? Sarzjan? something like that) didn't actually have a beef with Angel himself at all: he was acting to prevent the fulfillment of a prophecy stating that he would be killed by the child of two vampires. That's why he brought Holtz to such a specific point in time - ideally, he wanted Darla and her baby killed before it could come to term.

I doubt it's the first - I'm still going with either a rogue Power That Is or the Powers That Be as a whole. Partly because it's nice and Gnostic - the Beast working for a heavenly being...
13:42 / 06.03.03
MAN, that was one of the best ANGEL ep's I've ever seen! In fact, that was one of the best any-Buffy-universe-related ep's I've ever seen! I was laughing maniacally with delight throughout the entire hour!!

Imp, I thought of you when Wes said "5x5". A great way to show Wes taking a page from Faith's, also showing that now they were cool with each other. Notice how tense Wes seemed when he first started talking to her in the prison phone booth -- this is his greatest failure he's talking to, after all, who once tortured the fuck out of him.

Loved Faith being suprised at how good Wesley looks. It's because he's all dark and wizened and bad-ass now. The prison breakout was fantastic.

The plotting, pacing and dialogue in this episode was pretty much perfect. Loved how Faith shut Connor down repeatedly and humbled his whiny ass. Loved Angelus and David B's acting. Loved Faith's reaction to Gunn. Gunn after Faith humbles Connor: [amused smile] "I like her." Loved seeing the huge Beast taking orders (and some lip service) from tiny little evil Cordy (who knows what the hell is up with that?!?). Loved "'s the other one." Loved Faith talking about how they'll track Angelus, search for clues. "...carpet fibers..." after seeing the huge sign. Loved "You're smokin' hot....but I bet you already knew that, didn't you?" Loved how the Beast kicked Faith's ass but she was a fighter through and through, never giving up, never acquiesing, never allowing herself to be humbled. Struggling on her hands and knees to fight on. Brilliant move with throwing the chain through the window to stop Angelus from tearing her apart.

The "Riding a biker" line was brilliant. I don't think I've ever heard that joke before. David Fury outdid himself with this one!
13:57 / 06.03.03
I love you guys

Was just wondering what happened to X-men Gwen though, her and Faith with maybe a bit of Conner would have made a great spin-off.

So who's the father then, Conner or the Beast (eek).

Flyboy I think my moneys still on your idea about the powers that be, it's making the most sense or at least it's the idea I like the most.
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:16 / 06.03.03
Wildest variant on this theory: Angel pissed the Powers off for good in 'That Vision Thing' by rescuing Billy from the hellfire-prison, and ever since then they've been working on a different way to achieve the 'greater good' which bypasses him and if necessary fucks him over...
16:47 / 06.03.03
They should bring back Gwen, if only for the big season finale.

Anyone else hearing the rumors/concerns that the WB might not renew ANGEL for next season?
The Monkey
18:28 / 06.03.03
Unspoiled speculation: Cordelia never came back from's always been some other critter faking it. Or, she came back possessed by something else, and there's a Jekyll, Hyde thing going on. Or, given that Cordelia *was* a Power That Be who broke rules by interfering during that Vegas episode, maybe she's actually is just turned-evil, Fallen-PTB Cordelia (TM). I like the last idea best, but I doubt that ME is willing to jump that far.

I mean, the whole sleeping with her by-proxy son thing was a little too weird--not quite out of character, but a strange situational reaction. If some sort of big evil wanted a donation from the ubermensch sperm bank, though, this event makes more sense, even given the mixed signals and post-coital regret we see in following episodes. Given the end scene of the Faith episode, I'd say it's pretty clear that the bun in the oven was kneaded in the breadmaker of Evil. Even the recent SuperNice! Cordelia would be freaking out rather than running off that psycho- calm "You're going to be a daddy!" bit. Damned thing is likely to turn out to be the Kwitzsach Haderach.

PS. Apparently Faith has acquired all of the panache and social/leadership skills that Buffy has misplaced over the last two years. The return, and development, of the character was's been a while since I've enjoyed an episode that much.
20:22 / 06.03.03
I can't believe they're doing the Demon Baby plotline again. Wasn't once enough? Do we have to suffer through more monster breeding? *sigh* Somone should do us all a favor and hand out some birth control on this show.

So who wants to bet that Wes had himself a nice chat with The First?
23:13 / 06.03.03
Damn, I hadn't thought about that... but Lyla was actually helping. It seemed almost therapeutic to be the First. (Of course, that could just be the product of a different, more subtler, writing team.)
Saint Keggers
23:19 / 06.03.03
Man that was a kick ass episode!! According to some guy on the IMDB bulleting board Mutant Enemy prod. said E.D hasn't signed any contracts with anyone yet. I loved how Wes said Faith: The Vampire Slayer. Almost as if they were trying to entice her with how nice it sounds.
Foust is SO authentic
01:04 / 07.03.03
Man. I started watching Buffy in the post-Faith days, and have yet to see her in re-runs. If she was anything near as cool in Buffy as she was in this episode, those must have been classic episodes.

I'm disapointed Lyla is dead. I was surprised at hour casually the Beast was dispatched.
01:50 / 07.03.03
I doubt Mutant Enemy is this cool, but what if Cordy is pulling a John A Dreams?

SOMEBODY please add up the sheer amount of GOOD that Cordy's indirectly accomplished?
1. Decimated the entire Los Angeles office of Wolfram and Hart, eliminating them from becoming a potential future threat.
2. Killed Lila, acting CEO of W&H.
3. Brought the entire team back(Wesley was kicked out prior)
4. Got Faith back into the game, and back into her "duties" as acting Slayer, and set up events in order to "redeem her".
5. Rid the world of the Five keepers of the Black Sun spell... ie the hawaiian shirt guy, the black guy, the little girl in the white room.
6. Got the world THROUGH the Black Sun Spell, eliminating it from becoming a potential future threat.
7. Raised the Beast, and got rid of him, eliminating him from becoming a potential future threat.
8. When the Sun reopened after Angel killed the Beast, how many vamps were burned up, besides the two Wes was fighting? I'm betting lots, like the endless night was a big f'ing trap.
9. De-souled Angelus and will set him up for destruction. I'm betting TPTB will destroy the demon soul, but preserve the man soul.

10. I have NO FREAKING CLUE how a demon baby fits into all this...

...but jesus, look at those numbers! Cordelia's managed to accelerate evil to an uncontrollable state. Good Always Wins, so why-the-hell-not-push-the-situation-out-of-normal-bounds? She's killed nearly every potential world-threat BEFORE the "apocalypse", where Angel becomes a man. Add that up. She might be doing all this to save him.

And I have a weird monster of a feeling that BOTH Cordy and Angel are FAKING IT ALL.
Saint Keggers
01:51 / 07.03.03
I know, Ly's death infuriated me to no end. Faith and Lyla were going to hook know...sexually. I just know they were...hmmm. The First could take Lyla's shape....all hope is not lost!!!

I've sooo got to buy the dvd's.

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