Massive spoilers, for Chesed.
Quick recap: A big bad appeared in the same place that Conner was born. It beats up the good guys every time they meet. Eventually, it gained the abilty to block out the sun.
It also rained fire down on Los Angelus, causing everyone to think it was the end of the world. Cordy slept with Conner during the firestorm, thinking it was their last night alive.
Angel watched them though a window.
Cordy had a vision of Angelus, back in the day, talking to the beast. It seemed that the two were actually enemies. So, they remove Angel's soul to see what Angelus knew.
Angelus explained Cordy's vision, except the information turned out to be pretty much useless. So the heros decide to return Angel's soul. They can only do this with the help of
a vision from Cordy. Loren confirms that Angel is back, though Angel insists on remaining inside the cage built for Angelus, in case something goes wrong and he reverts to Angelus.
Everyone goes upstairs but Cordy. Cordy tells Angel that he needs to suck it up, to stop being afraid. She convinces him that he has to leave the cage and be involved in the effort
against the beast. So Cordy lets Angel out of the cage, who is immediately revealed as Angelus.
Angelus leaves the hotel before the heros discover Cordy who's been knocked out.
Now, since the beast trashed Wolfram & Heart, Lyla's been on the run. She's come to the hotel for safety. The tough heros go chasing after Angelus.
Angelus doubles back and attacks Lyla and Cordy. They seperate and run through the
hotel. Eventually they meet up again. Lyla says, "he's going to kill us both!" and Cordy replies, "Why do you think I let him out, bitch?" and proceds
stab Lyla in the neck, probably not killing her, it only looked like a flesh wound. |