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Angel -- Season Four


Page: 123(4)567

02:01 / 07.03.03
I really, deeply hope that Faith at some point kicks Cordy's ass.


And I hope that maybe, just maybe, when she visits, Willow and Faith smooch and make up. And then Willow gets grumpy and starts calling Angelus 'puppy.'
Foust is SO authentic
02:38 / 07.03.03
I started to wonder if Angelus/Angel was faking it when he casually killed the beast, and was all "oops! Brought the sunlight back! Silly me!"
Foust is SO authentic
02:39 / 07.03.03
And Faith put up one heck of a fight. That had to be the best fight scene I've seen on either Buffy or Angel in memory.
04:15 / 07.03.03
About Angel faking it: As Angelus he maimed a demon and killed that vamp chick in the bar but spared the human girl he managed to "save" from the other two vamps. Actually, he hasn't killed any humans at all.

You know, about the indirect Morrison influences on this season, I think there's actually something there. The bad guys aren't really that bad. They're more like cures for our ailing team. Angelus mindfucking on the them while he was locked up helped Wes, Gunn, and Fred workout their festering problems. As Chesed points out, evil Cordy has done more good in a few episodes then good Cory's done in 7 years. And the almost anticlimactic end of the Beast was so Grant Morrison that I'd almost say he'd written the episode.

Maybe Mutant Enemy is that cool?
06:17 / 07.03.03
Cusm - I can't believe they're doing the Demon Baby plotline again..

Couldn't really hide it though could they? It was getting quite obvious that Cordelia was actually pregnant..

As for The First, don't think that's the bad because in the Lyla placed her hands on Wes shoulders, unless of course they were just hovering ever so slightly above them, would make sense to tie both shows together though...

Agree about with the stuff about Angelus possibly faking it, or maybe their just not having him kill someone so he doesn't go all depressed when they give him his soul back?
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:55 / 07.03.03
Chesed: the total demolition of Wolfram & Hart is what has me convinced that the big bad here is going to be one or more of the Powers - 'good v. evil' as a cosmic chess game on a scale in which the players don't really give a shit if a few (hundred) humans get squished. We've seen Angel's agenda conflict with that of the Powers before of course, but never in a situation where he was clearly in the right - would love to see this.
Don't make eye contact
08:32 / 08.03.03
How about this for a theory about Cordelia?
After she became a higher being time stopped being the same for her and she started to affect things. She saved Angel from being fryed by the sun in 'Ammends' by making it snow, she helped Angel get into Kate's apartment and save her life in 'Epiphany' and probably did some other things I can't think of. The first time we saw a big intervention in Buffy was when Angel was returned from Hell. Maybe that could only be accomplished by some big sacrifice by Cordelia to balance things out and she either didn't realise or didn't care that as well as sacrificing being a higher being she would become evil.
I don't know how realistic this is but it would be cool if they tied up all of the interventions that have happened in Buffy and Angel and explained them like this.
15:57 / 08.03.03
So, Willow shows up in two episodes, right? I would love to see a fight between Cordy and Will. Black eyes vs. White eyes. And this time everyone's rooting for the darkside! But I fear it's only going to be a cameo.
10:35 / 09.03.03
The spoilers say:
Willow shows up for a whole episode, restores Angel's soul, then escorts Faith to Sunnydale.
16:13 / 10.03.03
After seeing the ep. again last night I noticed that the knife they tried to kill Faith with looked a lot like the Bringer's knife? Did anybody notice this?
17:16 / 10.03.03
Yeah, they zoomed in on it on purpose. Definitely a Bringer knife. Made me think quickly that Faith and the Slayer line was safe as ever INSIDE prison... and that it was dangerously wrong to let her out. But that's only danger. TPTB are much more important.
Foust is SO authentic
21:59 / 10.03.03
How sure are you that it was a Bringer knife? At the moment they zoomed in on the knife, I was glancing away. I looked back and knew I had missed something important.
22:11 / 10.03.03
I'm not EXACTLY sure, but it was a long jeweled knife, or dagger with red gems in the hilt. If it's not a Bringer knife, I'll be surprised.
20:06 / 11.03.03
How about this for a theory about Cordelia?

In other words, there are no PTB, only Cordelia, all along. Interesting. I like that. Unlikely to come to pass, but cool theory.
01:12 / 12.03.03
I read some Angel spoilers... I am very disappointed in Mutant Enemy. Ick. I REALLY can't say more. Except who the f is "Jasmine"? I already hate her.
02:54 / 12.03.03
Oh you mean that thing about the girl from Firefly?
03:47 / 13.03.03
It was nice to see Faith get back into kick ass mode even though only moments later she would get all soft over Angel again and in the end she ended up getting bitten. I miss the old kick ass Faith. But next week The Witch Is Back as Willow decends on L.A. and from the looks of it she goes all dark again. Kick some ass Willow.
09:13 / 13.03.03
She may have kicked more ass than you realise...
14:23 / 13.03.03
reflect- explain?
17:22 / 13.03.03
From what I've heard, Faith has poisoned her own blood in a semi-suicidal move to subdue Angelus. If she appears weak, it's probably because she was goading him into biting her.

Bear in mind that I haven't seen any episode past Rain of Fire.
22:56 / 13.03.03
Well, from the little aside about "drugs and vampires" Wes gave her last episode in a demon bar, I could see her coming up with that kind of idea. Especially since Wes was so hard on her about not doing what it takes... we'll see.
23:11 / 15.03.03
Ok, quick half-assed theory: I think this season of Angel is extremely biblical. It's an Apocalys based on Revelations. I mean you've got the plagues at the beginning... rats, sparrows, locust. A rain of fire. 5 seals (not 7 but close). A beast that came up from "hell". Angel/Angelus is Archangel Michael (he does slay the Beast). I think Cordy is the whore of Babylon (I don't know if she "rode" the beast but she was making out with it) and her baby may very well be the second coming/power-that-be incarnate. I do think Connor and the Beast are connected... came up in the same spot, both had some sort of physical relationship with Cordy, they're both Destroyers. Even though I don't think Connor or the beast are the father. I think she beamed down carrying the child. It'll explain the almost biblical end too Wolfram&Heart.

I think the big bad this season is God.

Anyone more familliar with Revelations care to comment?
01:49 / 18.03.03
I agree that so far it's been biblical... over four seasons we've gotten a lot of biblical stuff, but none more condensed than in this season. However, If GOD is the big bad, and that's something I suggested earlier as well, GOD's f'ing clumsy and nowhere near as elegant as Satan in the Invisibles.

Granted, Grant spoils us with grand plans and monster fifth dimensional time theory, but perhaps the Mutant Enemy TPTB are not omniscient the way John A Dreams is... If GOD IS inhabiting Cordy's body, and I don't think the baby's Connor's either, it's rather a silly move.

I agree that Cordy is the Whore... but I've been poisoned by Alan Moore to welcome the Whore's presence in my soul. Babalon is the queen and conqueror of the universe!!! We ALL can fuck her! And she likes all of us. Even a symbol of the Whore is converted once we understand her ACTUAL symbology. Which makes Cordy's behavior and possession even more sloppy to me.

The Woman, played by Gina Torres frightenes me. I fear what the hell her presence will mean. Like we need more weird mind controllers at this point. Can't we just devour our demons and annihilate them by embraceing them? Good Lord, isn't it fear that creates them in the first place? But Mutant Enemy seems to be sure that demons were around with the dinosaurs or something... weird I tell you.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:26 / 18.03.03

(No, really, this is huge. Don't read on unless you want to know what this is all about.)


Apparently, the next-but-two episode (ie, the one after the one in which Willow shows up) sees Angel confronting Skip (yay Skip! - but also boo, Skip!), and learning that it's all part of a big divine plan. And I mean *all* of it - from Connor's conception to Cordy's ascension...
Foust is SO authentic
13:25 / 18.03.03
Damn it, Flyboy. I'm so weak, and now I know what no man should know.
13:57 / 18.03.03
Who's skip? (I started watching this show at the end of last season.)
15:01 / 18.03.03
Skip is a demon-looking monster that works exclusively for TPTB. Although he's VERY powerful and looks like a cross between Giger's alien and a broken hood ornament, he's got a great personality and nice eyes. That sounds like a personal ad, but it's true.

Anyway, a while ago, when Cordy was still human and subjected to mind trauma from a W&H telepath, Angel was forced to free an agent of Evil to save Cordy's life. In order to free the agent, he had to battle and defeat Skip. Which Angel did. But there was always a bit of angstyness about going against TPTB in order to save Cordy's life.

Skip ahead to even more Cordy mind trauma -this time due to the fact that her paltry human brain can't handle the strain of recieving visions. Skip abducts Cordy's astral self and they talk about her responsibilities and how they've changed as has she as a person. Demons are the only thing strong enough to handle recieving the visions aparrently, so Cordy volunteers to become part-demon. Bing Bang Boom! Cordy now floats, glows, and can do all sorts of dues ex machina tricks. Becasue of her demon-ness being so angelic-like, it's presuppsed that in the Mutant Enemy reality there really are only demons -and no angel counterparts. Making good vs evil complicated and seemingly overwhelming.

Now it's the end of Season Three and Connor's pissed. He traps Angel underwater while Skip stops time and talks to Cordy. Again they talk about responsibility and growth, only this time, Cordy realizes it's a test before she's made a final decision. Her decision, and her responsibility is to ascend to the higher planes and become one of TPTB -a move that made no real sense, seeing as how she's the telephone between the Head Office and the Field Agents.

Skip's cool, man. I hope Angel doesn't try knocking his head off though. I'd be more interested in a rip em up psychic battle.
15:48 / 18.03.03
Oh thanks... I sorta knew who he was cause I saw the demon guy talking to Cordelia before she became a PTB. I just didn't know/remember his name was skip. And I didn't know about all the Angel kicked his ass... How could Angel (or anybody) beat someone who can stop time? I mean, I now know it was all part of the plan but before you guys knew that did it seem believable?
The Natural Way
16:28 / 18.03.03
Does anyone give a shit about spoiling Angel? I certainly don't. But then I always think it's a bit poo... Not unwatchable - I usually watch it - but poo, nevertheless. I don't know what it is....just doesn't give me thrills the way it should...... Actually, sometimes it does. But not enough.
16:49 / 18.03.03
Most of the Southampton crowd are the exact reverse, Runce. I don't mind spoilers concerning either - it's not the plot, it's the way they do it.
17:49 / 18.03.03
Exactly, reflect.

Has anyone heard about The WB not showing Angel tomorrow (or any of their regular programming) because they're going to cover the war? (If the war starts tomorrow.) I hope not.
19:06 / 18.03.03
I just have to bitch. Fucking TV Guide totally spoils the next episode in their brief episode synopsis. I mean, they explain what happened with Faith outright, when the show was purposefully vague and cliffhangy. Couldn't they just say that Willow comes back to kick Cordy's ass and leave it at that? I mean, really.
19:17 / 18.03.03
Jesus. I can't believe that THIS is what America has become. I'm not talking about individuals. It's just this is the fifth time today I've run into people who have complained about The War running over regularly scheduled programming. I know I'm not saying anything new, it's just ...grrrarcgh!!! There are no words that encapsulate my feelings right now. This is turning into a Switchboard post, but I'm on a roll.

Alright, granted, we've all heard the analogy that if the world was condenced to a room with 100 people in it, one person would have all the money and he or she would be American. I'm thinking why not BUY Iraq?
Here's an idea: Everybody who CAN give 1000 dollars does, and we use the money to Buy all thier businesses from them in a hostile takeover. But Americans already give money to the government -called taxes. And what do we do with taxes? Pay for a military -an army of individuals who are willing to kill-Iraqis-for-America's-freedom. Which means, to me, that one: America has NOT mobilized to its extent as an intelligent machine, risking and taking human life is easier to buy than oil rigs, and that we aren't going to win this War. Saddam isn't even the enemy here. He and the Arab nations set an ideological trap. And my cousin is going to come home a murderer.

And I like Angel more than Buffy nowadays. Probably because it IS somewhat biblical.
19:27 / 18.03.03
Dude, all I'm saying is that if you really wanted to hear about the war you'd go to CNN or ACB or CBS... why in fuck's name would you watch the WB? To watch your favorite programs and escape all this apocalyptic madness with fictional apocalyptic madness!!!
22:53 / 18.03.03
That's exactly what I mean! TV execs are cashing in on everone's fear of the War, so they saturate us with it until we've all bought so much "preparedness" that we don't know what the hell we were fighting for(our "American way of Life" ie entertainment like Buffy) in the first place.

I'm totally on your side, impulsivelad. But if I miss Buffy so I can get MORE "War!" coverage than I already get here at work, I'll be sore-er.

Lordy I rant. Sorry imp.

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