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Angel -- Season Four


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01:19 / 19.03.03
So what was the "Big Cliffhanger" at the end, there? Did Angel not already know of the baby Cordy was carrying? Sorry, I'm kind of catching up here, and I thought he already knew... didn't he?
05:14 / 19.03.03
No, the big cliffhanger was Angelus biting down on a badly beaten Faith and sucking her dry.

Chesed- I love your rants (especially in the magick.) so don't worry about it.
14:08 / 20.03.03
Not as much Willow as I had hoped but still pretty awesome. And it was really good to see Faith kick Connor's ass and then mess with him afterwards.
18:17 / 20.03.03
I thought just enough Willow, sorry. She really shined as a specialist, though. I thought her scenes with "grumpy" Wesley and "bisexual" Fred were the best.

Overall, though, I was disappointed with the episode. I know I've been saying how Evil Cordy has been achieving more GOOD than all previous seasons combined, and how Angelus may have been released purely for his own annihilation... Seeing as how the Beast was released and then subsequently annihilated. Mutant Enemy had every opportunity to flip the truth about Angel in the episode, showing that there really is no "difference" between BAD Angelus and GOOD Angel -that would've completely blown Angelus out of existence. But no, they showed Angelus re-merging with Angel, trapping Evil instead of transforming it. Bah! I want neo-existential programming! Enough of these predictable G vs E bullshit. No more "Fight! You're strong! Girl Power!" bullshit. Answer me this: WHY are they fighting? WHAT are they fighting? There is no Devil -Lucifer lied about being one, he's still an angel.

Cordy is TOTALLY Whore'd out man. You're right on with her being the ME Whore of Babylon. Why else would she be so plainly ho-ish?

What would've happened in a few weeks if Angel had remained out of the game? Is Angel going to prevent another apocalypse -this time one brought on by the Good guys?
23:07 / 20.03.03
Chesed- Mutant Enemy had every opportunity to flip the truth about Angel in the episode, showing that there really is no "difference" between BAD Angelus and GOOD Angel -that would've completely blown Angelus out of existence. But no, they showed Angelus re-merging with Angel, trapping Evil instead of transforming it. Bah! I want neo-existential programming! Enough of these predictable G vs E bullshit. No more "Fight! You're strong! Girl Power!" bullshit. Answer me this: WHY are they fighting? WHAT are they fighting? There is no Devil -Lucifer lied about being one, he's still an angel.

I know exactly what you mean... but I think you were expecting too much. And I think they (Mutant Enemy) prefer to have Angelus tucked away so that he can get out when they need him.

I guess I liked Willow's interaction with Angel Inc. so much that I was left wanting more. Hopefully once Buffy ends she'll be available to do more guest appearances.
The Natural Way
09:25 / 21.03.03
I figured the Hampton's were more into Angel. This thread's full as fuck. Brighton's still down with the girls. And there's ten of us. And there used to be 12 before the bastards emigrated.

Actually in all seriousness, you should've seen the onion's bedroom back in the day. Like a bloody club - but without the dancing and E's; and with the spliffs and tea. A tight squeeze and no mistake.
12:47 / 21.03.03
15:41 / 22.03.03
For the people that missed the Willow episode... The WB is replaying it on their Big Sunday at 9:00 eastern.
01:00 / 27.03.03
Spoilers (incredibly vague)

YEAH! WAHOO!!! That's right, Queen Bitch, step on up and get some!
01:24 / 27.03.03
A pretty filler episode... but that was real nice at the end.

Also it was cool as fuck to see Gunn easily take out a team of samurai security officers all by himself. I mean, after fighting savage killers with super speed and super strength all his life, human opponents (however skillful) must be cake.
11:08 / 27.03.03
Yup liked the ending it's all going to kick off next week! Agreed about Gunn kicking arse, even fixing his tie - nice Gwen and Gunn make a nice couple not as nice as Faith and Gwen but that's not going to happen....

So I take it that Gwen will still be able to use her powers after getting her little gadget, kinda like Cyclops and his visor don't ya think.

Just read a little interview with Greenwalt -

"Most recently," he says, "Joss and Jeff and Tim and I went to both [producing studio] Fox and The WB to explain the exciting next year for 'Angel.' We're going to revamp the whole show."

David Boreanaz stars in "Angel" as a vampire with a soul, who has been battling evil in Los Angeles after leaving the Sunnydale setting of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," currently airing on UPN. With "Buffy" coming to an end after seven seasons this May, Greenwalt sees even more possibilities. For one, he plans to move beyond the vintage hotel that currently houses Angel and his crew.

"I'm not sure we're going to blow up the hotel," he says, "but the notion is of them going to a place that is more like an advertising agency, lots of glass and light. It's going to be great -- visitors from the 'Buffy'-verse, including a possible regular from the 'Buffy'-verse."

"I think these ideas are so strong that it could run two years. It would be a whole new show. We'd put the characters in a new situation, both financially and physically. It's all about us saying, 'OK, you've been on the Greenpeace ship saying, " Hey, Shell Oil is bad." What happens if you actually have to go work for Shell Oil ? What happens if you had to be on the inside, grow up, get a real job ?' I'm really excited about it."

"I give 'Angel' a better than 50/50 chance of coming back next year. I think it has a pretty good shot."

I hope they bring it back you Americans with your ratings, that reminds me though - to the Conversation!
Saint Keggers
17:39 / 27.03.03
That last episode really made me want a magic 8-ball.
23:02 / 27.03.03
The last episode made me want a Lorne. : )
Foust is SO authentic
01:20 / 28.03.03
Er... you've all seen a post-Willow episode? My network ran a re-run this week.
Saint Keggers
02:46 / 28.03.03
A Lorne? To each his/her own I guess. Me I want a magic 8-ball and a Faith. If not then I'll settle for a Faith. Forget the magic 8-ball. I want a Faith. In leather pants.

Yes, we've seen a post Willow episode and it was great. (have I meantioned the I want a Faith thing?)
07:02 / 28.03.03
You can only have a Faith if I can have a Gwen

So does anyone have any theories on how Angel and Co. worked out what was going on, did Connor maybe talk to his dad.

Someone said elsewhere that Cordy called her baby "my little baby" or something along those lines and it was the same phrase she used while she was talking inside the head of Angelus.

Was the whole scene inside Angels room him seeing how she would react when he slagged off the big boss?

Did Lorne get his powers back earlier?

So many questions, all soon to be reviled on the same bat channel...etc..
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:17 / 28.03.03
"We'd put the characters in a new situation, both financially and physically. It's all about us saying, 'OK, you've been on the Greenpeace ship saying, " Hey, Shell Oil is bad." What happens if you actually have to go work for Shell Oil ?"

Wolfram, Hart & Angel?
08:02 / 28.03.03
Was thinking along those lines Flyboy, being that the building is empty now anyway!
15:44 / 28.03.03
I think Angel figured it out while Cordy was going on about how she stole his soul using the combination ::wink wink:: I don't think there's anything wrong with Lorne. I think he just can't read her cause she's a higher being, sorta like she fixed the anti-demon violence spell.

I want an Uncanny X-Qwen too.
19:13 / 28.03.03
Angel was giving her the shifty eye the whole episode. I think he caught on pretty early, but just needed to set the trap. I'm so pleased, too. She was really getting on my nerves as a stupid evil. I was glad to see her trapped up so easily once the gang started paying attention again.
Saint Keggers
17:22 / 03.04.03
Skip was great in this ep.
19:59 / 03.04.03
Y'think, Kegboy? As a Skip-fan, I was pretty disappointed. I didn't think he had anywhere near the charm of his previous encounters...
21:56 / 03.04.03
Don't really have any poignant observations except, Wesley is the coolest!
23:26 / 03.04.03
Oh, Connor, Connor, Connor. Connor. Cute lil' thing, but dumber than a bag of bricks.
Saint Keggers
00:10 / 04.04.03
He had a few good moments like the look of disbelief on his face when Loren said they had a hand of whatchamacallit that cordy was using as a back scratcher.
07:19 / 04.04.03
Skip is cool, pity he had to take a bullet though. So the big bads made her appearance at last wonder how that's going to play out. Poor lil Connor he's not had the best life so far has he.
15:55 / 04.04.03
Ya know, as much as I hate the brat Conner, I did find it refreshing to see someone confronted with the "don't do it, its your choice to be evil or good, and I see the good in you!" sap and then kill the girl. And hey, lets hear it for magickal subtelty: Cordy couldn't see Darla at first, but after awhile she managed to tune her in. I liked that detail.
03:02 / 06.04.03
Boys, the latest ep is the one in which Cordy is caught by all after attempting to kill Lorne, yes? Or am I behind?
Saint Keggers
04:08 / 06.04.03
You may be behind if what you're refering to happened right at the end of the episode. That ep. ended with Lorne looking into magic 8 ball. The latest is what happened after that...Id say more but if you havent seen it it would spoil it.
20:02 / 06.04.03
Thanks kegboy..... do you know which ep that would be, then? (season 4 ep..?), or the title?

Saint Keggers
01:48 / 07.04.03
The 8ball episode was Season 4, Ep.16 "Players" and the one that was one last week was Season 4, Ep.17 "Inside Out". The one that should be on this week (barring war and other inconviniences)is Ep. 18 "Shiny, Happy People".
03:32 / 07.04.03
Thanks so much, man. Cheers!
15:11 / 08.04.03
Watched "Inside Out", and I liked it quite a bit... but I'm having a hard time understanding if what the advesary behind all of this is. It definetly sounds a great deal like The First, but I suppose it would be silly to assume that's what it is. Thoughts?
Saint Keggers
20:09 / 08.04.03
The Second?
03:54 / 09.04.03

No, really... I think you're on to something there, Ace....

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